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Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2004/11/6 21:13
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From Hamilton Park
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TheBigGuy wrote:
I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of the nanny state's hysterical views on smoking versus their acceptance/encouragement about smoking a joint. Seems like the processes are the same, inhale a stimulant into your lungs.... yet smokers are treated like dirt in the culture today.

Tobacco is physically addictive and a proven killer of huge numbers of people, public enemy #1. Weed? Neither. Even a regular user might have a few hits a day, rather than smoking a pack or 3 like people did before the price went sky high. And yet tobacco is legal and weed is not. Note, we're not even talking about the derivative products, which are HUGE, and not smoked.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 4:55

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2009/5/12 22:51
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brewster wrote:
The great thing about the weed/tax model is it scales locally, rather than being a disaster like casinos. It can be grown anywhere, so the entire economic impact can stay local, rather than sending the money elsewhere for wholesale product. I'd really have no problem if you could only sell NJ grown in NJ.

Tax schmax, Oregon is getting plenty of tax and it's still selling powerful weed for $8/g. Secondhand smoke? Is that really all you got? Clearly all the rules for public cigarette and alcohol consumption should apply. You can't legally light up in the streets in the states where it's currently legal. This is the "no place exists but us" crap that always pisses me off where people pretend there's no functioning models to look at.

I 'll have a toke of what you are smoking... I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of the nanny state's hysterical views on smoking versus their acceptance/encouragement about smoking a joint. Seems like the processes are the same, inhale a stimulant into your lungs.... yet smokers are treated like dirt in the culture today.

Big Tobacco is ready go switching to marijuana. There is no way NJ and Tobacco are going to let people grow their own. Hard to believe people will be stopped on the street for public toking.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 4:00

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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The great thing about the weed/tax model is it scales locally, rather than being a disaster like casinos. It can be grown anywhere, so the entire economic impact can stay local, rather than sending the money elsewhere for wholesale product. I'd really have no problem if you could only sell NJ grown in NJ.

Tax schmax, Oregon is getting plenty of tax and it's still selling powerful weed for $8/g. Secondhand smoke? Is that really all you got? Clearly all the rules for public cigarette and alcohol consumption should apply. You can't legally light up in the streets in the states where it's currently legal. This is the "no place exists but us" crap that always pisses me off where people pretend there's no functioning models to look at.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 2:38

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2011/4/15 4:43
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I read a conflicting report by VICE yesterday: ... d-is-coming-to-new-jersey

"Democratic senator Nicholas Scutari, a longtime legalization advocate who sponsored New Jersey's medical marijuana law, introduced a bill in May permitting state residents age 21 and over to use small amounts of pot. Under the plan, New Jerseyans could carry, transport, or consume up to: one ounce of marijuana; 16 ounces or less of marijuana-infused product; 72 ounces or less of liquid pot, and seven grams of marijuana concentrate. They could also grow up to six "immature" pot plants, but, under the letter of the law, harvest their own bud at home. Customers would pay a 7 percent tax on marijuana sales in the first year pot was on sale in stores, and that would slowly escalate to 25 percent after several years of legalization."

I really wish there was a definitive answer to this, because the bill that was originally introduced outlawed home growing. I wonder if the bill was re-written to include home cultivation after Murphy's official win. Apparently, we would be the only recreational marijuana state that doesn't allow citizens to grow small amounts at home for personal use.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 2:36

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2009/5/12 22:51
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iGreg wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

Just seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in some of the things they do. Is 2nd hand marijuana smoke as bad as cigarettes? Seems to me inhaling anything other than fresh air into your lungs can't be good long term.

Is alcohol and or nicotine addiction anything wonderful or healthy?

Yet these have been legally sold for years on end and nicely taxed, sheeit we even created a special police force called the ATF to make sure the tariffs are collected & paid.

Marijuana is the next big thing, RJ Reynolds is said to have bought up tons of primo grow areas in Humbolt County, California
just waiting to package and get their chronic on the bodega shelfs - sorry no more nickel bags of that Columbian Gold bunk.


oh... I understand. I just kind of smirk when the tax on a pack of cigarettes in NYC raises the price to $15 and the political anti-smoking nazis says the tax increase this a great incentive to make people quit.

Some how the tax increase on cigarettes is a good thing, cause it says lives. No... it creates financial opportunities for people to ship cigarettes in from out of state. Seems like 7%-25% tax increase over several years in NJ for marijuana sales is a deliberate strategy with the business owners. Why doesn't the NJ government just start at 25% tax outright? Marketing 101 says the entry price point makes it more affordable to more people. Something wrong with the government promoting this activity.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 2:08

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2015/4/15 3:56
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TheBigGuy wrote:

Just seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in some of the things they do. Is 2nd hand marijuana smoke as bad as cigarettes? Seems to me inhaling anything other than fresh air into your lungs can't be good long term.

Is alcohol and or nicotine addiction anything wonderful or healthy?

Yet these have been legally sold for years on end and nicely taxed, sheeit we even created a special police force called the ATF to make sure the tariffs are collected & paid.

Marijuana is the next big thing, RJ Reynolds is said to have bought up tons of primo grow areas in Humbolt County, California
just waiting to package and get their chronic on the bodega shelfs - sorry no more nickel bags of that Columbian Gold bunk.


Posted on: 2017/12/7 1:36

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2009/5/12 22:51
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Dolomiti wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
As far as i am concerned most governments want their citizens stoned because they are easier to control.

Is that why marijuana and opiates have been illegal in the US and almost all states for decades?

And why the push to legalize marijuana has been pushed by the public in dozens of states, while the government in almost every one of those states has opposed legalization?

The vice story said one NJ proposal wanted to start the tax at 7%, then after several years it would grow to 25%. No idea what alcohol is taxed at but it is pretty obvious the only thing they want is immediate increased usage and a new revenue stream that grows to feed their spending addiction.


First of all, alcohol is taxed at 12 cents a gallon for beer, 87.5 cents for wine, spirits $5.50.

Second, both governments and pro-pot advocates are openly saying they could use this to raise taxes.

Third, spending levels haven't changed much in NJ since at least 2009.

Finally, feel free to go over the NJ budget and tell us all what ought to be cut. You know that property tax relief is a huge chunk of spending, right? Maybe we can cut education spending, perhaps? Police? CHIP?

Not sure why you are worked up... the country spends billions on alcohol/drug/smoking/gambling abuse and awareness programs during a global opiate addiction problem. And here is NJ promoting marijuana and possibly jeopardizing the long term health of people for tax revenue.

Just seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in some of the things they do. Is 2nd hand marijuana smoke as bad as cigarettes? Seems to me inhaling anything other than fresh air into your lungs can't be good long term.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 1:19

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2004/11/8 3:36
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Dolomiti wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
As far as i am concerned most governments want their citizens stoned because they are easier to control.

Is that why marijuana and opiates have been illegal in the US and almost all states for decades?

And why the push to legalize marijuana has been pushed by the public in dozens of states, while the government in almost every one of those states has opposed legalization?

The vice story said one NJ proposal wanted to start the tax at 7%, then after several years it would grow to 25%. No idea what alcohol is taxed at but it is pretty obvious the only thing they want is immediate increased usage and a new revenue stream that grows to feed their spending addiction.


First of all, alcohol is taxed at 12 cents a gallon for beer, 87.5 cents for wine, spirits $5.50.

Second, both governments and pro-pot advocates are openly saying they could use this to raise taxes.

Third, spending levels haven't changed much in NJ since at least 2009.

Finally, feel free to go over the NJ budget and tell us all what ought to be cut. You know that property tax relief is a huge chunk of spending, right? Maybe we can cut education spending, perhaps? Police? CHIP?

The state is looking for a big tax payday like Colorado. ... nue-surpasses-500-million

Posted on: 2017/12/7 0:32

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2012/8/6 22:56
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TheBigGuy wrote:
As far as i am concerned most governments want their citizens stoned because they are easier to control.

Is that why marijuana and opiates have been illegal in the US and almost all states for decades?

And why the push to legalize marijuana has been pushed by the public in dozens of states, while the government in almost every one of those states has opposed legalization?

The vice story said one NJ proposal wanted to start the tax at 7%, then after several years it would grow to 25%. No idea what alcohol is taxed at but it is pretty obvious the only thing they want is immediate increased usage and a new revenue stream that grows to feed their spending addiction.


First of all, alcohol is taxed at 12 cents a gallon for beer, 87.5 cents for wine, spirits $5.50.

Second, both governments and pro-pot advocates are openly saying they could use this to raise taxes.

Third, spending levels haven't changed much in NJ since at least 2009.

Finally, feel free to go over the NJ budget and tell us all what ought to be cut. You know that property tax relief is a huge chunk of spending, right? Maybe we can cut education spending, perhaps? Police? CHIP?

Posted on: 2017/12/6 23:07

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2012/9/14 18:52
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question - even though a state may legalize its sale, can't companies still drug test potential new employees? (or possibly even test existing employees at random?)

Posted on: 2017/12/6 21:56

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2004/11/6 21:13
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By the time it's New Jersey's turn there's going to be plenty of established facts on the ground of how this business works in nearly half a dozen states. The only problem will be getting New Jersey politicians to admit that something exist outside of New Jersey.

Posted on: 2017/12/6 21:44

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2009/2/8 17:21
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brewster wrote:
I walked into a recreational dispensary in Oregon last year, what a trip! Quart jars of bud lining the walls, each with a description and a test report, plus glass cases of concentrates and edibles. Plus knowledgeable salespeople to tell of the nuances of each "varietal". A far cry from the $30/oz mexi we smoked in college! (Does that date me?)

$15/oz for me (mid-late 60s). Those were the days......

....when the National Guard rolled through Baltimore after martial law was declared after the riots over the murder of Martin Luther King.

Posted on: 2017/12/6 21:10

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2017/1/3 18:17
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Posted on: 2017/12/6 20:51

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Trust me, even then that was probably WAY BETTER weed! We rarely saw "sens". The stuff in Oregon was 8-11/gram and literally has 30x the THC of the ca 1980 mexican full of twigs and seeds. As for complicated, OMG! It was like shopping for artisanal beer.


dmark526 wrote:
I think it might. I remember a quarter oz costing $30-40 in the late 80's. Sounds like even pot smoking has gotten complicated.


brewster wrote:
I walked into a recreational dispensary in Oregon last year, what a trip! Quart jars of bud lining the walls, each with a description and a test report, plus glass cases of concentrates and edibles. Plus knowledgeable salespeople to tell of the nuances of each "varietal". A far cry from the $30/oz mexi we smoked in college! (Does that date me?)

Posted on: 2017/12/6 4:36

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2011/4/15 4:43
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This is most evident by the fact that under the current bill, it would be illegal for homeowners to grow their own cannabis at home. It's all about the revenue.


TheBigGuy wrote:
The vice story said one NJ proposal wanted to start the tax at 7%, then after several years it would grow to 25%. No idea what alcohol is taxed at but it is pretty obvious the only thing they want is immediate increased usage and a new revenue stream that grows to feed their spending addiction.

Posted on: 2017/12/6 4:35

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2009/5/12 22:51
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I don't care what people go in their homes, but I am worried about kids getting access and the public safety aspects of driving stoned. Certainly jailing people for personal consumption is foolish.

As far as i am concerned most governments want their citizens stoned because they are easier to control. The vice story said one NJ proposal wanted to start the tax at 7%, then after several years it would grow to 25%. No idea what alcohol is taxed at but it is pretty obvious the only thing they want is immediate increased usage and a new revenue stream that grows to feed their spending addiction.

Posted on: 2017/12/6 4:30

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2006/5/4 4:58
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I think it might. I remember a quarter oz costing $30-40 in the late 80's. Sounds like even pot smoking has gotten complicated.


brewster wrote:
I walked into a recreational dispensary in Oregon last year, what a trip! Quart jars of bud lining the walls, each with a description and a test report, plus glass cases of concentrates and edibles. Plus knowledgeable salespeople to tell of the nuances of each "varietal". A far cry from the $30/oz mexi we smoked in college! (Does that date me?)

Posted on: 2017/12/6 2:25

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2004/11/6 21:13
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From Hamilton Park
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I walked into a recreational dispensary in Oregon last year, what a trip! Quart jars of bud lining the walls, each with a description and a test report, plus glass cases of concentrates and edibles. Plus knowledgeable salespeople to tell of the nuances of each "varietal". A far cry from the $30/oz mexi we smoked in college! (Does that date me?)

Posted on: 2017/12/6 2:15

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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2011/4/15 4:43
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You're late to the party bud, but better late than never.

Posted on: 2017/12/6 1:57

Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey

Thanks to sweeping Democratic victories up and down the ballot last month, recreational pot is en route to the Garden State. Here's what that might look like.

Cannabis-industry players are already scouting locations in Jersey City, Hoboken, Fort Lee, and Newark for potential storefronts. “New Jersey has a incredible opportunity to have a first-mover advantage in the Northeast, particularly the overflow they would likely experience from New York because of the extremely restrictive medical market there,” said Derek Peterson, CEO of Terra Tech, a marijuana agriculture company.

Peterson suggested retailers might offer a mix of products available in other states—and that perhaps half would be raw flour and the other half ready edibles and concentrates.

Legalization in Jersey seems inevitable despite expected opposition from some lawmakers, new wave drug warriors, and, of course, Sessions, a Reefer Madness type who signaled he may crack down on pot as recently as last week. Then there’s Christie, who will still be involved with the Trump administration’s commission on opioid use even after he leaves office. Remarkably, he cited (questionable) research suggesting smoking weed can lead to opioid addiction in the commission's November report, while ignoring a bevy of studies finding medical marijuana is associated with a reduction in opioid overdose deaths. ... d-is-coming-to-new-jersey

Posted on: 2017/12/6 1:29

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