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Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
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The well funded machine candidate backed by developers will win. The independent voice will die. We need runoffs to prevent this.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 2:04
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
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2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
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No, the two people in a runoff are usually the candidate of one ticket vs. the candidate from the other ticket. In 2013, because Fulop had an appeal to independents, he was able to win Wards C and D while the independent candidates made the runoff. In fact Boggiano and Yun would have won outright without a runoff. They finished ahead of Fulop's candidates even as he carried the Wards.
The last time there was a significant number of runoffs was in 2001. The candidates were almost all Cunningham's picks vs. Degise's picks, both of them were "machine." The two exceptions I remember are in Ward E, where Lou Manzo's candidate Jaime Vasquez made the runoff against Junior Maldonado and lost. Vasquez was a three time councilman and had an independent streak but was not an "independent." The other exception was....Jerramiah Healy himself, who ran as an at-large on Manzo's team and was able to finish in the top six, knocking out one of DeGise's candidates (Flor Medel, if I recall correctly). Again, Healy was not an "independent" candidate. I did like his sincerity in the debates and he was one of my votes for At Large.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:59
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
Yvonne has really outdone herself this time! If she could not make any clearer she'll grasp at any reason to oppose change, here we are. Our entire election system should be influenced by a day of work per year for a handful of people. Bravo! I will say that she tried it illustrates the power of this line of demagoguery, because while this is obviously ludicrous, many decisions on how to spend our money are made with the city employees concerns placed first, rather than the taxpayers. Woe to the money saving idea that involves municipal workers being laid off. That's the 3rd rail of local politics.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:53
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
Lol at using anti-something in a sentence, you are anti-everything.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:38
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
The people who works the polls are usually senior citizens on fixed income. Apparently, Fulop has no problems taking away their income but is more than willing to give Redevelopment loans to rich developers, including Bruce Ratner, who has a sketchy past then give 20 to 30 years tax abatements. Fulop wants to control the election process which is nothing but anti-people.
There are usually two people in a runoff, one who is well funded by developers and usually an independent. Fulop wants to shut down the independent. Fulop spending has increased $50 million since Healy left office. Somewhere in that $50 million, the city can afford to pay for run-off elections.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:33
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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So did ward A really win? I don't think so. both candidates sucked.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:33
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
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2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
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The runoff has some use in a case where there are so many candidates that the vote is split and no one even comes close to 40% much less 50%. This is most likely to happen in special elections (and has happened) which do not have a runoff.
Fulop actually benefited from the runoff last time around. Without it his council candidate in Ward A would have lost (although as it turns out, he probably would be appointed now, because Charles Epps passed away earlier this year).
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:30
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
What nonsense is THIS now? It's MORE expensive for candidates to deal with runoffs. It's a whole other election, in a very short time frame. It doesn't give more control to an elected official who already has an eye on higher office. Nothing about runoffs has any effect on patronage or clientelism, or allegations of awarding contracts to contributors. And from the previous post! How does a runoff make anything clearer? How does holding an election that doesn't produce a winner not confusing for the voters? How many people in the runoffs? What is so deeply wrong about getting JC elections on par with the rest of the country? Oh wait, I know what the problem is. You're permanently stuck on opposing anything Fulop proposes, and will throw out as many rationalizations and excuses as possible to do so. Silly me.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:25
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
No, Fulop wants to control the elections. The person with the most money wins. This city spends $100 million in contracts, you know, people who contribute to campaigns are also the ones who receives the contracts.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 1:03
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
What nonsense is this? How does a runoff make anything clearer? How does holding an election that doesn't produce a winner not confusing for the voters? How many people in the runoffs? Sounds to me like he wants to streamline the elections. Quote: Fulop attacked Healy as corrupt as councilman but even Healy did not hurt the election process. I don't see how getting the election process in line with the rest of the country is "hurting" anything.
Posted on: 2015/11/5 0:27
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
JJ comment:
Quote: JJ: ?As for costs, the city says it spent about $633,000 in 2013 on that year's May election, both the first round of balloting and the runoff races the following month.?
Posted on: 2015/11/5 0:24
Edited by neverleft on 2015/11/5 0:45:25
Re: J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
I have heard Fulop's supporters say there are no runoffs in November during the general elections. That is not true, the primary election acts as the main election with November as the runoffs. Basically, Fulop wants to do away with the process that allows voters to see a clearer picture of candidates. He wants dumb voters. Fulop attacked Healy as corrupt as councilman but even Healy did not hurt the election process.
Posted on: 2015/11/4 23:55
J.C. Mayor Seeks To End Runoff Elections
Home away from home
Fulop wants to end runoffs allowing "winner take all". ... s.html#incart_2box_hudson
Posted on: 2015/11/4 23:43
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