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A career-guided initiative as a vision for Jersey City’s schools
Not too shy to talk
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2011/4/21 18:52
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2012/6/24 11:45
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Posts: 25
Dear Editor:

According to Howard Gardner, ?Knowledge is not the same as morality, but we need to understand if we are to avoid past mistakes and move in productive directions. An important part of that understanding is knowing who we are, and what we can do?

My vision is to make JC public schools the schools of choices by implementing the following:

Choice one: Math and Science section.

The 11-12 grade students will study science and math classes for two years. It will include some pre-college classes like pre-calculus, trigonometry, physics and chemistry, etc. and some elective classes. Students who pass the state science exam section will earn a high school diploma of science. In this section, all math and science teachers come together as a team to achieve the goals working with an institute, like Liberty Science Center, Stevens Institute of Technology and Jersey City Medical Center. The following will create a co-op program for all students where they will study, practice and get paid through job training in their field. They will connect what they study in the books with real life situations, solving problems and they will be tomorrow?s scientist, doctors and engineers.

Choice two: Art section.

The 11-12 grader students will study the arts ? language arts, social studies, drama, creative writing, and some elective classes, and will also contain pre-college classes. The language arts and social studies teachers work together as a team, and with the co-op program in place our students will work in newspapers, social services, and court houses to gain real life experiences for their future career objective. Students who pass the state arts exam section will earn a high school diploma of arts.

Can you imagine how many problems this new system will eliminate? You will work towards a career of your choice as student and to study what you want to achieve. The teacher will finally have the students fully engaged in the classrooms because the student chooses to make a career choice. It is the students? choice. This makes a real difference. The students living in Jersey City go to school in Jersey City. They should also have job in Jersey City to help themselves and their parents financially, while giving back to the community and being responsible citizens.

We need to come together, as a community to help our students so they can have a better future. Let?s keep them busy and focused on something positive rather than pushing them towards something negative. This will minimize the escalating problems for our community. We all know that a great city starts with a great education system. Let?s guide them in the right direction to become good citizens for our great country.

Nabil Youssef
Former City Council candidate
Jersey City ... ndary_stories_left_column

Posted on: 2012/6/24 11:48

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