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Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2008/4/20 15:31
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How come the ferries don't run for example as early as 6am?
They stop running at 6:30 pm right...which is dark why do they not start until 7am?

Posted on: 2012/11/4 16:51

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2009/7/29 1:51
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NY Waterways were shuttling people to NYC Wednesday. Long lines that's for sure but the ferries were more than usual.

PA won't provide buses. THEY NEVER DID in this day and age. NJ Transit Buses do and whoever is in charge won't bus people from Downtown JC directly to NYC when services are disrupted. I have never seen "special shuttles" for us down here when Path was suspended - Did you see one during 9/11? Although, they made us go to 33rd St. Path and catch our respective subways.

if you want a direct NYC transport than walk to Hoboken, I heard HOB Ferries to NYC are operational Monday.

FYI: No. 80 for one are running more and more buses from Grove St - Path Plaza to JSQ Bus Terminal since Saturday. Which only led me to realized that's where people who need to go to NYC transfer to a NY Bus or Community Line Jitney to Port Authority-NYC I had to do that Saturday.


brewster wrote:

That's nonsense. There's no way the ferries could actually absorb the demand from all the Hoboken & JC commuters that normally use the PATH. If the PA is actually are getting equipment from the feds and there's a bus lane through the Holland, then there should be buses picking up passengers at Grove Plaza and shuttling them through the tunnel to a major subway stop.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 15:05

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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brewster wrote:

JCorNYC wrote:
But we are given transportation options in Downtown JC in a form of the NY Waterway: Midtown Ferry, WFC and Pier 11 - Wall St is operational.

That's nonsense. There's no way the ferries could actually absorb the demand from all the Hoboken & JC commuters that normally use the PATH. If the PA is actually are getting equipment from the feds and there's a bus lane through the Holland, then there should be buses picking up passengers at Grove Plaza and shuttling them through the tunnel to a major subway stop.

Thats right so remember that next time someone complains they don't get a seat on the train or if the train is a minute late. The PATH isn't so bad after all.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 12:15
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2009/3/19 15:20
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Looks like the Feds are trying to get 200 busses setup to supplement the damaged commuter lines.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 11:31

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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JCorNYC wrote:
But we are given transportation options in Downtown JC in a form of the NY Waterway: Midtown Ferry, WFC and Pier 11 - Wall St is operational.

That's nonsense. There's no way the ferries could actually absorb the demand from all the Hoboken & JC commuters that normally use the PATH. If the PA is actually are getting equipment from the feds and there's a bus lane through the Holland, then there should be buses picking up passengers at Grove Plaza and shuttling them through the tunnel to a major subway stop.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 6:54

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2009/7/29 1:51
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But we are given transportation options in Downtown JC in a form of the NY Waterway: Midtown Ferry, WFC and Pier 11 - Wall St is operational. However, expensive - that's the catch. If people prefer to spend less they must take a bus but NY Buses and shuttles all departs from JSQ Bus Terminals. There isn't really alot of commuters from Downtown JC going to NYC. It only looks like alot when the Path was running because half of the people come from the 'burbs-Newark/Harrison/Morristown etc.

People from the 'burbs and other counties are being bused directly to PA-NY. that's how it's always been for the past 15-20 yrs that i know when there's service disruptions.

I'd be surprised if the Feds will provide buses for Downtown JC to go directly to NYC... it's a long shot but would be nice. But i'm sure the Authorities are going to say, "You have the NY Waterway Ferries going to Midtown, WFC and Wall St. you want hassle free and fast way to get to NYC take the ferry"


downtown wrote:


My dad was just telling me "back in the day" when the PATH was down they had a very efficient shuttle service. I saw on Twitter today "PANYNJ/PATH neither owns nor operates buses. As such, we do not have the ability to provide bus service."
Then on, the federal government is sending about 200 buses to help pick up the slack.

Who knows what's really going on, but agree, it just makes sense to have some sort of shuttle downtown. I'm sure the commuters in JSQ don't want ALL the people downtown who normally take the PATH to crowd their buses.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 4:11

Edited by JCorNYC on 2012/11/4 4:28:06
Edited by JCorNYC on 2012/11/4 4:28:56
Edited by JCorNYC on 2012/11/4 4:30:32

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2005/10/31 16:32
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jc_dweller wrote:
ok then.

I don't expect NJ Transit to pick up the Port Authority's slack because this has nothing to do with NJ Transit. I don't expect them to change routes for a problem that is not theirs, nor do I think anyone is asking for "special service" from NJ Transit. But in the past when PATH lines have been down there have been shuttles provided by the Port Authority. My inquiry pertains to shuttles/buses from the PA, nothing to do with NJ Transit.

End of story.


My dad was just telling me "back in the day" when the PATH was down they had a very efficient shuttle service. I saw on Twitter today "PANYNJ/PATH neither owns nor operates buses. As such, we do not have the ability to provide bus service."
Then on, the federal government is sending about 200 buses to help pick up the slack.

Who knows what's really going on, but agree, it just makes sense to have some sort of shuttle downtown. I'm sure the commuters in JSQ don't want ALL the people downtown who normally take the PATH to crowd their buses.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 3:47

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2007/9/23 21:28
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Lots of places put buses in operation when there are service failures for a variety of reasons, the LIRR, for example has tons of interuptions and manages to get shuttles up and running quickly, and not just in the "posh" areas.
Never occurred to me that Hoboken-ers were somehow more priveliged and posh or Downtowners were "extra - special" somehow. It just seems like the transportation authorities, both NJ and PA could somehow manage to make accommodations for displaced commuters, wherever they might be, Hoboken, Downtown, Heights..... given a reasonable period of time.

In the mean time I will haul my priveliged butt to JSQ and try to find a bus. How did this become about class warfare?

Posted on: 2012/11/4 2:59

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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ok then.

I don't expect NJ Transit to pick up the Port Authority's slack because this has nothing to do with NJ Transit. I don't expect them to change routes for a problem that is not theirs, nor do I think anyone is asking for "special service" from NJ Transit. But in the past when PATH lines have been down there have been shuttles provided by the Port Authority. My inquiry pertains to shuttles/buses from the PA, nothing to do with NJ Transit.

End of story.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 2:35

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2009/7/29 1:51
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Service failure, Port Authority or however you want to put it, my point is there has never been a NJ Transit Bus that pick up commuters from Downtown JC enroute to NYC. Period.

And they will not make arrangements for us priviledged down here. We have the PATH - damaged and still suspended and we have the NY Waterway Ferry - too expensive for some.

You cannot compare Downtown JC with Hoboken's bus routes because Hoboken 's Bus Terminal is down there, in Hoboken. Whereas, Jersey City's Bus Terminals are in JSQ - yes, Downtown Jersey City people included. If you want the same bus routes as Hoboken, you have to live in Hoboken.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 2:27

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2006/12/28 17:08
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The service "failure" (for lack of a better word) isn't NJ transit, it's the Port Authority. THEY would be the one to offer bus service, not NJ Transit (excepting a cross-honoring arrangement). This is how it has worked in the past. Not NJ Transit taking customers to JSQ, but Port Authority providing shuttle service to Manhattan.

This has nothing to do with "transplants," demands of NJ Transit, "detours," etc. It has to do with the Port Authority and replacement service for disabled trains. Standard procedure when lines are out.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 2:17

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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I'm not giving an attitude, it's a matter-of-fact. There seem to be alot of transplants in Downtown JC. People need to understand the NJ Transit Bus won't accomodate certain communities to suit "their" needs. They will make everyone go to the regular destination of JSQ's Bus Terminals for ALL people from different Zones to catch their appropriate transportation. IF there is no access to JSQ or the higherlands from Downtown JC, NJ Transit Bus will then and only then make a detour like your suggestion, for example.


jc_dweller wrote:

My point was, and remains, that downtown is 1/2 mile from the Holland Tunnel and going to JSQ to transfer to another bus to PA is an option but awfully circuitous if this is a long-term situation.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 2:07

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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JCorNYC wrote:
Actually JC is doing the same. Catch a bus on Grove in front of the Grove St Path Station to JSQ bus terminal and transfer to a NY-Bus or Community Line Jitney. I know JSQ is not posh like Hoboken or Downtown JC. It won't kill you to go there to catch a NY Bus.

Thanks for the info (but not the attitude). We've all had a long week, let's try to stay polite. Nobody said they have a problem with JSQ. And some of us dislike the "poshness" of hoboken, so comparisons are unnecessary.

My point was, and remains, that downtown is 1/2 mile from the Holland Tunnel and going to JSQ to transfer to another bus to PA is an option but awfully circuitous if this is a long-term situation.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 1:39

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2009/7/29 1:51
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Actually JC is doing the same. Catch a bus on Grove in front of the Grove St Path Station to JSQ bus terminal and transfer to a NY-Bus or Community Line Jitney. I know JSQ is not posh like Hoboken or Downtown JC. It won't kill you to go there to catch a NY Bus.


jc_dweller wrote:

Actually hoboken has buses passing through it constantly. I spent the last 3 days there and bus service is a non-issue. They may be on special routes, but access isn't a problem. I hope JC can do the same.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 1:29

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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JCorNYC wrote:
First off, this has been a very long week. Lost power for days, haven't been at work - PATH down and will remain suspended.

As for trying to get to NYC, when in doubt, catch a bus to JSQ on Grove in front of the Grove St. Path Station. Buses from one of the terminals goes directly to NY-Port Authority. The Community Lines Jitney also goes to NY-Port Authority. Those are your best bets. Hoboken is on a lockdown and not passable for any buses. That city is a mess right now.

Actually hoboken has buses passing through it constantly. I spent the last 3 days there and bus service is a non-issue. They may be on special routes, but access isn't a problem. I hope JC can do the same.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 1:22

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2009/7/29 1:51
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First off, this has been a very long week. Lost power for days, haven't been at work - PATH down and will remain suspended.

As for trying to get to NYC, when in doubt, catch a bus to JSQ on Grove in front of the Grove St. Path Station. Buses from one of the terminals goes directly to NY-Port Authority. The Community Lines Jitney also goes to NY-Port Authority. Those are your best bets. Hoboken is on a lockdown and not passable for any buses. That city is a mess right now.

Posted on: 2012/11/4 1:15

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2006/12/28 17:08
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I've been reading the Buses to Manhattan thread, Ferries thread, and PATH thread.

What is gather is that there are no buses. Ferries run from morning till about 9:30pm on week days (and they're expensive!). And PATH will be up and running...who knows when.

Is that correct?

Hopefully some sort of bus service (ideally buses from the path stations - how hard can that really be???) is instituted in the interim?

Please correct me if I'm wrong. We really need a solid, reliable transit info page from NJ Transit or someone of authority!

Posted on: 2012/11/4 1:03

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2012/1/19 4:04
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I answered my own questions: ... tmentTo&AdjustmentId=9442

Detour in Hoboken for Bus Route Nos. 89 and 126
November 02, 2012

Effective immediately and continuing until further notice, Bus Route No. 126 service on Clinton Street, Willow Street and Hamilton Park as well as service into Hoboken Terminal will not be available due to damage from Hurricane Sandy.

Bus Route Nos. 89 and 126 will not have any access into Hoboken Bus Terminal:

Buses traveling TO Hoboken will travel on 14th Street, make a right on Hudson Street to the end of line at Hudson Street and Observer Highway.

Buses traveling TO North Bergen and Port Authority Bus Terminal will travel from Hudson Street and Observer Highway, make a right on Observer Highway, right on Washington Street, and then continue the regular route.

We apologize for any inconvenience this detour may cause. If you have any questions, please call NJ TRANSIT Customer Service at (973) 275-5555.

So Bus 126 is not an option

Posted on: 2012/11/3 23:24

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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I answered my own questions: ... tmentTo&AdjustmentId=9442

Detour in Hoboken for Bus Route Nos. 89 and 126
November 02, 2012

Effective immediately and continuing until further notice, Bus Route No. 126 service on Clinton Street, Willow Street and Hamilton Park as well as service into Hoboken Terminal will not be available due to damage from Hurricane Sandy.

Bus Route Nos. 89 and 126 will not have any access into Hoboken Bus Terminal:

Buses traveling TO Hoboken will travel on 14th Street, make a right on Hudson Street to the end of line at Hudson Street and Observer Highway.

Buses traveling TO North Bergen and Port Authority Bus Terminal will travel from Hudson Street and Observer Highway, make a right on Observer Highway, right on Washington Street, and then continue the regular route.

We apologize for any inconvenience this detour may cause. If you have any questions, please call NJ TRANSIT Customer Service at (973) 275-5555.

So Bus 126 is not an option

Posted on: 2012/11/3 23:24

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2012/1/19 4:04
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Is the 126 operational? It has stops in Hoboken which I am assuming is no longer the case for the time being?

Posted on: 2012/11/3 23:21

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2007/6/29 20:54
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Did anyone ever hear anything about buses from grove st to NYC? I think that it is crazy that we don't have buses for our area of town - even the jitney buses would be a great relief!

Posted on: 2012/11/3 23:06

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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Is that a service advisory, where did you see that? According to the #126 schedule thereis service starts out from Hamilton Park and goes to Port Authority in the City but only on weekdays (no JC weekend service).

Posted on: 2012/11/3 13:22

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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triscuit12 wrote:
Thanks. Also, just so everyone knows the ferry is not allowed to run after dark as per the USCG. You can also download the NY Waterway App so you can buy tickets on your phone instead of waiting in line.

Is this a new rule? Ferry has run until 9:30pm normally.

Posted on: 2012/11/3 1:54

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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I would love to know as well. apparently there's a 125 bus from Journal Square to Port Authority. It says exact fare required. I can't tell if the fare is $3.20 or $4.25. Then from Port Authority you need to buy a ticket, NO cash on the way back. No clue if you can purchase tickets at Journal Square or if you need cash.

Then I saw a Coach Bus schedule, also from JSQ to Port Authority, yet I don't believe I've ever seen one of those. Fact or fiction? hmmmmm nobody knows.

Posted on: 2012/11/3 1:00

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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I heard on the news this morning that the Holland tunnel was open, operating inbound to the city only, and for Buses only.

Where these buses are coming from, picking up, and going to is a MYSTERY. The lack of information from PANYNJ or any other transit organization is astonishing. I guess its too much to ask for in NJ the land of the car owner.

Posted on: 2012/11/2 22:45

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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Does anyone know if the 119 bus (JSQ to Port Authority) is running? I don't see it on the list of running bus lines, but I also don't see it on the suspended list. Thanks.

Posted on: 2012/11/2 19:01

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It took 1 hr and 20 mins from waiting to purchase ticket, getting on board and arrive to the 39th dock this morning.

Posted on: 2012/11/2 0:32

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2007/6/25 17:33
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has anyone here taken the ferry (or attempted to)? wondering how long the waits have been.

Posted on: 2012/11/2 0:20

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2007/3/31 20:15
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Anyone take either the 125 or those dollar buses up on JFK in the heights?

crazy long lines like in brooklyn? heavier crowds than usual?

stupid question -- is the dollar bus really a dollar? (and normal bus is $3.20? exact change only?)

Posted on: 2012/11/1 23:34

Re: Buses to Manhattan
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2009/8/11 4:41
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Thanks. Also, just so everyone knows the ferry is not allowed to run after dark as per the USCG. You can also download the NY Waterway App so you can buy tickets on your phone instead of waiting in line.

Posted on: 2012/11/1 13:47

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