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Re: Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2005/3/31 1:24
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2009/12/24 3:29
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I love this thread. The irony of wasted time -- here of all places -- is just delicious!

Four minutes. Fight over it.

Posted on: 2008/9/16 2:25

Re: Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2008/8/12 18:31
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2020/4/26 22:05
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According to the published PATH schedules:
Pavonia to Christopher during weekdays is 9 minutes.
Pavonia to Christopher via Hoboken on weekends is 14 minutes.

What they don't mention, of course, is that sitting in a stationary train at Hoboken feels like an eternity.

Thank you, JCase. I was just about to point that out, but you beat me to it.

Furthermore, most of the ones that have responded so far are stating impressions, without facts and/or numbers to back up their assertions. I have actually timed the trains (both during weekends and weekdays) and have consistently found the difference to be in the four minutes neigborhood. People often get the impression that it is much longer because the train sits in Hoboken for three minutes (unless the conductor is talking up a babe, or a fellow co-worker, in which case it can take longer...) but it seems like most people fail to realize that the trip between Christopher and Hoboken is about 3 minutes shorter than the one between Christopher and Pavonia. Hence, the four minute difference.

Posted on: 2008/9/16 2:22

Re: Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2007/10/14 15:17
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2017/11/13 17:19
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According to the published PATH schedules:
Pavonia to Christopher during weekdays is 9 minutes.
Pavonia to Christopher via Hoboken on weekends is 14 minutes.

What they don't mention, of course, is that sitting in a stationary train at Hoboken feels like an eternity.

Weekday schedule
Saturday schedule

Posted on: 2008/9/16 2:13

Re: Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2007/7/30 22:23
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2019/3/8 17:09
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4 mintues?! The train sits around waiting at Hoboken for at least 4 minutes, and that's before you even add in the minutes it takes to go from Newport to Hoboken and back...

It's quite annoying...

Posted on: 2008/9/16 1:08

Re: Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2005/1/24 19:00
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2009/5/13 20:32
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elvis wrote:
I wonder where you came up with that 4 minutes figure. By my calculations, thats how long the train stays in the station at Hoboken. While i don't think the delay is tremendous, it is certainly NOT 4 minutes.

I agree it takes longer than 4 minutes. I think it is more like an additional 8-10 minutes to go from Newport to Christopher on weekends than during a weekday commute. And that is on top of the more limited weekend schedule (ie. 10, 15, or 30 minute wait for the train). I pretty much avoid going into the city at all on weekends.

Posted on: 2008/9/15 23:48

Re: Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2008/4/9 19:26
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2014/1/15 16:41
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I wonder where you came up with that 4 minutes figure. By my calculations, thats how long the train stays in the station at Hoboken. While i don't think the delay is tremendous, it is certainly NOT 4 minutes.

The line USED to go straight to JSQ on weekends (at least until 7) back in the day and it IS much more convenient. I have contacted the PATH about this and they said its because of signal work. AT the rate the Port Authority gets things done, it doesn't surprise me its taken 7 years to fix this "problem" but come on. I agree with Robocub. Let them know this sucks.

Posted on: 2008/9/15 21:14

Re: Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2008/8/12 18:31
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2020/4/26 22:05
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My travel time was cut down tremendously by not having to stop off in Hoboken.

I am often amused by the people who complain of the "tremendous" delays in weekend service because of the stop at Hoboken. I have heard many complain that the weekend trips are SO MUCH longer... Really? 4 minutes is a TREMENDOUS delay that makes your trip MUCH LONGER? Give me a break. Sit down, relax, enjoy the trip, and stop fretting about 4 minutes.

For the record, I also dislike the extra minutes, but I just don't think that four minutes are THAT big a deal.

Posted on: 2008/9/15 20:58

Direct 33rd-Journal Sq service on weekends (bypassing Hoboken)
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2007/9/16 13:05
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2015/8/29 11:21
From Jersey City, Hamilton Park
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There was some service trouble yesterday Sunday, September 14th on the Journal Sq-33rd St line. Although I wouldn't call it trouble so much because the PATH service went direct to/from Manhattan, bypassing Hoboken. It was a pleasure to not have to stop over in Hoboken while going to my destination in Manhattan and also coming home. This is the way weekend service should be for us in Jersey City. The reason may have been because of some equipment trouble. But for whatever the reason, it was great to have normal direct service on the weekend. My travel time was cut down tremendously by not having to stop off in Hoboken. It was great.

If you experienced this yesterday and liked it, then I urge you to write to the PATH authority and tell them you want normal direct service on the weekends and you're sick of having to stop over in Hoboken. Send the PATH your feedback here:

Posted on: 2008/9/15 10:51

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