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Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2005/3/2 4:49
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If anyone wants a Fulop sign (either in the window style), or a house sign - please let me know. I will get the sign crew on it - they'll install it and remove it post election. We can also get you in-window signs.

Thanks for the consideration.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 19:28

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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InsideStraight wrote:

Tyler wrote:
Yes! I hear Fulop needs like 6,000 more voters from downtown to show up to the polls to pull this off. Greenville is on fire with Healy fever.

You can tell just how on fire "Greenville" is by what?

The number of people who turned down the once-in-a-lifetime chance to run on Healy's ticket?

The number of people willing to put up a Healy sign?

The number of people willing to put their names on a piece of Healy lit so that they can be reminded of it for the next 4+ years?

The number of white union members that will blow into town the next few weeks to scatter Team Healy lit to the winds?

Sounds like the voice of someone who hasn't spent much time in "Greenville."

I think its the large amount of Healy signs on private, public and abandon properties that may give one the feeling that Healy has captured GV.

My block there is only one house with a Fulop sign, but I also live on a block with three teachers and a 9 city workers. Not many are working in the private sector in my part of town... sigh.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 19:12

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Tyler wrote:

H-Parker wrote:

I wish it were true that Fulop is winning hands down, but you underestimate the strength of the machine, the cost of apathy and the risks of overconfidence. The race is very tight and can still go either way.


Yes! I hear Fulop needs like 6,000 more voters from downtown to show up to the polls to pull this off. Greenville is on fire with Healy fever.

This makes sense, Greenville has thrived under Healy

Posted on: 2013/4/23 19:09

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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JCCheerleader wrote:

Stringer wrote:
Jersey City candidate Fulop says threat of lawsuit won't stop use of Healy-Dwek-Beldini video

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
April 23, 2013 at 10:59 AM

The re-election campaign of Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy has sent a ?cease and desist? letter to the campaign of his leading rival over campaign ads featuring video and photographs of Healy meeting in 2009 with disgraced developer Solomon Dwek.

The ads, produced by the mayoral campaign of Ward E City Councilman Steve Fulop, should be pulled immediately or else Healy may pursue legal action, reads the April 19 letter from Healy attorney William W. Northgrave.

The campaign material is ?defamatory,? Northgrave?s letter reads.

A statement from the Fulop campaign said the councilman has no intention of pulling the ads and ends with a link to watch the commercial.

The ad shows Healy thanking Dwek for providing cash for the mayor?s 2009 campaign, and it ends with the words ?Mayor Healy got away with it? on the screen.

?Our ad speaks for itself,? said Fulop campaign spokesman Bruno Tedeschi. ?Healy is at the center of the biggest political corruption scandal in New Jersey?s history. From the selling of body parts of the dead in morgues to payoffs to politicians, it became a source of national embarrassment.?

The surveillance video featured in both the television ad and several campaign fliers shows Healy meeting with Dwek, former Healy campaign treasurer Leona Beldini and others at a diner.

Dwek was acting as a confidential informant for the FBI, posing as a corrupt developer offering envelopes of cash in exchange for assurances that officials would help his project.

Beldini, at the time a deputy mayor, was found guilty of accepting $20,000 in cash and funneling it to Healy?s campaign. She is serving a three-year federal prison sentence.

Healy campaign spokesman Joshua Henne said Fulop?s campaign ads are ?outright lies.?

Healy was never charged in the corruption sweep. ... y_candidate_fulop_sa.html

I guess Healy should sue the FBI because they released the tapes. While he's at it he should sue Dwek for forcing him to take the campaign money.

And I'm sure not one minute of taxpayer time is being dedicated to this nonsense.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 18:53

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Tyler wrote:
Yes! I hear Fulop needs like 6,000 more voters from downtown to show up to the polls to pull this off. Greenville is on fire with Healy fever.

You can tell just how on fire "Greenville" is by what?

The number of people who turned down the once-in-a-lifetime chance to run on Healy's ticket?

The number of people willing to put up a Healy sign?

The number of people willing to put their names on a piece of Healy lit so that they can be reminded of it for the next 4+ years?

The number of white union members that will blow into town the next few weeks to scatter Team Healy lit to the winds?

Sounds like the voice of someone who hasn't spent much time in "Greenville."

Posted on: 2013/4/23 18:45

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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It was not their choice

Posted on: 2013/4/23 18:16

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2010/6/17 17:22
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H-Parker wrote:

JCCheerleader wrote:

I must have my head in the sand...what is the lawsuit that Healy used teachers union money for?

Not Teacher's Union money, Board of Education money. The BOE is paying Healy's legal bills for the latest e-mail fishing expedition.

Why would the BOE do that?

Posted on: 2013/4/23 18:08

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2010/6/17 17:22
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Stringer wrote:
Jersey City candidate Fulop says threat of lawsuit won't stop use of Healy-Dwek-Beldini video

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
April 23, 2013 at 10:59 AM

The re-election campaign of Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy has sent a ?cease and desist? letter to the campaign of his leading rival over campaign ads featuring video and photographs of Healy meeting in 2009 with disgraced developer Solomon Dwek.

The ads, produced by the mayoral campaign of Ward E City Councilman Steve Fulop, should be pulled immediately or else Healy may pursue legal action, reads the April 19 letter from Healy attorney William W. Northgrave.

The campaign material is ?defamatory,? Northgrave?s letter reads.

A statement from the Fulop campaign said the councilman has no intention of pulling the ads and ends with a link to watch the commercial.

The ad shows Healy thanking Dwek for providing cash for the mayor?s 2009 campaign, and it ends with the words ?Mayor Healy got away with it? on the screen.

?Our ad speaks for itself,? said Fulop campaign spokesman Bruno Tedeschi. ?Healy is at the center of the biggest political corruption scandal in New Jersey?s history. From the selling of body parts of the dead in morgues to payoffs to politicians, it became a source of national embarrassment.?

The surveillance video featured in both the television ad and several campaign fliers shows Healy meeting with Dwek, former Healy campaign treasurer Leona Beldini and others at a diner.

Dwek was acting as a confidential informant for the FBI, posing as a corrupt developer offering envelopes of cash in exchange for assurances that officials would help his project.

Beldini, at the time a deputy mayor, was found guilty of accepting $20,000 in cash and funneling it to Healy?s campaign. She is serving a three-year federal prison sentence.

Healy campaign spokesman Joshua Henne said Fulop?s campaign ads are ?outright lies.?

Healy was never charged in the corruption sweep. ... y_candidate_fulop_sa.html

I guess Healy should sue the FBI because they released the tapes. While he's at it he should sue Dwek for forcing him to take the campaign money.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 18:06

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2013/1/15 19:31
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JCCheerleader wrote:

I must have my head in the sand...what is the lawsuit that Healy used teachers union money for?

Not Teacher's Union money, Board of Education money. The BOE is paying Healy's legal bills for the latest e-mail fishing expedition.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 18:04

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2010/6/17 17:22
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H-Parker wrote:
The Mayor's campaign has insisted that the Jersey City Board of Education pay his campaign's legal fees for his fruitless fishing expedition. So our children have to foot the bill for Healy's campaign trick.

The taxpayers of Jersey City footed the bill for the Healy campaign?s frivolous lawsuit over whether Chico can use the name he as used for his entire life on the ballot.

I wonder who will pay for this lawsuit?

I must have my head in the sand...what is the lawsuit that Healy used teachers union money for?

Posted on: 2013/4/23 18:00

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Tyler wrote:
Greenville is on fire with Healy fever.

Healy has a better chance of finishing third in F than he does of winning it.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 17:58

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2005/3/2 4:49
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"Healy 'orders'" - now that's funny.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 17:45

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2013/1/15 19:31
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The Mayor's campaign has insisted that the Jersey City Board of Education pay his campaign's legal fees for his fruitless fishing expedition. So our children have to foot the bill for Healy's campaign trick.

The taxpayers of Jersey City footed the bill for the Healy campaign?s frivolous lawsuit over whether Chico can use the name he as used for his entire life on the ballot.

I wonder who will pay for this lawsuit?

Posted on: 2013/4/23 17:21

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Jersey City candidate Fulop says threat of lawsuit won't stop use of Healy-Dwek-Beldini video

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
April 23, 2013 at 10:59 AM

The re-election campaign of Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy has sent a ?cease and desist? letter to the campaign of his leading rival over campaign ads featuring video and photographs of Healy meeting in 2009 with disgraced developer Solomon Dwek.

The ads, produced by the mayoral campaign of Ward E City Councilman Steve Fulop, should be pulled immediately or else Healy may pursue legal action, reads the April 19 letter from Healy attorney William W. Northgrave.

The campaign material is ?defamatory,? Northgrave?s letter reads.

A statement from the Fulop campaign said the councilman has no intention of pulling the ads and ends with a link to watch the commercial.

The ad shows Healy thanking Dwek for providing cash for the mayor?s 2009 campaign, and it ends with the words ?Mayor Healy got away with it? on the screen.

?Our ad speaks for itself,? said Fulop campaign spokesman Bruno Tedeschi. ?Healy is at the center of the biggest political corruption scandal in New Jersey?s history. From the selling of body parts of the dead in morgues to payoffs to politicians, it became a source of national embarrassment.?

The surveillance video featured in both the television ad and several campaign fliers shows Healy meeting with Dwek, former Healy campaign treasurer Leona Beldini and others at a diner.

Dwek was acting as a confidential informant for the FBI, posing as a corrupt developer offering envelopes of cash in exchange for assurances that officials would help his project.

Beldini, at the time a deputy mayor, was found guilty of accepting $20,000 in cash and funneling it to Healy?s campaign. She is serving a three-year federal prison sentence.

Healy campaign spokesman Joshua Henne said Fulop?s campaign ads are ?outright lies.?

Healy was never charged in the corruption sweep. ... y_candidate_fulop_sa.html

Posted on: 2013/4/23 16:54

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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H-Parker wrote:

I wish it were true that Fulop is winning hands down, but you underestimate the strength of the machine, the cost of apathy and the risks of overconfidence. The race is very tight and can still go either way.


Yes! I hear Fulop needs like 6,000 more voters from downtown to show up to the polls to pull this off. Greenville is on fire with Healy fever.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 16:13

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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My understanding is that the Mayor has at least three family members working for the City/School District. Can anybody confirm this, and if they were hired pre/post appointment of hizzonor?

Posted on: 2013/4/23 16:01

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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JCCheerleader wrote:
I think it's a mistake on Fulop's part to take this tactic. He was winning hands down until he decided to focus on an event the FBI decided not to pursue.

I wish it were true that Fulop is winning hands down, but you underestimate the strength of the machine, the cost of apathy and the risks of overconfidence. The race is very tight and can still go either way.

As I noted below, it was not Fulop's choice to go this way, but once Healy tried to paint Fulop as just another corrupt politician, he had to fight back.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 16:01

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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It's fair game. Why is Healy and his people concerned about ethics and what is "right" so suddenly. Jersey City needs a new mayor and every department needs to be cleaned up. all these people with jobs in the city because they are friends with the old school crew "gotta go"!

If Steve doesn't win, I am leaving Jersey City. That's how sick I am of this place if it doesn't change.

FULOP FOR MAYOR 2013. Shame on anyone in Ward F especially who votes otherwise.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 15:57

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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dtjcview wrote:
Healy: ?I should have gotten a gold medal for effective, honest, open government" after video of the meeting surfaced, Healy said at the debate.

So which is it? Do we watch it, or do we cease and desist?

Watch it. The truth is its own defense. If you like the kind of mayor you see on the videotape, then you must be very happy now.

As for me, it's time for a change, and Steve Fulop 5A and his entire team is the best direction for Jersey City.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 15:48

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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user1111 wrote:
Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
At the debate, Healy responded by urging voters to watch the entire video of his meeting with Dwek.

?I should have gotten a gold medal for effective, honest, open government" after video of the meeting surfaced, Healy said at the debate.

So which is it? Do we watch it, or do we cease and desist?

Posted on: 2013/4/23 14:54

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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please take the poll referenced in the previous post - will be very interesting to see the results. Right now, Healy not getting much love...

Posted on: 2013/4/23 14:42

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Offline Poll: Is Solomon Dwek fair game for the Jersey City mayoral campaign?

Fair game? It is the number one issue in the mayoral campaign. If Healy and most of his administration had not been caught at their crimes, the HCDeadO would still be the default, hold-your-nose choice.

Watch the video. Healy says it shows his innocence. You let me know if if it shows the kind of mayor you trust to handle the city's business with integrity.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 13:14

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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I just watched the video tape. I'm surprised Healy wasn't arrested and can think of only one reason why he wasn't: he must have become an informant himself. I think it's a mistake on Fulop's part to take this tactic. He was winning hands down until he decided to focus on an event the FBI decided not to pursue.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 10:31

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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OneSkirt wrote:
Just like his temper tantrum over "Chico" getting on the ballot, this fuss is doing nothing to help him and everything to help Team Fulop. The footage speaks for itself. Healy accepted a bribe in camera. How he was never indicted is totally beyond me.

Thanks again for the assist, Jerry!

The funny thing about the 'Chico' rant is that Healy's JP Morgan (1%er) lunchroom moniter's first name isn't's Awilda (or Awila). Another case of Healy's do as I say, not as I do mentality.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 10:31

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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We the people of JC order Healy to stop being our mayor!

Posted on: 2013/4/23 3:12

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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I laughed when I saw this headline, and I didn't hadn't even seen the advertisement or the news article yet.

Mayor Healy - seriously? How desperate has your campaign become?

What if I decided to start posting publicly available court filings about your little episode in Bradley Beach a few years back? Would I get a cease and desist notice for that? Don't worry, I won't do it, I have better things to do and it is my opinion that I really couldn't do any more damage to your reputation than you're already doing to your own.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 3:07

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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I wonder is Healy is a fan of Barbara Streisand.

Posted on: 2013/4/23 2:49

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek

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This weekend I saw the Healy TV commercial attacking Fulop over the BOE emails. It is an outrageous pile of lies supported by nothing more than innuendo and speculation presented as fact.
Yet team Healy threatens legal action over the presentation of the Dwek surveillance footage. He can't deny he was there. He can't deny that it did happen.
I hope that this move is a sign that team Healy is desperate.

How long could a cease and desist order take to go through the courts? Could this be enforced before election day?

Posted on: 2013/4/23 2:38

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Posted on: 2013/4/23 2:26
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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2013/1/11 15:20
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ripple wrote:
I will be voting for Fulop, but I'd be interested to hear from any lawyerly types on here as to whether there's any substance to Healy's defamation claims -- my guess is that the ad runs pretty close to the line of what's legal and what's not.

I'm not a lawyer but I don't think the ad runs anywhere close.

1. Healy is a public figure and there is a different standard for what's allowable both in use of images and in political critique.

2. Healy does not control the footage - it was paid for by the government and may be freely used.

3. Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. The ad consists mostly of Healy's own words.

4. The voiceovers are all statements of fact.

5. The closing statement "Mayor Healy got away with it" is also thoroughly defensible. The ad does not claim what "it" is. The viewer may think bribery, but the ad does not say so. The viewer may think an illegal campaign contribution - and that's true. The viewer may think that Healy got away with the federal sting money - also true, since Healy neither returned it to the government nor donated it to charity like he promised to.

It would be very interesting to hear Healy argue in court what exactly the defamation is.

It would also be hard for Healy to argue injury, since only two weeks ago Healy was claiming "I should have gotten a gold medal for effective, honest, open government" based on his claim that the tape exonerated him.

One would think Healy would be thanking Fulop for giving the public a chance to see this ethical high point of his career.

That must be his secret plan, since his threat of a lawsuit has guaranteed the video will get wider and continued play.

For your reference... let the viewer decide...

Fulop ad: Mayor Healy got away with it

Posted on: 2013/4/23 2:22

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