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Xfinity (Comcast Hot Spots)
Not too shy to talk
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2004/8/4 15:00
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From Hamilton Park
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Why is it that Comcast has no public wifi hotspots in all of Jersey City but has dozens of them in Bayonne and Hoboken, where they are NOT an available cable option?

Posted on: 2010/8/22 14:43

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2008/11/8 15:38
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Well, I actually have to give Comcast a bit of a kudo on this. Based on a comment here about the DTAs being totally free, I went over to their office and picked one up. I now have it hooked in line to my Series 1 TiVo which has lifetime service on it. So for no cost at all (except a $1.99 transaction fee) I maintain DVR service in our back bedroom/office for quite a few more years. Setup was reasonably simple, and while it's not high quality, it is Standard Def after all, it's good enough for the grandkids when they visit.

Posted on: 2010/8/21 16:55

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?

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2009/4/30 20:09
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I hated Comcast but am now a happy FIOS subscriber for the last month or so. The trip over to the hood to turn in my cable box was the happiest day of my life. It was with great pleasure that I put the box in that bullet proof glass enclosure and told the customer service person to close my Comcast account. And best of all when the last bill came in from Comcast I had a credit balance. All in all to Comcast I say this...good bye and good riddance!

Posted on: 2010/8/20 14:28

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2004/12/29 17:58
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I think they use a random number generator to print their bills.

Has ANYONE else had the joy of going to the Kennedy Boulevard Office from the waterfront by PATH and then taking that crowded bus from Journal Square down towards Bayonne, giving Comcast a blown box (through the bulletproof glass) in exchange for a new one and doing the return trip and having them send their "activation signal" about 20 times to no effect and then taking the NEW blown box back down via Path and bus to get a THIRD box...all in the same day? Such a nice way to spend a day.

Do you think they MIGHT test their boxes before risking shot equipment to customers? (THat's rhetorical!)

Posted on: 2010/8/19 23:31

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2008/7/1 20:11
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Their billings system is insane. June paid Yes. July paid. Yes. New August bill has yet to arrive. They then called me and said it was $313. WHAT. The bill was sent on the 8th , which was a Sunday. I have requested 3 times for a bill. My normal bill is $150 so where this new amount is coming from is beyond me. UGH

Posted on: 2010/8/18 22:01

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2008/4/21 1:07
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Xerxes wrote:
What it is is an an improper order fulfiillment, compounded by a non-communication between the device provider on Kennedy Blvd with the billing and communications department resulting in non-communication between Comcast and my box, added to my NEVER getting On-Demanad, followed by a dubious monstrous, purposely confusing change in billing and service levels resulting in improperly sent signals to my STB...compounded with failure of equipment and inability to rectify the problem because of planned stupidity on the part of those with whom I speak.

Oy vey.....

Posted on: 2010/8/18 21:43

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2004/12/29 17:58
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If it's not a connectivity problem with your equipment, you might want to arrange a service call instead of posting maniacal ranting here. Just a thought...

What it is is an an improper order fulfiillment, compounded by a non-communication between the device provider on Kennedy Blvd with the billing and communications department resulting in non-communication between Comcast and my box, added to my NEVER getting On-Demanad, followed by a dubious monstrous, purposely confusing change in billing and service levels resulting in improperly sent signals to my STB...compounded with failure of equipment and inability to rectify the problem because of planned stupidity on the part of those with whom I speak.

There is no MANIACAL rant, just a documentation of the chaos with Comcast for the last year.

The year before was another story with different equipment and equally moronic corporate handling.

So keep the "MANIACAL" rant comments to yourself. I guess you never read Dante but don't feel stupid, a lot of people are semi-illiterate.

What I and many have found is that EVERY attempt at problem resolution with Comcast results in MORE problems and higher prices. THat's why people cheer with GLEE when they cancel this utter monstrosity of a company.

MY personal problem is solved: Comcast get's their pink slip!

Posted on: 2010/8/18 18:36

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2010/7/7 17:29
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After countless missed service appointments and incompetent tech issues, I finally switched to DISH network and love it. I know it's not possible for everyone because you need a place to mount the dish, there's no On-Demand service, plus I have to get my internet via a DSL line. But those inconveniences were worth the trade-off to not be at the mercy of Comcast. They are ferocious, merciless thieves.

Posted on: 2010/8/18 17:13

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2008/4/21 1:07
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Xerxes wrote:

I haven't had ON-DEMAND for 10 months. Now I get GSOD (green screen of death) or the signal just disappears and I must turn everything off and on again or else with GSOD, unplug the least once an hour. My DVR hasn't worked in a month. (No it's not an HDMI handshake issue... but coincidentally there is NO output via component connection.) And no guide channels. ( gotta use the internet to see what's on.)

O have to go from room to room depending on which channel I want to watch.

I am doing NOTHING about it.

If it's not a connectivity problem with your equipment, you might want to arrange a service call instead of posting maniacal ranting here. Just a thought...

Posted on: 2010/8/18 14:21

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2008/4/21 1:07
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mscottc wrote:
On the other hand, I'm pretty pissed that they encrypt all those channels that were originally part of the basic service so those of us with a Digital Cable Ready (QAM) Tuner can't receive them without a box and the "Additional Outlet Fee."

What additional outlet fee? They just sent me two of the (very small) boxes for my 2 sets that I don't have HD service on for free. Got a letter in the mail explaining the change to all digital and a number to call. They will give up to 2 of these boxes for no additional monthly change.

comcast link....

comcast link 2...

I neither love nor hate Comcast, but I've got cable, internet and phone service and have rarely ever had an outage. I'd probably switch to FIOS except the money-grubbing Dolan family (Cablevision Owners) will not allow FIOS to carry their channels sports channels (MSG, MSG+) in HD. So that means no one with FIOS can watch any of the 3 local hockey teams in HD. for me, that's a deal breaker.

Posted on: 2010/8/18 14:16

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2004/12/29 17:58
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Everything you say about analogue vs. digital is correct and that is why the nation switched to OTA digital. COMCAST however has chosen to waste all the bandwidth on STILL cablecasting analogue on about 60 channels.
What that allows them to do is to charge EXTRA for something that is above and beyond the outmoded system...there is no real need to continue wasting that bandwidth EXCEPT to charge everyone for a digital box on top of the cable service.

So the net is that Comcast wastes bandwidth for the SOLE purpose of bilking customers. Like the phone company charging extra if you wasnt your service to work with a push button phone instead of one with a dial.

I hate Concast even worse than before and that is saying something. I haven't had ON-DEMAND for 10 months. Now I get GSOD (green screen of death) or the signal just disappears and I must turn everything off and on again or else with GSOD, unplug the least once an hour. My DVR hasn't worked in a month. (No it's not an HDMI handshake issue... but coincidentally there is NO output via component connection.) And no guide channels. ( gotta use the internet to see what's on.)

O have to go from room to room depending on which channel I want to watch.

I am doing NOTHING about it but I am CERTAIN that Comcast has gotten its last monthly check from me. I am STILL getting a little more than I am paying for but adding in the aggravation factor, they owe me $20,000 per month. I am HOPING to arrange something else but if I cannot, then it is OTA broadcasting + Netflix for me...and more reading.

In Dante's Hell, Comcast lives somewhere below the level of Judas, and Brutus...down under the ice in Lucifer's asshole. Choose Comcast as your provider only if you are somewhere between complete despair and suicide.

Posted on: 2010/8/18 12:55

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2008/11/8 15:38
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heights wrote:

Jangie wrote:
Hey, does anybody know where Food Network and Cartoon Network went? They were on 21 and 50 for me, but now they've gone missing...

Do you have digital if not then it might have been removed from the line up. This is Comcasts way of converting their customers to the more expensive digital cable. Pretty soon their will be no more regular cable just broadcast channels for a premium price. Get FIOS you get lots more for your money. You can get the Quad package, Home phone, internet, TV, and cell. Maybe it was better when the Newport area had New York supplied cable television.

I'm not a fan of Comcast, but there are valid reasons for Comcast's conversion to Digital. The same frequency space that can carry ONE analog channel can carry close to a dozen Digital Standard Definition channels and three High Definition channels. I'm all for any technology that allows more channels, especially HD channels down that pipe. On the other hand, I'm pretty pissed that they encrypt all those channels that were originally part of the basic service so those of us with a Digital Cable Ready (QAM) Tuner can't receive them without a box and the "Additional Outlet Fee."

Posted on: 2010/8/18 11:28

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2010/2/24 17:18
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Jangie wrote:
Hey, does anybody know where Food Network and Cartoon Network went? They were on 21 and 50 for me, but now they've gone missing...

did this happen to you on a TV without the box? Our Food Network, Animal Planet, Cartoon Network, E!, and Bravo are out in the bedroom where we don't have a box , happpens every few months. F U Comcast

Posted on: 2010/8/18 3:08

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Jangie wrote:
Hey, does anybody know where Food Network and Cartoon Network went? They were on 21 and 50 for me, but now they've gone missing...

Do you have digital if not then it might have been removed from the line up. This is Comcasts way of converting their customers to the more expensive digital cable. Pretty soon their will be no more regular cable just broadcast channels for a premium price. Get FIOS you get lots more for your money. You can get the Quad package, Home phone, internet, TV, and cell. Maybe it was better when the Newport area had New York supplied cable television.

Posted on: 2010/8/18 2:19

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2006/5/31 3:28
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Hey, does anybody know where Food Network and Cartoon Network went? They were on 21 and 50 for me, but now they've gone missing...

Posted on: 2010/8/18 2:11

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/9/1 12:29
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2024/3/31 18:13
From Lincoln Park
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i know this thread has been here for a long time, but i was never ready to join until now. but i have finally surrendered.

my name is karl and i hate comcast.

our internet has been cutting out like every ten minutes for the last week. okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. but it has seriously been cutting out every twenty minutes.

maybe it's been like this for a while. i JUST joined facebook and the whole liberty humane thing went down and we're using facebook to keep connected so it's only the last week that i've really spent any time on the computer. so maybe comcast has been bad for a while and i'm only figuring it out now.

we're by lincoln park. i'm gonna see what else is available.

Posted on: 2010/7/17 20:35

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2004/12/29 17:58
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God knows what is going to happen July 1 (or August 1 depending on what flyer they sent out...I got both) They are purposely talking gobbledygook with pricing and channel availablility presumably to confuse people so they can overcharge.
They do this dance at least once a year sometimes twice a year, changing what the call all service levels to other names at other prices. The net effect is that you are billed some preposteous amount and then must HAGGLE for a lower price. It's like buying a carpet in a Cairo market.
Nobody can POSSIBLY expect that anyone at Comcast can understanding the pricing structure.

For example the pricing page, with about 200 differntly priced items) dated July 1, 2010 prices something called DIGITAL STARTER (include "Standard" service, digital converter and remote) but NOWHERE on the new Channe Lineup page is there anything called STANDARD SERVICE...just Limited Basic, Expanded Service, Digital Classic, Premium, Selectom International Premiums...and about 4 others.)

So they will not even describe what they mean for STANDARD SERVICE other than say it costs $59.35 plus tax. After all, the definition of the word STANDARD implies that lots of people will have this level.
This kind of shit is repeated over and over with this rotten company that granted unregulated monopoly power in Jersey City.

I have dealt with many large companies in my years, but I have honestly NEVER seen anything so woefully dreadful as Comcast. And my landlord will allow NO alternative.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 12:54

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2006/1/15 5:27
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istabraq wrote:
I didn't always hate Comcast, but my Internet service has gotten pretty bad - they finally convinced me to hang around all day on a weekend to get my modem/router replaced, and now my service is worse than ever, cutting in and out all the time, just absolute crap for all the frakking money I pay these twerps. And of course their only suggestion is to wait around for another technician.

But I can't get Fios in my hood (not sure why) and I'm not technically savvy enough to know what other options would be. I'm not as concerned about the TV, mostly the Internet - but does anyone have the DirecTV/Verizon DSL deal? Comments?

Any other options for TV/internet I should be considering?

Comcast TV is mostly OK but I would love to get rid of them altogether, I am so frustrated right now.

I had the same problems and Comcast was telling me it was the modem, but it turned out to be the splitter, I would check that first, they seem to go.

Posted on: 2010/6/26 21:45

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2005/8/13 22:19
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2020/8/4 17:41
From Lincoln Park/McGinley Square
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I didn't always hate Comcast, but my Internet service has gotten pretty bad - they finally convinced me to hang around all day on a weekend to get my modem/router replaced, and now my service is worse than ever, cutting in and out all the time, just absolute crap for all the frakking money I pay these twerps. And of course their only suggestion is to wait around for another technician.

But I can't get Fios in my hood (not sure why) and I'm not technically savvy enough to know what other options would be. I'm not as concerned about the TV, mostly the Internet - but does anyone have the DirecTV/Verizon DSL deal? Comments?

Any other options for TV/internet I should be considering?

Comcast TV is mostly OK but I would love to get rid of them altogether, I am so frustrated right now.

Posted on: 2010/6/26 18:03

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2008/4/20 15:31
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I'm convinced they narrow the bandwith sent out for several hours in the late afternoon, early evening. And now they are going to buy NBC Universal, so watch your bill go up I bet.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 17:08

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2005/3/21 20:01
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I have basic service with Comcast and I will be losing a lot of channels starting July 1. I don't know if I should stay with Comcast and upgrade, or switch to FIOS. I think with Comcast, I can watch the broadcast channels without a box. So, I only need one box for one TV set. The other sets, I can still watch the broadcast channels without paying for a box. With FIOS, every TV set needs a receiver. Any suggestions?

Posted on: 2010/6/22 16:36

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?

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2004/5/16 16:03
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I don't necessarily "Hate" them, because we have had good service with Comcast, however, after coming off a two year price deal we had with them, and to discover they don't offer the same deal, so we had to pay more for the same service, I have decided its time to leave comcast service.

The funny thing is, when I called to cancel, they asked why (which I expected) and I said it was due to the pricing. The woman on the phone was shocked, that I found a better price than what they are offering. She looked to see if there was "some magic" she could pull and get me a cheaper price, but alas... no. She actually quoted me something more than what I had already been paying. I laughed.

So, it's on too new and better things!

So long farewell, auf weidersehen adieu...Comcast!

Posted on: 2010/6/22 16:17

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?

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2010/4/1 3:37
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extremely rude customer service

Posted on: 2010/6/22 15:59

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Comcast wants channel 1 back from Jersey City

Published: Monday, June 21, 2010, 10:15 PM Updated: Monday, June 21, 2010, 10:30 PM

Melissa Hayes/The Jersey Journal

Comcast officials on hand at tonight's council meeting to speak about changes to cable services in Jersey City said they are interested in getting channel 1 back.
The city and Comcast have an agreement to provide Jersey City programming on that channel.

But Charlie Smith, director of government affairs for Comcast's North Jersey region, said nationwide channel 1 serves as On Demand.

Smith said the city would be given a different channel for local access.

He said Jersey City customers utilize On Demand less than other parts of the state, including free shows and movies on the service.

"It's too hard for people to find On Demand, that's why we want channel 1," he said.
Smith also detailed changes to the packages, which will take effect July 1.

Comcast is in the process of switching from an analog to a digital system, which means all cable users will need digital boxes to receive channels.

Several council members complained about the service. Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson complained about the number of commercials while Ward A Councilman Michael Sottolano and Ward B Councilman David Donnelly said popular channels keep getting moved off the basic package.

Comcast is in the process of changing its packages.

The "basic service" and "value pac" plans are being replaced with the "limited basic" and "expanded basic" packages.

Basic service includes 63 channels for $39.25 per month. The value pac tacks on an additional five channels at $20.10, for a total cost of $59.35.

The limited basic package, at $16 a month, will offer 21 channels, including ABC, PBS and other local access channels.

The expanded basic package will add another 47 channels at $43.35, for a total of $59.35. This package will include ESPN, MTV and the Food Network, which are currently part of the basic service package.

"Channels that people need and use, they just keep taking off of basic," Donnelly said.

He added that the limited basic plan would give people the same channels they could get with an antenna.
Comcast officials said only about 10 percent of its Jersey City customers would be impacted by the change from basic to limited basic service.

"How can you say it's a better value when you took channels away," Sottolano said. "I'm not happy with you at all."

Comcast officials said by converting to digital service, they can provide users with more channels and options down the road.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 15:45

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Thanks, HPJC

Well, the package Verizon is offering was too good to turn down: My existing services will be about 40% cheaper than Comcast for 6 months (due to various promotions), then 25% less.

Also, free installation and a $250 gift card good at various stores including Best Buy and No contract. Prices guaranteed for two years.

I called Comcast before Verizon stopped by and told them FiOS was now in my building and they very generously offered not to raise my rates next month when my original deal with them expires. Not good enough.

Posted on: 2010/5/13 21:30
I live by the river.

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2010/4/5 15:18
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Had fios nine months without a single problem. Internet is faster and the picture on my TV never gets those terrible digital moire patterns I used to get with Comcast.

Posted on: 2010/5/13 20:23

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2006/6/13 17:16
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Fios is coming to my building so I'm looking for feedback on Verizon. My Comcast service has been OK except for the price (outrageous), but Fios offers certain channels that I really want that Comcast does not offer (CNN International, Bravo HD, MSNBC HD, Comedy Central HD)

I thought there was a thread on FiOS, but I can't find it.

Are people happy with FiOS?

Posted on: 2010/5/13 19:34
I live by the river.

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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2009/9/6 17:28
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Yea it is super ghetto. It's got a bullet proof window for returns and you put your stuff in it they wait for you to close it and then open their side. GHETTO!

Saturday is a good day to go tho. I got parking right in front without a problem.

I saw some crackhead selling pills in the middle of the street on the way there. awesome.

the houses by Lincoln park are really nice. too bad the neighborhood is not so good. I don't think anything is going to happen to you but i wouldn't go live there.

Posted on: 2010/5/12 0:45

Re: Returning Comcast Equipment at 2121 JFK Blvd
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It may not be the prettiest neighborhood, but I didn't feel unsafe the 2 times I went there. you should be able to park within a block.

Keep your receipt. Comcast called me a month later to ask for my cable box back after I returned it.

Posted on: 2010/5/11 22:23

Returning Comcast Equipment at 2121 JFK Blvd

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2009/4/17 3:21
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I have to return my comcast equipment to the comcast service center at 2121 JFK blvd and I have been reading a lot of stories about the area being not safe.
What do you guys suggest, is it worth driving there? Or shall I use some other mode of returning the equipment?

PS - I plan to drive on a saturday morning.


Posted on: 2010/5/11 21:20

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