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Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2006/7/19 18:11
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From Paulus Hook
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parkman wrote:
Unless you install a barrier 3? deep completely around your planting of bamboo, you?ll encounter one of the most invasive plants ever.

It took us 1 year to remove two small clumps in Van Vorst Park that were planted inappropriately. Some of the original plant?s rhizomes were 30? from its base. You cut the main plant and any part of that 30? rhizome is capable of producing a new shoot, and their shoots do likewise.

It will survive our winters so plant at your own risk.


Ps. there are some varieties that are not as aggressive but are rare.

For a great example of how destructive and invasive bamboo is, go take a look at the empty lot on the northeast corner of Sussex and Van Vorst in Paulus Hook. Not something you want in your yard unless it's done professionally.

On that note, there is a place in Morristown:

Bamboo Bob

For non-invasive bamboo you'd want the 'clumping' variety. However it's not going to be good for a screen as it looks basically like a bush of bamboo and only 4 feet tall. But it looks great as a regular plant in your garden and you won't have to worry about runners.

Back on the original topic, 14th Street always has good plants but can be pricey because of the location. Holland Tunnel Home Depot is fairly useless, unfortunately. However the Home Depot mentioned west of here off of 78 has a great selection and the best prices I've seen anywhere nearby. Plus their plants are guaranteed. It's about a 20 minute drive from here. 2445 Springfield Ave. in Union, NJ.

Another option fairly close is in Belleville, NJ. Alpine Nursery at 291 Main Street. Lots of variety, friendly staff, prices are good too.

Keep an eye on the weather though. Our 'last frost' date is around April 20. Looks like we have a chance to dip below freezing tomorrow and have some frost.

Enjoy the outdoors!

Posted on: 2012/3/25 14:27

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2005/7/14 18:51
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neverleft wrote:
I never knew that about bamboo interesting. I did know that it could prosper around here.
Unless you install a barrier 3? deep completely around your planting of bamboo, you?ll encounter one of the most invasive plants ever.

It took us 1 year to remove two small clumps in Van Vorst Park that were planted inappropriately. Some of the original plant?s rhizomes were 30? from its base. You cut the main plant and any part of that 30? rhizome is capable of producing a new shoot, and their shoots do likewise.

It will survive our winters so plant at your own risk.


Ps. there are some varieties that are not as aggressive but are rare.

Posted on: 2012/3/25 2:22

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2009/10/7 15:46
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I never knew that about bamboo interesting. I did know that it could prosper around here. I drove by a factory in Kearny many a time and was always amazed at how big the bamboo "screen" was in front of the place. It?s on Bergen Ave the road that takes you to Wal-Mart.

If you put 384 Bergen ave Kearny nj in google map street view you can see a wall of bamboo.

That was in 2007 now it is as tall as the tree to the left in the picture.

Great idea if you want to block out creepy neighbors. (as long as they are not Panda bears I guess)

I always wondered what they made at 384 Bergen. It was so well hidden by the bamboo I thought something shady was going on. Turns out they make sunglasses the Jersey Shore style sunglasses.

(hey maybe you can go cop a few sprouts)

Posted on: 2012/3/24 20:24

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?

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2010/4/27 15:25
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I was overly enthusiastic with seed starting this year and will have an abundance of tomato, eggplant, and pepper plants. Let me know if you're interested, I'll be happy to share.

Posted on: 2012/3/24 17:19

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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snowflake20 wrote:
you have to be really careful with bamboo. that stuff can over grow really quickly and overtake your yard and the neighbor's too.

My mother wanted to plant bamboo in her yard in Bergen county, all the professional gardeners told her not to, they felt it wouldn't survive the northeastern winters. It was hearty enough to survive the winters and in a few years started to take over the yard. It was constantly springing up all over the yard.

Posted on: 2012/3/24 16:00

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2007/10/4 22:11
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you have to be really careful with bamboo. that stuff can over grow really quickly and overtake your yard and the neighbor's too.

Posted on: 2012/3/24 15:45

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2011/12/24 0:46
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You might want to wait a couple of weeks before you plant anything except pansies.
According to Dave's, we can still have a frost.

First and last freeze/frost dates for Jersey City, NJ 07302

Each winter, on average, your risk of frost is from October 20 through April 18.

Almost certainly, however, you will receive frost from November 1 through April 7.

You are almost guaranteed that you will not get frost from April 29 through October 6

Posted on: 2012/3/24 15:09

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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From GV Bayside Park
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Great! does any of these places carry mature bamboo, I am trying to build a privacy fence and can not find any bamboo. Thanks again for the suggestions.

Posted on: 2012/3/24 12:24

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2009/10/7 15:46
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440 Farms across from the Hudson Mall has a nursery behind it. In season they have a surprisingly huge selection of flowers, shrubs, trees, etc.

Mostly use Lowes 440 or the new Lowes in Bayonne. HD 440 last resort.

Posted on: 2012/3/24 11:20

Re: Looking for a few good Nurseries here in JC.

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2007/3/24 18:52
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not in Jersey City, but:

Union Square Farmer's Market

Home Depot in Maplewood has a pretty good, varied selection of plants. It's right off of 78 near Target/Whole Foods

I really like The Farm at Green Village, which is right near Chattam. It's not the cheapest place, but they have a nice selection of plants.

Good luck!

Posted on: 2012/3/23 20:34

Re: Looking for a few good Nurseries here in JC.
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2007/7/9 19:50
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I was never really impressed with the selections at the garden centers in and around JC. I'm an avid gardener - the only place that was decent was down on 1 & 9 North in Ridgefield - about a mile past the Lowe's in North Bergen. It takes about 30 minutes to get there from the Heights.

Matera Garden & Nursery Center
(201) 943-8288 514 Broad Ave N, Ridgefield, NJ 07657

If you want an excellent selection of hardy annuals, perennials and especially veggies, take an hour ride to this nursery:

Dercole Farms - Norwood, New Jersey

They've been in the same spot since the 1940's - this is where I learned to be a gardener alongside of my good ol' dad. There is such a difference between what is here and at Lowe's/Home Depot.

Posted on: 2012/3/23 19:15

Re: Looking for a few good Nurseries here in JC.
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2010/7/9 11:16
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the Lowes off of 440 has a pretty good selection (at least compared to Home Depot).

Posted on: 2012/3/23 17:59

Re: Looking for a few good Nurseries here in JC.
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2011/3/4 18:42
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There is also a place on JFK Blvd, close to Bowers Street.

Posted on: 2012/3/23 17:58

Looking for a few good Nurseries here in JC.
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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Does Jersey City have any Nurseries, looking to get my yard started. I been to Home Depot a few times but not much selection. Looking for something in the city or something nearby. Thanks!

Posted on: 2012/3/23 16:38

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2006/4/17 14:14
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From Carolina's Lavanderia
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Reggay wrote:
Does anyone know where to get ladybugs around here? I've got an aphid infestation

Yes we did too. The 14th Street Garden Center will help you with that.

Posted on: 2010/6/24 19:17

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2005/4/28 19:03
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I should add that she had other plants beside basil. I remember cherry tomatoes and chili peppers, but there were maybe 5-10 other kinds of plants there that I don't remember. Check it out.

Posted on: 2010/6/23 1:16
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2006/8/8 18:26
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Does anyone know where to get ladybugs around here? I've got an aphid infestation

Posted on: 2010/6/22 22:15

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2006/4/19 0:57
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Hudson Farmer's Market
3437 Kennedy Blvd
Jersey City

440 Farms
Route 440 @ Clarke Ave.
Jersey City

14th Street Farmer's Market
793 Jersey Avenue
Jersey City

Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:47

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2005/4/28 19:03
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I bought a basil plant today at the Grove St farmers market. The lady started the organic seedlings on her rooftop, I believe. I plan on leaving it in the pot on my fire escape, maybe a bigger pot just so it will be less likely to knock over or blow away in a storm.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:02
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2008/3/24 20:27
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brewster wrote:

Sutherland wrote:
When the Home Depot was going up between the entrance and exit of the Holland Tunnel they promised NOT to have a garden center so not to take business away from the 14th St Garden Center. Of course there's no surprise they quickly abandoned that promise.

Neither one of them had something as basic as peat moss, so I've got no sympathy. Maybe what we need is some more competition!

Greenvillechick: I grew corn in a 1/2 barrel years ago. It looked hysterical, but didn't pollinate properly. I've been told you need a big patch for it to pollinate.

Yes, my mom who has a farm, told me the same thing, she said I might get a couple ears of corn at best, but hey it was worth a try lol

Posted on: 2010/6/21 16:27

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Yes, all I've read has said fruit is pretty safe, leaves & tubers are not. Only my grapes, kiwis & raspberries are in the soil, and I know the 1st 2 get their water & nutrients from deep in the water table, I never, ever water them.

Posted on: 2010/6/21 15:19

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2006/4/17 14:14
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From Carolina's Lavanderia
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Well no in ground vegetable garden for me! I got my test results back from the Rutgers soil testing laboratory and there is definitely lead in the soil in our backyard. We are just over the recommended limit of 400ppm so I guess the beets, chard, peas and zucchini I planted will have to go to waste. We ate the lettuce before we got the test results. I'm debating whether to eat the veggies (at least the zucchinis) anyway. The test said we had about 440ppm lead in our soil, which is just above the recommended amount. The packet they included with the test results said flowering vegetables like tomatoes and zucchini will have the least amount of contamination. But the chard and beets I planted will most likely concentrate the contamination.
Anyway I recommend all backyard vegetable gardeners in Jersey City to at least check your soil for lead contamination. You never know what kinds of things were dumped in your backyard before you lived here.
I am happy about one thing. I planted organic tomatoes and peppers in containers all from the 14th Street garden center and they turned into monsters. The quality of their plants is superb. I have about 10 green tomatoes and several peppers just starting to form.

Posted on: 2010/6/21 15:09

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2004/11/5 17:59
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umestazzuele wrote:
this year is my first attempt at gardening. i built a 6'X4' raised bed and installed in my yard. filled it when garden soil and topped it off with some manure. planted a bunch of herbs, radishes, eggplant, peppers, and of course tomatoes. i got a little worried since the weather has been kinda crappy the past week or so and i thought the lack of sunlight would really hurt my tomatoes. a lot of the leaves turn brown and started to wilt, but it seems to have perked back up. question: does anyone know where i can get some organic straw mulch in or around JC? not sure if the garden store on 14th will have any, but i'll probably stop by sometime during the weekend to check.

When buying products to improve soil quality, be sure to read the instructions on the bag. It will give you the ratio to use and will probably tell you to mix it well into the soil to prevent burning the plants. It may also tell you to wear gloves when handling the products. Some products are not advised for container gardening, unless mixed well with plain soil.

For a small garden with crappy soil, I mix about 4 or 5 small bags of fresh compost and about 3 or 4 bags of manure. And some peat moss. Mix and incorporate it well. I would also let it sit for a week and water it before planting..... otherwise, it could burn the plants.

Posted on: 2010/6/21 13:55

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Sutherland wrote:
When the Home Depot was going up between the entrance and exit of the Holland Tunnel they promised NOT to have a garden center so not to take business away from the 14th St Garden Center. Of course there's no surprise they quickly abandoned that promise.

Neither one of them had something as basic as peat moss, so I've got no sympathy. Maybe what we need is some more competition!

Greenvillechick: I grew corn in a 1/2 barrel years ago. It looked hysterical, but didn't pollinate properly. I've been told you need a big patch for it to pollinate.

Posted on: 2010/6/21 3:57

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2010/1/22 18:54
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When the Home Depot was going up between the entrance and exit of the Holland Tunnel they promised NOT to have a garden center so not to take business away from the 14th St Garden Center. Of course there's no surprise they quickly abandoned that promise.

Separately and more to the point of your question, if you have a car I suggest you visit Plochs Garden Center 1172 Broad Street
Clifton, NJ 07013-3399
(973) 471-5555

Posted on: 2010/6/19 1:52

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2008/3/24 20:27
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I have some tomatos, cucumbers, lettuce and corn and so far so good, I dont expect the corn to really get there but were hoping!

Posted on: 2010/6/18 20:12

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2006/11/15 19:54
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I just want to give my 2 cents in favor of the 14th Street Garden Center.

I LOVE that place. The staff is so helpful that I will pay their higher prices. The stuff at the big box home improvement stores is poor quality and poorly taken care of.

Also, if you have a car and are up for a drive, I had a blast this year at the Great Swamp Greenhouses in Gillette.

I would also love to know what other people are growing in containers in JC (I don't trust the soil in my yard which is full of glass and other detritus). So far, I have the following going well:

3 kinds of tomatoes, 3 kinds of basil, parsley, cilantro (not looking so hot), cucumbers, strawberries, pole beans, nasturtiums, jalapenos, and 2 kinds of lettuce.

Posted on: 2010/6/18 19:39

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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From Hamilton Park
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umestazzuele wrote:
this year is my first attempt at gardening. i built a 6'X4' raised bed and installed in my yard. filled it when garden soil and topped it off with some manure. planted a bunch of herbs, radishes, eggplant, peppers, and of course tomatoes. i got a little worried since the weather has been kinda crappy the past week or so and i thought the lack of sunlight would really hurt my tomatoes. a lot of the leaves turn brown and started to wilt, but it seems to have perked back up. question: does anyone know where i can get some organic straw mulch in or around JC? not sure if the garden store on 14th will have any, but i'll probably stop by sometime during the weekend to check.

Never seen it. I mostly use pine bark mulch on the veggies and it works fine.

My personal advice on crops for easy gratification: go with early and often fruiting vertical growers like pole beans, cucumbers and climbing zucchinis. Peppers and especially eggplants take soooo long to harvest! My beans have already topped out their 6ft trellis and will flower this week. On a full grown vine, flower to harvest is just days for these kind of plants.

Posted on: 2010/6/18 17:20

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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2007/2/5 16:40
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this year is my first attempt at gardening. i built a 6'X4' raised bed and installed in my yard. filled it when garden soil and topped it off with some manure. planted a bunch of herbs, radishes, eggplant, peppers, and of course tomatoes. i got a little worried since the weather has been kinda crappy the past week or so and i thought the lack of sunlight would really hurt my tomatoes. a lot of the leaves turn brown and started to wilt, but it seems to have perked back up. question: does anyone know where i can get some organic straw mulch in or around JC? not sure if the garden store on 14th will have any, but i'll probably stop by sometime during the weekend to check.

Posted on: 2010/6/18 16:46

Re: Backyard Gardening
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2004/11/6 21:13
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AmyJCNJ wrote:
Rhubarb is not as big as you think. We used to have some in my mom's yard growing up and it's not any bigger than small hosta. We only got about 3 stalks per bulb. Our garden has a 2 foot wide border around the perimeter, so we have room for small stuff. The problem is the sun is blocked by a fence on one side in the morning and on the other side in the afternoon.

Maybe there's different varieties of rhubarb. I've seen some monsters. As for the sun, I have raspberries that do great right next to a N/S garage wall, and a bean patch that's right next to a massive kiwi vine that blocks half it's sky but produces well also. Vertical crops like squash and beans can also reach up for more light.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 18:26

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