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Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2007/10/9 19:48
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2013/2/18 15:54
From Van Vorst Park
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I am soo tired of the hipster bashing or the yuppie bashing or the stroller mom bashing or the blah blah blah. I get it you don't like people that look different than you. You sound like a bully.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 15:27

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/2/27 16:03
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2010/10/7 16:32
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I am bewildered by how many people in JC are so close-minded. Seriously, who gives a crap! Get over it! You don't like someone because they are Graphic Designers, film makers, artists, because they wear horn rim glasses, because they wear tight jeans. Honestly, everyone needs to get over themselves. Get on with your crappy job and your crappy style and leave everyone else alone.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 15:18

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2006/2/10 1:24
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Hold on...

I think a lot of people on this thread are confusing the term "hipster" and "Artist". They are two totally different things.

Hipsters are cultural tourists, posers. They add no value to a community. They are parasites. They move here from the midwest after getting a liberal arts degree, and once they get their city fix, they move back home.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 15:18

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2007/12/12 21:00
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Everyone seems to fit into a category of one sort or another. I'd like to know what category all the people who are bashing hipsters fit into. Hipsters sort of annoy me too, like, "Oh, I got this old ratty t-shirt at a thrift store for $5," when actually the shirt is purposely distressed, came from Urban Outfitters and cost $36. But on the other hand, people who dress to look expensive get on my nerves too, like the women in their 20s who walk around in the latest black trench, leggings, thigh-length top, ankle boots, $200-hair-cut, and silk scarf tied just so, as if they need to prove that they have a lot of money. And I suppose that's the luxury condo crowd.

So then I think the issue is with me for being so damn judgmental. I'm sure people are judging me, too, so we should just get on with things. JC is older than any of us and has gone through change for generations and will continue to do so.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 15:16

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2004/11/5 22:57
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Bill463 wrote:
One type of 'hipster' is my old best friend of many years since college Ben from Staten Island. Now that we are in our mid 40's we have drifted apart a bit. He wears a pair of pants for years and whenever we used to meet he would pretend to be 'poor' so I'd have to spot him a drink. Well those days are over. I'm very happy in my new luxury loft here in jc but the truth is Ben has more money than God thanks to wealthy stupid parents that still support him - he spends his nights in The East Village with the 'struggling hipsters'. Ben is such an interesting take on the term 'hipster'.

Sorry, Bill. Ben is not a hipster. Ben is a trustafarian.

Many of those identified as hipsters by the uninitiated are in fact members of this sect. Dead giveaways are living "amongst the peoples" & being ashamed of their cushy upbringing, but not so ashamed that they don't tap the parents for a little flow way, way past an age where that should be acceptable.


Posted on: 2008/10/21 15:11

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/3/2 23:05
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2023/11/10 23:17
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One type of 'hipster' is my old best friend of many years since college Ben from Staten Island. Now that we are in our mid 40's we have drifted apart a bit. He wears a pair of pants for years and whenever we used to meet he would pretend to be 'poor' so I'd have to spot him a drink. Well those days are over. I'm very happy in my new luxury loft here in jc but the truth is Ben has more money than God thanks to wealthy stupid parents that still support him - he spends his nights in The East Village with the 'struggling hipsters'. Ben is such an interesting take on the term 'hipster'.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 15:02

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/4/2 11:56
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Sounds like convenient symbiosis. New condominium towers prevent sunlight from reaching the ground over large areas. On the other hand, hipsters probably don't give a crap about their tans.

Problem solved.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:55

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/2/18 21:46
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Thankfully downtown JC dosnt even come close to what I saw in Williamsburg. I mean JC has a few of those thick frame glasses characters but Wlliamsburg was a real trip with that whole scene.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:48

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/2/18 21:46
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pistolpacknpitbull wrote:

brian_em wrote:
As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

Do they, though? I can't swing a dead cat without hitting a half-dozen douchey graphic designer slash film-maker slash "artists" in horn rimmed glasses on their way to/from the Grove Street PATH station.

Hahahaha so true. Whenever I have to catch a train at Grove street I like to watch the incoming train before the door opens and count how many awkward hipsters/weirdos are in there. Sure enough they all get off at Grove street. I came to the conclusion that they were awkward nerds in highschool that suddenly found they can still act like that but move to a city andgive the appearance they are really roughing it trying to be unique.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:45

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2007/10/6 2:44
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Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:44

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2005/3/31 1:24
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brian_em wrote:
As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

Why you gotta hate? Seriously. Why?

Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:33

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2004/9/15 19:03
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jclady wrote:
I would officially like to invite hipsters everywhere to move to my neighborhood, Lincoln Park, especially the part between West End and Water Street. We are in a lovely mixed-race working-class area where you can see African-American kids playing jump rope with Indian and Dominican kids in the evenings, people walking their dogs after work, the occasional roving band of youths who never give me any shit but tend to terrorize each other, and white working-class guys smoking outside of the bars. It is particularly affordable now, if you can get a mortgage, and in ten years you won't be able to touch it. If there are enough of us, maybe someday they'll open a Starbucks here. So come join me!

I would like to also invite newcomers to check out Downtown west of Jersey Ave.


EthanCrane wrote:
What's worse? Neither.
It's the change-resistant, I-was-here-first old-timers.


Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:28

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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injcsince81 wrote:
I say neither is bad for JC.

The luxury condos will be pretty cheap pretty soon, providing an opportunity for those with some cash to buy a nice home.

And hipsters - well, I personally don't dig'em but they don't bother me.

Pretty harmless, really. I'll take a hipster over a gangster any day.

Oh no, we're in for it now. See what affordability breeds.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:11

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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EthanCrane wrote:

brian_em wrote:
As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

What's worse? Neither. It's the change-resistant, I-was-here-first old-timers.

And proud of it !

Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:08

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/6/20 15:22
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2012/4/19 14:35
From Lincoln Park
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I would officially like to invite hipsters everywhere to move to my neighborhood, Lincoln Park, especially the part between West End and Water Street. We are in a lovely mixed-race working-class area where you can see African-American kids playing jump rope with Indian and Dominican kids in the evenings, people walking their dogs after work, the occasional roving band of youths who never give me any shit but tend to terrorize each other, and white working-class guys smoking outside of the bars. It is particularly affordable now, if you can get a mortgage, and in ten years you won't be able to touch it. If there are enough of us, maybe someday they'll open a Starbucks here. So come join me!

Posted on: 2008/10/21 14:00

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/10/6 19:07
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2008/12/13 17:44
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Hipsters are people toooooo

Posted on: 2008/10/21 13:55

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2005/7/9 16:38
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I say neither is bad for JC.

The luxury condos will be pretty cheap pretty soon, providing an opportunity for those with some cash to buy a nice home.

And hipsters - well, I personally don't dig'em but they don't bother me.

Pretty harmless, really. I'll take a hipster over a gangster any day.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 13:48

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2007/2/3 21:36
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2020/4/18 19:17
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I really hate it when people in horn rim glasses move into my neighborhood and restore the old houses and clean up the parks and add their hipster tax revenue to the local school system and spend their filthy hipster dollars in my local stores.

burns me the f**k up!

Posted on: 2008/10/21 13:47

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?

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2008/9/29 21:42
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2011/3/11 0:31
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Why is it necessary to place people not like yourself into a category that you imply as negative? I guess if you have grown up in an area where everyone is the same, then all of a sudden move to a place where people are different, you find different people as negative. Are these "hipsters" or graphic designers hurting anyone?

Posted on: 2008/10/21 13:40

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/1/21 16:35
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2009/7/27 3:53
From Gull's Cove
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I still can't believe some threads on this board are created with the sole purpose of putting someone else down.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 12:46

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2006/7/21 20:08
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EthanCrane wrote:

brian_em wrote:
As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

What's worse? Neither. It's the change-resistant, I-was-here-first old-timers.

Amen, brother. Far worse are the a-holes who won't accept any community from melding into theirs. Nothing stays the same, adapt or die.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 12:02

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2008/2/27 16:03
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2010/10/7 16:32
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Wait, I am a graphic designer with horned rimmed glasses. Only I adopted this look back in the nineties and it never left me, does that make me a hipster? Eeehhh who cares? Either you look like a Hipster a Yuppie a Slut or a Douchebag, everyone has got a style that they fit into. Lets just get on everybody then.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 11:12

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2005/9/22 15:12
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brian_em wrote:
As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

What's worse? Neither. It's the change-resistant, I-was-here-first old-timers.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 5:23

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
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brian_em wrote:
As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

Oh stop with the BS. You love the hipster chicks.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 4:40

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?

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2008/9/20 23:45
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2008/11/1 5:27
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brian_em wrote:
In my line of work I know many graphic designers, only a handfull would fall into the hipster category. Hipsters do graphic design work "as a hobby". And I don't think hyperopia automatically makes someone a hipster.

If those horn-rimmed glasses are paired with an ironic mustache, then you have a hipster...or a child molester from the 70s who forgot to pack extra plutonium.

What bugs me the most about hipsters is the faux "irony" bullshizzat. Like, the only way to be beautiful is to wear ugly clothes. The only way to be "cool" is to look like a geek. And the only way to seem edgy is to march in lockstep with the heaving right-wing bible-thumping flag-waving masses. It's so desperate. And so obvious.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 3:56

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2006/2/10 1:24
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In my line of work I know many graphic designers, only a handfull would fall into the hipster category. Hipsters do graphic design work "as a hobby". And I don't think hyperopia automatically makes someone a hipster.

If those horn-rimmed glasses are paired with an ironic mustache, then you have a hipster...or a child molester from the 70s who forgot to pack extra plutonium.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 3:50

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?

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2008/9/20 23:45
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2008/11/1 5:27
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brian_em wrote:
As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

Do they, though? I can't swing a dead cat without hitting a half-dozen douchey graphic designer slash film-maker slash "artists" in horn rimmed glasses on their way to/from the Grove Street PATH station.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 3:37

What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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2006/2/10 1:24
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2013/11/5 23:00
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As much as I'm an advocate for affordable housing, I must say, luxury condos do have an upside...They keep the hipsters away.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 3:31

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