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Pop-Up Gatherings !
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
Has anyone been hearing the loud obnoxious music behind Tonnelle ave. ? Those large pop-up gatherings are happening again west of Tonnelle Ave. behind the Ringside Bar and the cemetery by the PSE&G facility at Van Kuren and James Avenues. Large gangs of twenty to thirty people having sound battles with speakers as bis as garbage cans powered by generators. It usually occurs on the weekends after midnight. The "music" reverberates and resonates throughout the Western Slope. The North District police captain, Ward D councilman, and other elected officials are aware of this. Stil, call the radio room (201) 547-5477 to prioritize the issue.
Posted on: 2022/7/24 9:02
Edited by heights on 2022/7/24 9:27:04
Get on your bikes and ride !