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ATTN: Professional play/screenplay writers, actors and directors
Just can't stay away
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2004/4/24 15:58
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2019/5/24 12:59
From Jersey City, NJ
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Posts: 120
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The Art House INKubator is an artistic collective of writers, directors and actors whose complementary talents, skills and experience serve to scaffold new scripts in development. Monthly meetings and annual presentations series will serve to:

? Test the viability of new work
? Cultivate productive networks for artistic advancement
? Expedite the steps from the page to the ultimate medium
? Present members and their work to producers and industry professionals

Membership is free of charge,

Writers? submissions should include:
1) A cover letter including how the applicant discovered the INKubator, as well as contact info for direct correspondence;
2) A bio or resume of professional training and credits;
3) One or two recent writing samples.

Actors? submissions should include:
1) A cover letter including how the applicant discovered the INKubator, as well as contact info for direct correspondence;
2) A bio or resume of professional training and credits;
3) Headshot

Writers? submissions should include:
1) A cover letter including how the applicant discovered the INKubator, as well as contact info for direct correspondence;
2) A bio or resume of professional training and credits;

Mail: Art House Productions, P.O. Box 3264, Jersey City, NJ 07302,
Attention: INKubator

At least two weeks prior to a meeting, a writer may request a 5-20 minute slot via email with a script excerpt and casting requirements attached. The coordinator will schedule a reading of the excerpt for the next available meeting, confirm with the writer and coordinate actors. Excerpts will be forwarded to the actors in advance of the meeting, as actors are expected to be familiar with the work. At least one director will be present at each meeting.

Writers who do not wish to submit work for an upcoming meeting are not expected to attend; however, all members and their feedback are always welcome and appreciated.

Meetings begin with introductions and announcements, and then the floor opens for specific inquiries and recommendations to the group regarding current interests, as well as reflections on events and media relevant to ongoing projects.

Once initial questions and comments are exhausted, the readings ensue. After each excerpt, the writer may interview the group for feedback. Then everyone present is given a five-minute period to write comments, which are collected in an envelope and handed to the writer. Feedback should be as specific and constructive as possible, no matter how favorable. ?It was excellent,? is not as productive as a thoughtful reflection on how the excerpt succeeded. Likewise, alternatives are usually less helpful than concrete reasons for why a particular segment could benefit from a rewrite.

The meeting concludes with a takeaway from the director(s) in attendance.

For writers, particularly those working in isolation at the start of a new project, the INKubator offers perspective on a new scene, as well as the excitement of hearing the words come alive, presumably for the first time. Actors gain deeper insights into the development process and secure an inside track to casting when these scripts are professionally produced. Reading new material on a regular basis keeps the actor?s proverbial wheels oiled, which is helpful to the demands of auditioning, not to mention originating new roles. And directors benefit from broadening their networks, exercising moment-to-moment reflections on the artistic process and facilitating the development of production-ready scripts that will need professional direction.

Finally, the annual presentation series promises to showcase the work that has been developed in the group to a wide range of industry professionals with all eyes on advancing the projects and careers of the INKubator members.

For further information contact:
Elena Zazanis

Posted on: 2011/6/2 15:53
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Art House Productions
262 17th Street, Jersey City NJ
(In the building with the David Bowie mural), (201) 915.9911

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