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Re: "Direct Energy" asking to see my electric/gas bill...
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2005/7/13 15:03
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teddypath wrote:
A Direct Energy 'rep' buzzed this evening. He was giving a shpiel about some rate on my PSEG bill, and how they could provide a fixed 9% rate vs. a variable 11% rate now, and it's good for a year. I went to the door and didn't let him in. He asked me for my bill, and I said I pay online, and he asked for an old bill, and I said I don't save them. I was not about to let anyone in... After his shpiel, I asked him for material to review, and in his disorganized portfolio, he had no material, nor a business card. This was my first clue that this is a scam. He was trying to get me to sign up immediately and I said I'd take his number and do research and if I decide, I'd call him. No person, in their right mind, would automatically sign up for something that sounds too good to be true, and that's what I said to him. He asked if I'd let him into the building to knock on doors, to which I replied "sorry, you'll have to stand out here and ring buzzers to talk to people".
Total scam!!!!!

You gave this guy too much time, I would have thrown him out on his crass. And he wanted you to let him in to knock on doors thats insane I would have called the cops. This guy is not working for an independent power company he is a thief, burglar, and robber all wrapped up in one. Good insight on your part for sending him on his way. At least you were smart enough to see him for what he was...a phony.

Posted on: 2012/12/14 12:39
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: "Direct Energy" asking to see my electric/gas bill...
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Obviously this nonsense works with somebody. It's like "Rachel from cardmember services". Who in their right mind would do business with a company that breaks the law as part of their 1st contact with you?


teddypath wrote:
A Direct Energy 'rep' buzzed this evening. He was giving a shpiel about some rate on my PSEG bill, and how they could provide a fixed 9% rate vs. a variable 11% rate now, and it's good for a year. I went to the door and didn't let him in. He asked me for my bill, and I said I pay online, and he asked for an old bill, and I said I don't save them. I was not about to let anyone in... After his shpiel, I asked him for material to review, and in his disorganized portfolio, he had no material, nor a business card. This was my first clue that this is a scam. He was trying to get me to sign up immediately and I said I'd take his number and do research and if I decide, I'd call him. No person, in their right mind, would automatically sign up for something that sounds too good to be true, and that's what I said to him. He asked if I'd let him into the building to knock on doors, to which I replied "sorry, you'll have to stand out here and ring buzzers to talk to people".
Total scam!!!!!

Posted on: 2012/12/14 4:20

Re: "Direct Energy" asking to see my electric/gas bill...
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2007/4/25 23:05
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A Direct Energy 'rep' buzzed this evening. He was giving a shpiel about some rate on my PSEG bill, and how they could provide a fixed 9% rate vs. a variable 11% rate now, and it's good for a year. I went to the door and didn't let him in. He asked me for my bill, and I said I pay online, and he asked for an old bill, and I said I don't save them. I was not about to let anyone in... After his shpiel, I asked him for material to review, and in his disorganized portfolio, he had no material, nor a business card. This was my first clue that this is a scam. He was trying to get me to sign up immediately and I said I'd take his number and do research and if I decide, I'd call him. No person, in their right mind, would automatically sign up for something that sounds too good to be true, and that's what I said to him. He asked if I'd let him into the building to knock on doors, to which I replied "sorry, you'll have to stand out here and ring buzzers to talk to people".
Total scam!!!!!

Posted on: 2012/12/13 23:15

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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MDM wrote:
If you feel like torturing yourself, you can pullup at the explanations for the various charges. I read up on the BGS charge a while back. However, I have no recollection of exactly how it is calculated.

And yes.. that is how the weighted charge is calculated.

Well, I had a real "through the looking glass" conversation with a guy at PSEG commercial svc. What he told me about the "supply capacity" is that since they didn't have an actual demand meter here, they estimated it using average of the previous years 4 summer months months usage. But what they do in actuality is take that average usage, move the decimal 2 places, and call that the demand. Ex: if your avg monthly usage was 200 kWh, your demand is now 2.0kW. When I pointed out this was patent nonsense, he said that's the way it's done and if I asked for a real demand meter it would cost even more!

Posted on: 2012/12/5 16:16

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2010/7/9 11:16
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You are actually paying about 30% less on the commodity portion of your billl than you were back in 2006 to 2008 when natural gas prices went to the moon.

I don't think rates will stay as low as they are now (residential PSE&G customers were charge about $0.544 a therm last month). The minimum price for dry gas needs to be about $4 per million btu for many drillers to break even (it is under $4 right now). Some need around $7 to make money. The number of drilling rigs has been dropping.

Shale gas wells tend to have steeper production declines than conventional wells, so if drilling slows enough, the current supplies could dry up pretty quick. Plus, looking at a some future weather indicators (i.e. sea surface temps) it will not be a mild winter for much of the northern hemisphere. That will also put a crimp on supplies.

Some studies I went through showed gradual rising gas prices (which will affect electricity prices as well) over the next five years. I am worried about a major spike late this winter and again next winter, so I decided to hedge and lock in a price.

Posted on: 2012/12/4 16:00

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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MDM wrote:
The dehumidifier in my basement really jacks up the rates on my commercial account. I am tempted to wire it up to my residential meter.

I've heard they have computer programs that flag sudden changes in usage. especially if it show up on another meter in the building. If you're going to do it, do it now while there are many thousands of account in turmoil due to the storm.

I've thought of doing the same thing because I have my office and some workshop space in the basement. I haven't, figuring that deducting the full amount on a commercial account makes up for much of the ripoff rates.

Posted on: 2012/12/4 5:10

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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AlexC wrote:

MDM wrote:
For what its worth, I signed up to have my electric rate locked ($0.0925 per kWh) in for 3 years and my gas for 1 year ($0.588 per therm).

I suspect gas prices are going to head up this winter, with a possible big spike in 2014. Then again.. I could be wrong.. but compared to the average cost of energy over the past year and half, the rates quoted were pretty good.

Not sure - there's been record production of Gas last few years, maybe it will also bring down Electricity?

Don't count on it. Somehow the market forces rarely get to the consumer. Our prices only go up. You read when there's a glut of corn and farmers are getting a pittance for it, but the cornflakes stay the same absurd price.

Posted on: 2012/12/3 21:20

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2006/9/14 18:57
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MDM wrote:
For what its worth, I signed up to have my electric rate locked ($0.0925 per kWh) in for 3 years and my gas for 1 year ($0.588 per therm).

I suspect gas prices are going to head up this winter, with a possible big spike in 2014. Then again.. I could be wrong.. but compared to the average cost of energy over the past year and half, the rates quoted were pretty good.

Not sure - there's been record production of Gas last few years, maybe it will also bring down Electricity?

Posted on: 2012/12/3 19:03

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2006/9/14 18:57
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They knocked on my door about a month ago, a young man wearing black shirt with some insignia on the left chest, asking to see my PSEG bill. He took down my account number then started quickly scribbling a contract, explaining that he will lower my electric/gas bill (blah blah blah, and so on and so forth).

At first, it sounded pretty legit, but very high pressure. I asked him if it was permanent, he said it will be locked for a year, and it did say it on the contract.

Anyway, he wanted me to sign right there and then, very much in a hurry to which I asked to keep the contract to study it and he can come back the next day once I digest all of the info and to also cross-check this deal.

He got all upset like he was trying to do me a favor and I was an ingrate, and when he realized it wasn't going to happen right there, he proceeded to cross off all the writing on the contract and tear it to pieces, then walked away.

sounded pretty shady to me

Posted on: 2012/12/3 19:00

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2010/7/9 11:16
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If you feel like torturing yourself, you can pullup at the explanations for the various charges. I read up on the BGS charge a while back. However, I have no recollection of exactly how it is calculated.

And yes.. that is how the weighted charge is calculated.

Posted on: 2012/12/3 18:49

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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MDM wrote:

brewster wrote:

Do you find insanely varying rates for your commercial electric accounts?

What kills me on my commercial accounts is the demand charges and other parts of the regulated portion of the bill. My weighted costs per kWh is as high a $0.26. It is an insane price just to keep lights on in the hallway and a washer and dryer running.

I haven't put the supply (deregulated) portion out to bid yet. I plan to do that later this month. The dehumidifier in my basement really jacks up the rates on my commercial account. I am tempted to wire it up to my residential meter.

I am tempted to go off the grid and sub-meter my tenants but the investment to do that would be over $70k

If by "weighted cost" you mean simply dividing the bill by kwh I get as high as $0.36. For me the crazy line is supply/BGS capacity/generation. They apply some number 4.27kw that they've apparently pulled out of their ass.

Posted on: 2012/12/3 16:17

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2010/7/9 11:16
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brewster wrote:

Do you find insanely varying rates for your commercial electric accounts?

What kills me on my commercial accounts is the demand charges and other parts of the regulated portion of the bill. My weighted costs per kWh is as high a $0.26. It is an insane price just to keep lights on in the hallway and a washer and dryer running.

I haven't put the supply (deregulated) portion out to bid yet. I plan to do that later this month. The dehumidifier in my basement really jacks up the rates on my commercial account. I am tempted to wire it up to my residential meter.

I am tempted to go off the grid and sub-meter my tenants but the investment to do that would be over $70k

Posted on: 2012/12/3 0:00

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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MDM wrote:
For what its worth, I signed up to have my electric rate locked ($0.0925 per kWh) in for 3 years and my gas for 1 year ($0.588 per therm).

I suspect gas prices are going to head up this winter, with a possible big spike in 2014. Then again.. I could be wrong.. but compared to the average cost of energy over the past year and half, the rates quoted were pretty good.

Do you find insanely varying rates for your commercial electric accounts? One of my buildings is paying a stupendous capacity charges, it amounts to 70% of the supply charge, and half the entire bill! I wonder if one of the alternative suppliers can do better.

Posted on: 2012/12/2 22:18

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2010/7/9 11:16
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For what its worth, I signed up to have my electric rate locked ($0.0925 per kWh) in for 3 years and my gas for 1 year ($0.588 per therm).

I suspect gas prices are going to head up this winter, with a possible big spike in 2014. Then again.. I could be wrong.. but compared to the average cost of energy over the past year and half, the rates quoted were pretty good.

Posted on: 2012/11/26 3:40

Re: "Direct Energy" asking to see my electric/gas bill...
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2012/11/5 16:23
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JoyOfSound wrote:
At about 6pm, there was a knock on my apartment door from a person representing "Direct Energy".

The person asked to see my bill, and then gave me some mumbo jumbo about gas/electric supply rates, and how I can save money with lower rates from Direct Energy.

It sounded a little fishy, but the way he laid it out, it sounded like I'd be saving some money. So, I signed up, but was told I'd be getting a verification call in about 15 seconds (!!!).

I got the idea that maybe they verify the customer so quickly as to prevent them from quickly researching the company.

The sales guy leaves (policy) while the verification person calls me. While I pick up the phone, I google on my laptop and find out that people have felt scammed by this company.

I tell the verification operator that I'd like to think about things. She says "okay" and hangs up. I track down the sales rep, who is still in my building, and ask to get the paper I signed back. He gives it to me no problem. I'm thinking that I'm safe, but I know he gave my information to the operator on the phone before I got my call back...I'm hoping that I am not signed up.

Has anyone on this board been approached by "Direct Energy"?
I vaguely recall a thread about these folks coming to your door, but can't find it now.

Anyone know anything about this company? Please share...

I had experienced this almost EXACTLY although I can't remember if it was Direct Energy or another. I even fell for the social engineering ploy "we talked to your neighbor so-and-so". I think I ended up not answering the verification, reading the papers (and not liking some of it), and called them back to cancel. Then I warned my neighbor that I thought they should stick with regular PSEG. As far as I know, cancelling worked - and now I know better.

Posted on: 2012/11/17 22:24

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2010/7/9 11:16
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Anyone here lock in a gas and/or electric rate for a year or more? Looking at the market, it appears natural gas prices will be headed upwards over the next two years.

The number of suppliers has really mushroomed over the past few years. Anyone know of one that will lock in a rate for 2 years on residential / light commercial?

Posted on: 2012/11/17 14:10

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2007/2/3 21:36
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whiteboy19 wrote:
yea,they came around my way making such a racket in my lobby,I opened the door and told them it was a private building and that solicitors werent allowed.the go rilla and the she ape muttered some gutteral utterances and left the building not before knocking some decorations off my door.I chased them out to kennedy blvd,but they locked the door on their red jeep cherokee.the car wouldnt start,they stayed in it for about 20 minutes before abandoning it in a yellow zone.I waited about a half an hour before visiting the abandoned vehicle and then....Ill leave the rest of the story to your imagination.they wont be coming back my way

they solicited in your building so you vandalized their car.

and you dare to call them apes?!

Posted on: 2012/7/17 2:05

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2011/8/30 11:05
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call the cops???My block is self governing, especially my building the cops have better things to do than chase some buggers.and when they returned to their car,they were the one to call the cops,who promptly ticketed them for parking in the yellow the cops????no,I took care of it i didnt even think about calling the cops.the couldnt or wouldnt do anything anyway.dont rely on the cops

Posted on: 2012/7/17 1:33

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2011/9/29 6:09
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According to you they were stuck in their car for 20 minutes...and you didn't have time to call the cops??? I hope that you have reserved some of those choice name calling descriptives for yourself.

Posted on: 2012/7/17 1:25

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2011/8/30 11:05
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yea,they came around my way making such a racket in my lobby,I opened the door and told them it was a private building and that solicitors werent allowed.the go rilla and the she ape muttered some gutteral utterances and left the building not before knocking some decorations off my door.I chased them out to kennedy blvd,but they locked the door on their red jeep cherokee.the car wouldnt start,they stayed in it for about 20 minutes before abandoning it in a yellow zone.I waited about a half an hour before visiting the abandoned vehicle and then....Ill leave the rest of the story to your imagination.they wont be coming back my way

Posted on: 2012/7/17 0:48

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2011/2/4 18:58
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"Commerce Energy" is currently making the rounds in Journal Square...

Posted on: 2012/7/16 22:40

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Direct Energy promises to retrain sales contractors, denies trying to trick PSE&G customers

Published: Friday, July 13, 2012, 10:20 AM
Updated: Friday, July 13, 2012, 10:42 AM
By The Jersey Journal

A Toronto-based energy company seeking new Bayonne customers says it has retrained some of its contractors after complaints from at least one Bayonne man who said the contractors tried to dupe him into signing up with the company, The Jersey Journal reports. Two men working for Direct Energy approached Adam Robb, who writes occasionally for The Jersey Journal, asking to see a copy of his PSE&G bill and telling him they would fill out a form for him that could lead to a refund on certain energy charges, Robb said.

Full JJ piece?. ... rgy_to_promise_retra.html

** ****

Buy the JJ?

Posted on: 2012/7/13 16:14

Re: I think I just made a terrible mistake...

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2012/5/23 23:41
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2012/5/24 10:33
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I made the same mistake today. I was suspicious but I was on my way out so I didn't really ask questions like I should have. What ended up happening with you? Did you have to do anything to cancel it?

Posted on: 2012/5/24 0:18

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2011/8/30 11:05
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Afro American? can you say that? I dont know these days what you can say . Its all right with me you can say anything you want but some folks get ticked off for nothing

Posted on: 2011/11/1 20:08

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2011/8/30 11:05
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lots of phoney gas stuff going around ,A bunch of boys claiming to be direct energy were running in my building knocking on all doors . they were making noise and acting childish. I threw them out and called the police and direct energy and spoke to the rep. She did not confim nor deny that the guys were dispatched to my block. which means they were. take caution with this these are ''young men''if you know what I mean ''young and strong''stay with pseg until this blows over. you could be robbed or worse.

Posted on: 2011/11/1 20:05

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2010/11/19 23:02
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These are the people knocking on your door.

They also represent Verizon selling FiOS door to door.

Posted on: 2011/11/1 14:08

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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asidewins wrote:
Just happened to me off of Logan Ave. Luckily I had read the Consumerist articles and told the guy I wasn't interested. My neighbors apparently signed up with IDT a few months ago and their bill doubled. Seems that IDT is charging for the same thing that PSEG charges on the same bill. They're trying to cancel IDT now. I hope it's easy for them.....Horrible scam.

So IDT is into energy now. Years back they were into the communication business compeating with Verizon and claimed that they could match their rates. I called to see how much the bill would be once I recieved it the girl on the other end could not answer the question so she got a grown up I mean her manager. The manager was reluctant to give me the "actual" price then did so which turned out to be higher. I just wanted to know how much the bill would be when I wrote out the check. Another scam.

Posted on: 2011/11/1 8:31

Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
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vida wrote:
Thanks for the info. I also called the company to complain about sending out these guys without a card, a brochure or even a uniform. As you say they are indeed clueless and now I feel bad for these guys and I hope they find better work 'cause they can't of had much success doing this.

Again someone out there "feels bad" sooner of later you're gonna get swindled. If they don't have proper credentials then send them on their way. How dare this company send out ill prepared reps only to be duplicated by would be criminals looking to rob you. If I were a home owner I would not allow this on my property nor would I give the authority to my tenants to open the door to these phonies.

Posted on: 2011/11/1 8:18

Re: "Direct Energy" asking to see my electric/gas bill...
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2009/1/9 8:53
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Please tell me that when he asked to see your bill you said, "NO"? Don't answer your door unless you're expecting someone.

Posted on: 2011/11/1 3:50

Re: "Direct Energy" asking to see my electric/gas bill...
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2009/5/12 2:57
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Well of course right now hes gonna save you some money on electricity. Its winter. They claim to sell some stable rate while PSEG will fluctuate the cost month to month. So you can pay a stable X or go from a different price month to month. Most people I know who do this opt out as soon as possible.

Posted on: 2011/11/1 3:14

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