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Re: PreK 3 in the districts contracted Childcare centers
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2007/7/9 19:50
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2022/1/29 1:10
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Posts: 2302
Checking a little further, you may want to know about 504 plans (IEP's may be used if your child has a secondary disability associated with their diabetes, like vision impairment, etc.). Either way, it seems like the district DOES need to have some plan and help in place for you.

Source for Excerpt Below:

The 504 Plan sets out an agreement to make sure the student with diabetes has the same access to education as other children. It is a tool that can be used to make sure that the student, the parents/guardians, and school personnel understand their responsibilities and work through challenges or misunderstandings to avoid problems in the future.

The term "504 Plan" refers to a plan developed to meet the requirements of a federal law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (commonly referred to as "Section 504").

Section 504 applies to all public schools and to private schools that receive federal funds. The same plan would also be appropriate under another law that protects students with disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA covers all public schools and all private schools except those run by religious institutions. (If the religious institution receives federal funds it is also covered.)

- See more at: ... html#sthash.Kfqt3Pc3.dpuf

Posted on: 2014/10/27 20:01

Re: PreK 3 in the districts contracted Childcare centers
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2007/7/9 19:50
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2022/1/29 1:10
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Posts: 2302
Not sure how this works in the Pre-K world, but isn't your child (since he is disabled) covered under an IEP (Individualized Education Plan)? Perhaps a teacher with knowledge in this area can add further direction here?

Have you contacted the Board of Ed to ask for an IEP for your child?

Excerpt from the State of NJ Education Department:


Students with disabilities are protected under federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as well as state law. These laws require school districts to provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to eligible students. This means that children with disabilities are entitled to special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs. If parents believe that their child may need special education services, they can request that the local school district evaluate the child. Parents then become members of a team that will make decisions about the student?s education through the creation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Parents? input and role in this process are important since they are involved in determining what action will be taken to address their child?s needs. DOE has developed a booklet to assist parents in understanding their role and rights under the law so they can advocate for their child. The publication, Parental Rights in Special Education (PRISE), is available in multiple languages through local schools district or DOE?s Web site.

DOE does not have the authority to make individual determinations about a specific child?s evaluation, eligibility, IEP or placement. That responsibility is a requirement of the local school district and the IEP team. Children with disabilities have protections in the law to safeguard their rights to a FAPE. The department provides mediation and due process hearings to resolve disputes. The process is outlined in PRISE. The department also provides complaint investigations and monitors districts to assure legal requirements are met.

Posted on: 2014/10/27 19:55

PreK 3 in the districts contracted Childcare centers

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2014/5/2 23:16
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2017/6/15 17:46
From Jersey city
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Posts: 11
Due to the overwhelming shortage of space for 3 year olds in public schools the district gives parents the option to enroll at one of the child care centers and they presumably pay the costs. Great!! Not so much if your child is diagnosed with diabetes after school starts and no one has any answers as to how the child's medical needs will be taken care off. There are no nurses on staff at these centers and the district say they aren't responsible for providing any. So who is responsible for this state funded Abbott program that jersey city school district is contracting out to Childcare centers? Who oversees these schools to ensure the curriculum is being followed, the federally funded food services are being met and that children with disabilities are safe at school? Not JCBOE that's for sure. Parents think very carefully before placing your child in one of these centers. You can't predict when your child may get sick

Posted on: 2014/10/27 19:33

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