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Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2012/5/30 14:50
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At what point will the whiners in this thread start complaining about the volleyball games.


Posted on: 2013/7/30 13:19

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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2014/12/15 23:01
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Cesar Milan approves!! Hahahahaha


fat-ass-bike wrote:
Here is a solution - Undercover treadmills for dogs.
They can be coin operated and set-up anywhere and used anytime! This will also help lazy dog owners or owners unable to run or walk with their dogs. It will mitigate dogs fights, dogs biting people and control the poop being dumped throughout the neighborhood

Resized Image

Posted on: 2013/7/30 12:50

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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Here is a solution - Undercover treadmills for dogs.
They can be coin operated and set-up anywhere and used anytime! This will also help lazy dog owners or owners unable to run or walk with their dogs. It will mitigate dogs fights, dogs biting people and control the poop being dumped throughout the neighborhood

Resized Image

Posted on: 2013/7/30 3:59
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2012/1/19 4:04
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rs9182 wrote:
To the original poster:

I apologize if a few negligent dog owners have soured your opinion towards dogs, but heres the thing, do you have the same opinion towards parents who don't parent? There are just as many obnoxious parents who don't control their children as there are dog owners who don't properly tend to their dogs.

That being said, Morris Cannel IS a dog park. Don't you DARE tell us that this "will" stop. Dogs need exercise and should be able to enjoy that activity. Furthermore, every time I have been there I have never seen a disobedient dog or negligent dog owner. I'm guessing you do NOT swim in the Hudson so what do you care if dogs are swimming there?

Finally, I know you claim that you didn't mean anything violent when you meant you will "control" my dog if I don't. But if I ever try to see you "control" my very well-behaved dog - or anyone else's - there *will* be an issue.

Get over your issues. Jersey City is a place where dogs are appreciated and loved. If you can't handle that, then move.

I think the main point that your post fails to address is that it is ILLEGAL to unleash your dog in public for very good reasons...

Your dog does deserve exercise - I didn't know that leashed dogs could not run...or is it because you can't run? I also want to say that your dog is free to exercise in your yard...or in a supervised setting at a doggy daycare.

Posted on: 2013/7/30 3:52

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Bubble, you can add a dog run to LSP, and the people in Paulus Hook would still go to Morris Canal.

"Wait, you mean I have to walk 3 blocks?? Get out of my face!"

I've been hearing of more tickets being issued. Anyone get hit yet?


Bubble_Tea wrote:
Dog run in the bottom left. That's what we need.

Posted on: 2013/7/30 3:40

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/15 19:47
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Dog run in the bottom left. That's what we need.

Posted on: 2013/7/16 23:23

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/15 19:47
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snowflake20 wrote:
Morris Canal is NOT a dog park. You guys just treat it like that, and its rude and inconsiderate. I stopped going there when my child was a baby and dogs would chase after my stroller "looking for snacks" as their owners would tell me. This was on the sidewalk area, not the grass.

Exactly. If the park is ever fixed up by the city we need to ensure that it gets a fenced in dog run area off to the side so it is perfectly clear where dogs may be unleashed. NYC parks have them. There is no reason JC shouldn't as well.

Posted on: 2013/7/16 19:52

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2005/7/14 18:51
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From on van vorst park
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I was going to refrain from engaging in this thread but I?d like to give the perspective of someone who is trying to maintain one of our public parks.

Van Vorst Park was deeded in 1835 by the Van Vorst family as a passive park and was to be a respite from the clamor of everyday life. In 1999, the Friends of VVP, the State of New Jersey, and the City of Jersey City, renovated a neglected park (except for the drug addicts), and renovated it back to the garden designs of Peter Henderson that were planted in 1851.

During the last 14 years there has been a slow progression from anarchy by dog owners, whose off-leash dogs destroyed all the new lawns that were planted during the 1.6 million dollar renovation, to the addition of the first dog run in a public park downtown, two pet fee lawns (paid for by private funds, including irrigation), and the gradual compliance with the leash laws and cleaning up after their pets.

The issue today, is that a hand-full of dog owners continue to knowingly flaunt the ordinances that prohibit off-leash use at any time except in a designated area such as a dog run (it?s not OK because you dog is ?friendly?, or it?s early in the morning, it?s winter, or that you ?only obey the rules that you want?, or to be on a pet free lawn because your dog is ?dry?),

I can?t tell you how many times there have been issues where an on-leash dog tries or succeeds in breaking loose from its owner to pursue an off-leash dog, sometimes with harmful results. Or, where an off-leash dog frightens a small child or runs into the street and been hit by a car?I?m sure these were all ?friendly and obedient pets?.

It?s frustrating after all the work trying to make VVP a special place in Jersey City, to have dog owners, either knowingly or not, use the park or the dog run as a toilet. It?s not pleasant to mow the lawns and have dog feces go flying because someone was not aware of what there dog was doing. The side lawns are burnt by dog urine and will not recover, plants along the walkways are dying for the same reason?curbing your dog before entering the park would help.

If dog owners want to change or alter the ordinances on the books, go before the city council and seek new rules. Until then, please obey what is in place and understand the consequences of doing otherwise.

I?m not trying to diminish other quality of life issues or to elevate this one.


Posted on: 2013/7/15 3:40

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Well said, Ted.

Ted wrote:
There are plenty of off-leash dogs in the streets and sidewalks surround Morris Canal Park as well as in the Circular"lower" portion of the park (it's not just in the water or the end section of the park).

While the majority of these dogs are harmless or well-controlled, there is a significant enough minority (it only takes 5-10% given how many dogs there are) to have an impact on others. It's not always clear which dogs these are when you first encounter them.

I have had several unpleasant interactions (and it seems others have as well), this has become an issue. How does one legally distinguish a responsible dog owner from one who's not (set different laws /have different standards?).

It may fall to the dog-owning community to do more self-policing to prevent things like this from bubbling up. A fellow dog owner may be able to better "call out" irresponsible behavior with results.

I'm all for building a dog park section or even limited off-leash hours like Central Park.

Posted on: 2013/7/15 0:33

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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mRanger, in a perfect world, you can do whatever you want whenever you want. The point is, I don't know your dog, so I don't trust your dog. Everyone, including dog owners, is tired of the response "No, but my dog is good, he won't do that". Doesn't matter.

I don't care if your dog goes in the Hudson. That's disgusting, but I couldn't care less. We're focusing on the people who take their dogs off leash (which as I pointed out in the OP is against the law, as of today anyway), those who don't clean up after them, and a combination of the two.

Either way, your dog isn't allowed to roam off leash except in designated dog runs, like the ones in VV park and Hamilton park. They've got much bigger ones in Lyndhurst/North Arlington and Leonia. I recommend checking them out if you're that concerned about your dog's ability to get its exercise. They're pretty nice.


mRanger48 wrote:
Are we really complaining about people unleashing their dogs out by the water...all the way at the end of Morris Canal Park? I get being pissed off about the dog crap...that's very annoying and irresponsible, as stated - and needs to be fixed. It's amazing, either stupid people have to ruin it for everyone or people always have to complain about something. Sounds like both situations are occurring here. Is it really that big of a deal that I go out and throw a frisbee to my dog out at the point of Morris Canal Park? I'm really trying to understand why we are focusing so much on this aspect. I'd like to take my dog out to an open park and play a simple game of catch w/ a ball or frisbee, yet b/c of crappy dog owners, now we have a vendetta ongoing against it. And yes, it's a vendetta when we have complainers, winers and bitchy people hiding behind computer screens threatening to choke and kick dogs. How about people pick up after their dogs? Also, how about if your dog is well trained (which isn't a hard thing to do if you are competent person) you can unleash him/her out to the point to run around and play catch, or go for a swim (insert dirty river joke here)? I mean c'mon...aren't we being a little over the top here?

Posted on: 2013/7/15 0:33

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

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2013/7/2 22:55
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2013/7/12 23:40
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There are plenty of off-leash dogs in the streets and sidewalks surround Morris Canal Park as well as in the Circular"lower" portion of the park (it's not just in the water or the end section of the park).

While the majority of these dogs are harmless or well-controlled, there is a significant enough minority (it only takes 5-10% given how many dogs there are) to have an impact on others. It's not always clear which dogs these are when you first encounter them.

I have had several unpleasant interactions (and it seems others have as well), this has become an issue. How does one legally distinguish a responsible dog owner from one who's not (set different laws /have different standards?).

It may fall to the dog-owning community to do more self-policing to prevent things like this from bubbling up. A fellow dog owner may be able to better "call out" irresponsible behavior with results.

I'm all for building a dog park section or even limited off-leash hours like Central Park.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 23:22

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/12 12:20
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Are we really complaining about people unleashing their dogs out by the water...all the way at the end of Morris Canal Park? I get being pissed off about the dog crap...that's very annoying and irresponsible, as stated - and needs to be fixed. It's amazing, either stupid people have to ruin it for everyone or people always have to complain about something. Sounds like both situations are occurring here. Is it really that big of a deal that I go out and throw a frisbee to my dog out at the point of Morris Canal Park? I'm really trying to understand why we are focusing so much on this aspect. I'd like to take my dog out to an open park and play a simple game of catch w/ a ball or frisbee, yet b/c of crappy dog owners, now we have a vendetta ongoing against it. And yes, it's a vendetta when we have complainers, winers and bitchy people hiding behind computer screens threatening to choke and kick dogs. How about people pick up after their dogs? Also, how about if your dog is well trained (which isn't a hard thing to do if you are competent person) you can unleash him/her out to the point to run around and play catch, or go for a swim (insert dirty river joke here)? I mean c'mon...aren't we being a little over the top here?

Posted on: 2013/7/12 23:07

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

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2012/10/19 19:14
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This thread has completely spiraled to a level where nothing constructive will happen. The premise of wanting to improve the community was great but the original poster has acted in the most self-righteous and self-ingratiating manner that no dog owner could possibly view their argument as one they want to side with. We?ve all learned that you know how to handle a dog better than any other dog owner in Jersey City. You?ve threatened harm against an animal which is nothing short of horrendous while claiming moral superiority because the law is on your side. Hiding behind the law instead of using as it as a starting point is a major flaw. NYRGravey you seem to be so fond of using analogies so I?d like to point one out to you. Prostitution is legal in portions of Nevada. Just because that is legal does it make it right? The law is on your side, is it not? Most people will argue it does not as it is a detriment to the moral fabric of the community. Morality and law are two very different concepts and your use of one to justify the other will prevent many people from adopting what may be pertinent points. Your community involvement of reaching out to the Mayor and Council is the way to get involved, making threats of individuals being ticketed that you yourself have no ability to enforce or putting your hands on their property makes it you seem like a spoiled brat who just wants his way. Furthermore, you came with the intent of being confrontational and have blatantly stated so; as an adult that is not the way to get acceptance and implement change.

To my fellow dog owners: please pickup after your dog and be respectful of the community. Keep a close eye on your dog in the parks and try to walk to the very end (Morris Canal) before taking your dog off-leash to avoid crowds in the main circle area. I think if we are considerate of the park-goers, especially in the spring/summer months, we can hopefully avoid situations like this thread in the future.

Call me a romantic (as you already have) or say whatever you want, but we all need to be more understanding of each other - from both sides of the fence.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 21:44

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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This is a "steam valve" thread. As the cops say let the complainers blow off steam and then it'll all blow over. There may be token enforcement for a week and then nothing. This happens every few years. No big deal. I gotta walk my dog.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 20:55

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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Hmmmm... doesn't cover cases where other people end up getting killed or injured.


MikeyTBC wrote:
We need many more people like this. Where can we find those?


bustjc wrote:

Because there is no law prohibiting me from working with special needs dogs in parks if they are controlled on a leash.

Yet, we are back to case where people don't want to be responsible pet owners and make rules as they see fit. If your off leash dog charges my dog, if your dog is hurt as a result it is absolutely your own fault.
1. You dog should be on a leash
2. If you are going to irresponsible, you need to have vocal control of your dog. Good luck with that most of that time in Jersey City.

Why shouldn't a dog I am working with be able to take a walk in a park? I'm certified dog trainer and I will walk my leashed dog on whatever public property I desire and I will never jeopardize other dogs because I like to let Fluffy run free.

I love how there is an expectation of non aggression with social dogs. I can't tell you how many times off leashed "social" dogs have had fights with others and the owners absolutely can't control the situation. I have actually broken up dog fights in the park because the owners could not.


dtjcview wrote:

bustjc wrote (with my corrections):
Have you ever had that moment when a small off leash dog child darted 500 feet across a park toward your leashed dog being trained away from aggressive behaviors? Then had to grab said small dog child to prevent your dog from killing it. Then had the owner parent yell at you for grabbing the dog child quickly and probably roughly because you knew what might happen.

Yeah that happens a lot and its completely unacceptable. I cant be the only person this has happened to considering the trained responses these individuals seem to have.

Why would anyone bring a dog with aggressive behaviors to a park, leashed or otherwise?

Posted on: 2013/7/12 19:14

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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We need many more people like this. Where can we find those?


bustjc wrote:

Because there is no law prohibiting me from working with special needs dogs in parks if they are controlled on a leash.

Yet, we are back to case where people don't want to be responsible pet owners and make rules as they see fit. If your off leash dog charges my dog, if your dog is hurt as a result it is absolutely your own fault.
1. You dog should be on a leash
2. If you are going to irresponsible, you need to have vocal control of your dog. Good luck with that most of that time in Jersey City.

Why shouldn't a dog I am working with be able to take a walk in a park? I'm certified dog trainer and I will walk my leashed dog on whatever public property I desire and I will never jeopardize other dogs because I like to let Fluffy run free.

I love how there is an expectation of non aggression with social dogs. I can't tell you how many times off leashed "social" dogs have had fights with others and the owners absolutely can't control the situation. I have actually broken up dog fights in the park because the owners could not.


dtjcview wrote:

bustjc wrote (with my corrections):
Have you ever had that moment when a small off leash dog child darted 500 feet across a park toward your leashed dog being trained away from aggressive behaviors? Then had to grab said small dog child to prevent your dog from killing it. Then had the owner parent yell at you for grabbing the dog child quickly and probably roughly because you knew what might happen.

Yeah that happens a lot and its completely unacceptable. I cant be the only person this has happened to considering the trained responses these individuals seem to have.

Why would anyone bring a dog with aggressive behaviors to a park, leashed or otherwise?

Posted on: 2013/7/12 18:10

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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I_heart_JC - you're my idol. Beers on me!

Posted on: 2013/7/12 17:15

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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rs9182 wrote:
Morris Cannel IS a dog park.

No, it's not.


Don't you DARE tell us that this "will" stop.

It will stop.

Dogs need exercise and should be able to enjoy that activity.

Keep them on a leash and run along with them. You could probably use the exercise, too.

Furthermore, every time I have been there I have never seen a disobedient dog or negligent dog owner.

Lucky you.

if I ever try to see you "control" my very well-behaved dog - or anyone else's - there *will* be an issue.

If your unleashed dog runs up to me, I might ignore it and keep walking. I might scream in terror and run away. I might try to control your dog. Or I might kick your dog in the head. Hard. You have no idea. You don't know me, or anyone else walking by. Letting your dog off its leash puts it at the mercy of a city full of strangers. You call that love?

Posted on: 2013/7/12 16:12

Edited by I_heart_JC on 2013/7/12 16:32:59

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2008/6/10 2:30
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Because there is no law prohibiting me from working with special needs dogs in parks if they are controlled on a leash.

Yet, we are back to case where people don't want to be responsible pet owners and make rules as they see fit. If your off leash dog charges my dog, if your dog is hurt as a result it is absolutely your own fault.
1. You dog should be on a leash
2. If you are going to irresponsible, you need to have vocal control of your dog. Good luck with that most of that time in Jersey City.

Why shouldn't a dog I am working with be able to take a walk in a park? I'm certified dog trainer and I will walk my leashed dog on whatever public property I desire and I will never jeopardize other dogs because I like to let Fluffy run free.

I love how there is an expectation of non aggression with social dogs. I can't tell you how many times off leashed "social" dogs have had fights with others and the owners absolutely can't control the situation. I have actually broken up dog fights in the park because the owners could not.


dtjcview wrote:

bustjc wrote (with my corrections):
Have you ever had that moment when a small off leash dog child darted 500 feet across a park toward your leashed dog being trained away from aggressive behaviors? Then had to grab said small dog child to prevent your dog from killing it. Then had the owner parent yell at you for grabbing the dog child quickly and probably roughly because you knew what might happen.

Yeah that happens a lot and its completely unacceptable. I cant be the only person this has happened to considering the trained responses these individuals seem to have.

Why would anyone bring a dog with aggressive behaviors to a park, leashed or otherwise?

Posted on: 2013/7/12 15:33

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2005/9/20 14:11
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There is definitely an Animal Planet series begging to be developed here.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 15:00

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2012/5/30 14:50
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this thread should be encased in cement and thrown in the river.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 14:46

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/5/14 14:58
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Where's the thread about cats that turned into a mini Civil War? Oh wait, there isn't one.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 14:41

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Heights, as always, you make great points. Keep 'em coming!


heights wrote:

rs9182 wrote:
What do you NOT understand about the fact that dogs do need exercise and need to run? It's really not a difficult concept to handle? Also, what is this crusade about to make life more miserable for the rest of us?

Why don't you waste your energy on more pressing issues? The fact that you're currently directing your attention to this matter in such a vigilant manner is just pathetic.

Then your living arangements should be made accordingly knowing that you have a dog with an active lifestyle.
By the way each issue is pressing especially when liabilities are involved. It nothing till it hits the courts.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 14:25

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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rs9182 wrote:
What do you NOT understand about the fact that dogs do need exercise and need to run? It's really not a difficult concept to handle? Also, what is this crusade about to make life more miserable for the rest of us?

Why don't you waste your energy on more pressing issues? The fact that you're currently directing your attention to this matter in such a vigilant manner is just pathetic.

Then your living arangements should be made accordingly knowing that you have a dog with an active lifestyle.
By the way each issue is pressing especially when liabilities are involved. It nothing till it hits the courts.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 14:15
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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RS, why the hostility? It's great that you recognize the need for your dogs to get exercise. But, that begs the question as to why city people feel the need to own dogs in such a cramped environment, doesn't it? Oh, thats right, because you'll all just do what you want and let them run around wherever you please, I forgot.

I understand your concept very clearly. I've owned many dogs. And I drove them to parks and dog runs regularly that allowed dogs to run off leash. That's called RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP. Can you understand that concept?

What part of "it's the law" do YOU not understand??? I've been very thorough in providing you, verbatim, the ordinances that prove my point on this. Do you need them read to you?

Call names if you wish, I'm a big boy. I can handle it.

Why not take YOUR energy and get involved in the neighborhood associations and local politics and get the park made into an official dog run? Then, no one can complain. But until then, it's NOT a dog run, and the law does NOT allow your dogs to run off leash. Period.


rs9182 wrote:
What do you NOT understand about the fact that dogs do need exercise and need to run? It's really not a difficult concept to handle? Also, what is this crusade about to make life more miserable for the rest of us?

Why don't you waste your energy on more pressing issues? The fact that you're currently directing your attention to this matter in such a vigilant manner is just pathetic.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 14:11

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2011/7/10 14:01
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I've lived in a couple of dog friendly cities Downtown Orlando, Old Town Alexandria and Silver Spring MD.
JC is definitely one of the dirtiest when it comes to picking up after your dog. I'm a dog owner myself and don't understand how people can just let their dog go and not pick up after them.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 13:44

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/10/4 22:11
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Morris Canal is NOT a dog park. You guys just treat it like that, and its rude and inconsiderate. I stopped going there when my child was a baby and dogs would chase after my stroller "looking for snacks" as their owners would tell me. This was on the sidewalk area, not the grass.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 13:37

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

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2013/7/11 23:24
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What do you NOT understand about the fact that dogs do need exercise and need to run? It's really not a difficult concept to handle? Also, what is this crusade about to make life more miserable for the rest of us?

Why don't you waste your energy on more pressing issues? The fact that you're currently directing your attention to this matter in such a vigilant manner is just pathetic.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 13:24

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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JC, I agree with your point about the shaming, etc. Which is why I don't support other poster's ideas to post pictures of people walking their dogs off leash, etc. I'm with you on this.

And yes, get involved, work your building, neighborhood associations, etc. All positive stuff.

And you're right that I've painted a broad broad brush which detracts from my main points, and I apologize for lumping everyone into it. There are responsible dog owners, but it's the few ruining it for the many. The onus is on responsible dog owners to be more proactive to protect what is indeed a great dog community.


JCParentingUnit wrote:

rs9182 wrote:
To the original poster:

I'm very supportive of the dog owners on this thread and I think the op is out of his/her mind if they think the "majority" of dog owners are irresponsible. I see hundreds of people walking their dogs on leashes every day. I almost never see any dog poop on the street.

But Morris Canal park is not a dog park in any legal manner. Letting your dog off leash is a risk you take. Morris Canal park is also not a ball playing park, and so the wiffle ball, cricket, and volleyball players also take a risk.

I have seen out of control dogs at Morris Canal. Mine was one that as a puppy played merrily off leash with all his friends at Morris Canal, but after several confrontations, became less friendly. Now he stays on leash except when no one is around at all. I know my dog and know his limitations. I would say most people at Morris Canal know their dogs. There are a few who don't but you don't destroy the entire community for that.

The dog community is really great here. Since this thread started, I have already been asked about getting my building to sponsor a poop bag dispenser and engaged in many discussions on this matter. So thank you op.

This thread is really great as long as we stay a community. There's a lot of momentum for positive change here - off leash hours, a fenced dog park in Paulus Hook, more signage, bag dispensers. Thankfully we have very pro-active community organizers to help implement the change because threatening and shaming doesn't make people want to help.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 13:18

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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rs9182 wrote:
To the original poster:

I apologize if a few negligent dog owners have soured your opinion towards dogs, but heres the thing, do you have the same opinion towards parents who don't parent? There are just as many obnoxious parents who don't control their children as there are dog owners who don't properly tend to their dogs.

That being said, Morris Cannel IS a dog park. Don't you DARE tell us that this "will" stop. Dogs need exercise and should be able to enjoy that activity. Furthermore, every time I have been there I have never seen a disobedient dog or negligent dog owner. I'm guessing you do NOT swim in the Hudson so what do you care if dogs are swimming there?

Finally, I know you claim that you didn't mean anything violent when you meant you will "control" my dog if I don't. But if I ever try to see you "control" my very well-behaved dog - or anyone else's - there *will* be an issue.

Get over your issues. Jersey City is a place where dogs are appreciated and loved. If you can't handle that, then move.

I'm very supportive of the dog owners on this thread and I think the op is out of his/her mind if they think the "majority" of dog owners are irresponsible. I see hundreds of people walking their dogs on leashes every day. I almost never see any dog poop on the street.

But Morris Canal park is not a dog park in any legal manner. Letting your dog off leash is a risk you take. Morris Canal park is also not a ball playing park, and so the wiffle ball, cricket, and volleyball players also take a risk.

I have seen out of control dogs at Morris Canal. Mine was one that as a puppy played merrily off leash with all his friends at Morris Canal, but after several confrontations, became less friendly. Now he stays on leash except when no one is around at all. I know my dog and know his limitations. I would say most people at Morris Canal know their dogs. There are a few who don't but you don't destroy the entire community for that.

The dog community is really great here. Since this thread started, I have already been asked about getting my building to sponsor a poop bag dispenser and engaged in many discussions on this matter. So thank you op.

This thread is really great as long as we stay a community. There's a lot of momentum for positive change here - off leash hours, a fenced dog park in Paulus Hook, more signage, bag dispensers. Thankfully we have very pro-active community organizers to help implement the change because threatening and shaming doesn't make people want to help.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 13:09

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