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Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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caj11 wrote:

jerseymom wrote:
Small group rallies in Jersey City for justice in Ferguson, Mo. - Jersey Journal

A rally for justice, spurred on by the events in Ferguson, Mo., was overshadowed by the promise of free turkeys this afternoon on Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City.

The North Jersey chapter of the National Action Network held a rally to protest the grand jury?s decision not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Less than 10 people participated in the rally, but they made sure that the hundreds of people lined up for free Thanksgiving meals across the street heard their message.

?We?re standing for people who can?t stand for themselves,? said Kenyaetta Williams, 45, of Jersey City.

?I expected it,? Williams said of the grand jury?s decision. ?But I also expected more people out here today,? she said. ?All the turkeys are giving out turkeys,? she said.

Jersey Journal - Story & Photos

?All the turkeys are giving out turkeys,?

Nice thing to say about people who are volunteering their time to help the needy, just happened to be police officers and who had NOTHING to do with the events in Ferguson. Would she rather that people don't eat on Thanksgiving?

I wonder if she had a protest for the senseless killing of that cop this past summer.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 21:13

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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This woman had her cake shop destroyed by the looters: ... /274915157402?sk=timeline

[img width=300][/img]

Posted on: 2014/11/25 21:12

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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jerseymom wrote:
Small group rallies in Jersey City for justice in Ferguson, Mo. - Jersey Journal

A rally for justice, spurred on by the events in Ferguson, Mo., was overshadowed by the promise of free turkeys this afternoon on Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City.

The North Jersey chapter of the National Action Network held a rally to protest the grand jury?s decision not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Less than 10 people participated in the rally, but they made sure that the hundreds of people lined up for free Thanksgiving meals across the street heard their message.

?We?re standing for people who can?t stand for themselves,? said Kenyaetta Williams, 45, of Jersey City.

?I expected it,? Williams said of the grand jury?s decision. ?But I also expected more people out here today,? she said. ?All the turkeys are giving out turkeys,? she said.

Jersey Journal - Story & Photos

?All the turkeys are giving out turkeys,?

Nice thing to say about people who are volunteering their time to help the needy, just happened to be police officers and who had NOTHING to do with the events in Ferguson. Would she rather that people don't eat on Thanksgiving?

Posted on: 2014/11/25 21:09

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Small group rallies in Jersey City for justice in Ferguson, Mo. - Jersey Journal

A rally for justice, spurred on by the events in Ferguson, Mo., was overshadowed by the promise of free turkeys this afternoon on Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City.

The North Jersey chapter of the National Action Network held a rally to protest the grand jury?s decision not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Less than 10 people participated in the rally, but they made sure that the hundreds of people lined up for free Thanksgiving meals across the street heard their message.

?We?re standing for people who can?t stand for themselves,? said Kenyaetta Williams, 45, of Jersey City.

?I expected it,? Williams said of the grand jury?s decision. ?But I also expected more people out here today,? she said. ?All the turkeys are giving out turkeys,? she said.

Jersey Journal - Story & Photos

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:56

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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2012/11/10 20:38
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Remember, they need to protest and fight for the right of black criminals to rob stores and attack cops with impunity! A cop tries to defend himself? Racist!

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:48

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

List of country and world-wide actions taking place.

Also this tweet -
Nyle Fort @NyleFort ? 23m 23 minutes ago
getting reports that folks are shooting at cops on Clinton Ave here in #Newark, NJ. helicopters everywhere. heading to City Hall now..

I love it how there's a vigil/protest planned at the US Embassy in Ottawa, Canada. Yeah, the people who administer trade policy between the US and Canada, issue visas and assist people who lost their US passport have a lot to do with the decision in Ferguson. Is there going to be another hostage crisis and will another "Argo" type movie be inspired? It is just laughable.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:32

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Why don't the protesters loot the Court House and Police Station, instead of 'soft' innocent targets such as store owners and their merchandise that had nothing to do with the verdict!

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:31
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Monroe wrote:
Only 30 more looting days until Christmas.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:30

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Only 30 more looting days until Christmas.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:23

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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2012/11/10 20:38
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devilsadvocate wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
More violent stupid racists who only care about skin color and not facts. These things tend to work themselves out in the end.

Hopefully, with those involved getting the lengthy prison sentences they deserve.

Definitely. But when you are dealing with people this stupid, if they don't get arrested now they'll end up getting arrested later, or they'll kill each other in yet another spate of black on black crime that the media will ignore.

I just feel sorry for the innocents caught in the cross fire, such as the business owners. The store owner I posted earlier has probably been a victim of more racial injustice than all of the "protestors" ever have.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:16

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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JCMan8 wrote:
More violent stupid racists who only care about skin color and not facts. These things tend to work themselves out in the end.

Hopefully, with those involved getting the lengthy prison sentences they deserve.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:09

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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2014/3/4 22:31
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
7pm tonight, Union Square NYC.

Will we get to see your mugshot?

You know, weren't you the one that promised us that DW was getting indicted several weeks ago?

Posted on: 2014/11/25 18:22

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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2012/11/10 20:38
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More violent stupid racists who only care about skin color and not facts. These things tend to work themselves out in the end.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 17:52

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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List of country and world-wide actions taking place.

Also this tweet -
Nyle Fort @NyleFort ? 23m 23 minutes ago
getting reports that folks are shooting at cops on Clinton Ave here in #Newark, NJ. helicopters everywhere. heading to City Hall now..

Posted on: 2014/11/25 17:44

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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7pm tonight, Union Square NYC.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 17:04

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Somewhere, Bill Cosby is quietly thanking the Grand Jury....

Posted on: 2014/11/25 16:23

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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2012/11/10 20:38
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The store owner who was robbed by Mike Brown had his store looted last night.

Great job Ferguson community!

Resized Image

Posted on: 2014/11/25 16:07

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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JCman24 wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Is the racist lynch mob happy that justice has been served?

Yes, I hear the police department is very happy.

Hah. I see what you did there ... made me chuckle.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 16:00

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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JCman24 wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
This is far from over.

Nope, pretty sure it is over. There will be some worthless criminals who will do a bunch of stuff that will get them killed or arrested but there will be no do-over on this verdict, and society has spoken that it will not side with thugs over cops. You must be FURIOUS right now. :)

Personally, I've had a great run of things lately - between the Republican congressional sweep and this I certainly can't complain.

After Obama initially came out calling for a vigorous prosecution, I figured Wilson was going to get railroaded.

Nice to see despite the endless race-baiting in the media, and a politically correct culture that couldn't care less about actual correctness and the truth, that the court system still works.

Justice has been done today. The question is will the racists who only care about Brown's skin color accept that?

It is fascinating watching you call people racist.

Prejudiced, or racist people, pre-judge a situation or person based on the color of their skin. They don't care about the facts of a situation, or the merits of that person.

Here, there is a large racist contingent of people who prejudged the situation right from the beginning, and concluded that Officer Wilson executed Mike Brown in the street solely because he was black. They based this conclusion on no solid evidence, and ignored the fact that the "star witness" was caught in many lies, since it didn't fit their racist agenda.

The Ferguson looters, rioters, and protestors fit this definition to a T. They knew they would protest this verdict from the start, as they had to rally to support their skin color regardless of the terrible behavior of Brown. Good thing the court system works as intended and doesn't give in to lynch mobs.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 14:33

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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2012/11/10 20:38
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For a second time, the black community in Ferguson set the town on fire. Over 12 businesses were burned to the ground. Dozens more were looted.

A shame for anyone hard working who lives in Ferguson, as the crappy community who lives there has all but ensured the town will remain a ghetto for decades to come. All in the name of Mike Brown, a thug who the evidence proved committed a strongarm robbery, attacked Officer Wilson, and tried to take his gun.

Seven black witnesses testified to the Grand Jury that Mike Brown charged at Wilson "like a football player." The liberal media lie that Brown had his hands up was exposed as a falsehood.

But when a community makes martyrs out of thuggish criminals like that, can you be surprised when they burn their whole town down?

Posted on: 2014/11/25 14:28

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Were there any disturbances in JC last night?

Posted on: 2014/11/25 14:16

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Generally I'll use 'black'; when I posted this I had just read a story online that talked about the Grand Jury and they used 'African-American' so it just followed that way.

Is one term preferable? Should we also use 'Caucasian-Americans' as well??


JCman24 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
25% of the Grand Jury panel were African Americans

Be honest, is this the first time you've used the phrase "African Americans"?

Posted on: 2014/11/25 11:28

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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JCMan8 wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
This is far from over.

Nope, pretty sure it is over. There will be some worthless criminals who will do a bunch of stuff that will get them killed or arrested but there will be no do-over on this verdict, and society has spoken that it will not side with thugs over cops. You must be FURIOUS right now. :)

Personally, I've had a great run of things lately - between the Republican congressional sweep and this I certainly can't complain.

After Obama initially came out calling for a vigorous prosecution, I figured Wilson was going to get railroaded.

Nice to see despite the endless race-baiting in the media, and a politically correct culture that couldn't care less about actual correctness and the truth, that the court system still works.

Justice has been done today. The question is will the racists who only care about Brown's skin color accept that?

It is fascinating watching you call people racist.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 11:16

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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devilsadvocate wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
This is far from over.

Nope, pretty sure it is over. There will be some worthless criminals who will do a bunch of stuff that will get them killed or arrested but there will be no do-over on this verdict, and society has spoken that it will not side with thugs over cops. You must be FURIOUS right now. :)

Personally, I've had a great run of things lately - between the Republican congressional sweep and this I certainly can't complain.

After Obama initially came out calling for a vigorous prosecution, I figured Wilson was going to get railroaded.

Nice to see despite the endless race-baiting in the media, and a politically correct culture that couldn't care less about actual correctness and the truth, that the court system still works.

Justice has been done today. The question is will the racists who only care about Brown's skin color accept that?

Posted on: 2014/11/25 6:05

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Monroe wrote:
25% of the Grand Jury panel were African Americans

Be honest, is this the first time you've used the phrase "African Americans"?

Posted on: 2014/11/25 5:14

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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I think both parts of my comment were true. Of course, no-one in Ferguson seems to have taken his words to heart. Over 100 shots fired by the protestors. And I'm glad they FBI nailed the two New Black Panthers who were going to make pipe bombs. Hopefully no one gets hurt and damage to property is limited.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 4:58

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Monroe wrote:

JCman24 wrote:
It's obvious that your mockery is rooted in fear

Well, I won't be strolling down Ocean Avenue tonight!

As if there's ever a good night to walk down Ocean Ave. :)

But seriously, I would be 1000x more scared right now if DW was indicted.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 4:54

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Good job by you complimenting Obama, even though you seemed disappointed to do so

Monroe wrote:
Good job by Obama trying to calm everyone, even though he looked disappointed at the outcome.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 4:52

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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JCman24 wrote:
It's obvious that your mockery is rooted in fear

Well, I won't be strolling down Ocean Avenue tonight!

Posted on: 2014/11/25 4:29

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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2014/9/16 19:15
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It's obvious that your mockery is rooted in fear

Posted on: 2014/11/25 4:26

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