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Re: Sprinklers
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2008/4/2 11:56
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parkman wrote:
I hope the residents of this community can appreciate this small oasis within downtown that they may come to and relax, sunbath, read, and view what we think is some of the best planted gardens in any public park within Jersey City.


Absolutely. It?s a fantastic counterpoint to the constant background noise often dismal aesthetics of our urban environment. I would have moved years ago if it wasn?t for the park and its greenery. Thank you!

Posted on: 2015/5/13 13:12

Re: Sprinklers
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2011/4/15 3:58
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2019/5/9 22:13
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@Parkman - thanks for the brief history on VVP. Was not aware of its goal of a passive park, but I do agree that VVP is currently in a great place/stage. My older son is 10, so we've spent 10 years playing there, and have seen the park change over the years to be so much better.

Will check out Angel Ramos - completely forgot about it. we've walked by it from time to time many years ago, but there were always weird people around it at that point. Hopefully that has changed.

Posted on: 2015/5/13 1:35

Re: Sprinklers
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2005/7/14 18:51
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2018/12/12 21:42
From on van vorst park
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SRhia wrote:
@parkman - probably a long shot, but want to give it a shot anyway.

What are the odds we can get a basketball court (or half court) at VVP? I know space is very limited in the park, but would be nice to have a place where my son can shoot some hoops without trekking all the way to Hamilton park...

In 1835, Cornelius Van Vorst deeded a two-acre parcel of farmland, what is now Jersey City, to be used as a passive park. The Friends of Van Vorst Park has tried to adhere to this by keeping the active portions within that scale (4 swings, small playground, 4 element spraygound, and two passive pet-free lawns).

We are not Hamilton Park, and they did not want to be like us (as voted by the HP community in the recent renovation). Angel Ramos Park, two short blocks away, has a full court basketball court, which is slated to be resurfaced, along with the replacement of its playground.

I hope the residents of this community can appreciate this small oasis within downtown that they may come to and relax, sunbath, read, and view what we think is some of the best planted gardens in any public park within Jersey City.


Posted on: 2015/5/13 0:15

Re: Sprinklers
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2011/4/15 3:58
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2019/5/9 22:13
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@parkman - probably a long shot, but want to give it a shot anyway.

What are the odds we can get a basketball court (or half court) at VVP? I know space is very limited in the park, but would be nice to have a place where my son can shoot some hoops without trekking all the way to Hamilton park...

Posted on: 2015/5/12 23:03

Re: Sprinklers
Home away from home
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2005/7/14 18:51
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2018/12/12 21:42
From on van vorst park
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amandine29 wrote:
Are the sprinklers on at Van Vorse park today ?
They've been on since noon but will be turned off at 4:30pm today. The sprayground will not be operating again until the end of the month. Sunday- Tuesday were bonus days, thanks to 80 degree plus temperatures.

Posted on: 2015/5/12 20:29


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2010/7/27 21:13
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2015/6/14 14:34
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Are the sprinklers on at Van Vorse park today ?

Posted on: 2015/5/12 19:48

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