Political Insider: Mayor is the power in the Jersey City African-American community
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Political Insider: Mayor is the power in the Jersey City African-American communityByJuly 11, 2015 at 8:38 AM on July 11, 2015 at 6:30 AM, updatedOK, let's write about Steve Fulop – and things. Well it took awhile but the Jersey City Incinerator Authority is going bye-bye because a bunch of employees, including the brother (Clayton Dabney) of the guy (Oren Dabney) who runs the autonomous agency, were allegedly caught taking money so that private construction debris can be mixed in with municipal household garbage. When they dumped the co-mingled stuff in a landfill, you the taxpayer were paying all the tipping fees -- sucker! What does this mean, politically speaking? This is the slo-mo end of state Sen. Sandra Cunningham's career as a political influence and legislator. This is also about Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop flexing those "I'm the boss" muscles and claiming the city's African-American community as his own domain – no different than any other section of the soon to be largest city in New Jersey. Don't forget, Ward F is the only ward he did not win when he ran for mayor. Now it will be a given. Read more: http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2 ... _power_in_the_jersey.html
Posted on: 2015/7/13 5:25