Re: Slate tiles
Not too shy to talk
The only manufacturer I know of that makes true subway tile is
Warning: these are not cheap. However, they are the true, rectified full depth subway tiles. No built in spacers, no bevels, the real deal.
Posted on: 2014/2/8 23:53
Re: Trash/recycling pickup getting worse?
Not too shy to talk
It is much worse where I am in the heights. My trash is infrequently picked up, if at all. I've had two bags of recyclables on the curb for weeks. Anyone know the number to call to register a complaint. I'm very unhappy about this.
Posted on: 2014/1/20 16:51
Re: Car registration renewal - Warning
Not too shy to talk
Be careful! Same thing happened to me, and I received a ticket. When i went to check the ticket status online I saw more than 20 other unregistered vehicle tickets issued during a 30-day period, along with some other violations that I'm told are commonly issued when this happens, i.e., abandoning a motor vehicle on a public roadway, and a couple of others. Also, the car ended up impounded due to the unregistered vehicle status, as this is considered a major violation. All the tickets were dismissed, but it was an inconvenience.
Posted on: 2013/11/20 21:20
Re: Contractor Background Checks
Not too shy to talk
Just be careful with some of the recommendations on JC list. No doubt some are legit from satisfied clients, but many are also shills.
Posted on: 2013/8/23 15:58
Re: Contractor Background Checks
Not too shy to talk
I wouldn't trust any company that promises to perform a "background check" for a fee, you'll want to undertake all due diligence on your own.
1. Get multiple estimates, compare apples to apples; 2. Get references for the work, and check those references (make sure they are not the contractor's friends/family); 3. Ask to see current work; 4. Find out how long the company has been in business; 5. Check all licenses, credentials; 6. Check complaint history with the State DCA (you'll need their license number); 7. Make sure they carry General Liability and WC insurance (request a certificate of insurance) and check with their insurers to insure the coverage is in effect. Also request their policy be endorsed to name you as additional insured; 8. Keep your bulls** detector on at all times; 9. No payment up front. Stated progress payments "upon completion." NJ is notorious for fly by night contractors since all it takes to open up shop is payment of a small fee and proof of insurance and poof, you are now a registered Home Improvement Contractor.
Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:40
Re: The Dopeness
Not too shy to talk
Hard to take you guys seriously with such a cornball name....I'm going to "the dopeness" for just doesn't work.
Posted on: 2013/5/24 15:14
Re: Replacement windows
Not too shy to talk
Hehehe. Door-to-door scammers. Nice recommendation.
Posted on: 2013/4/12 23:38
Re: Do I need a permit to replace a hot water heater?
Not too shy to talk
FYI, it is unlawful to charge extra for filing a permit.
Posted on: 2012/9/13 12:42
Re: Torico's Ice Cream
Not too shy to talk
When a nearby competitor has close family members calling shots at the building department, it?s never good for business.
Posted on: 2012/5/4 19:00
Re: Torico's Ice Cream
Not too shy to talk
We can hope. However, the DOB does not look kindly upon businesses that flirt the permit requirements--it's a considerable source of revenue for the city. Piss off the wrong people and they will delay you for years.....there is no limitations period.
I wish them luck but I would not hold my breath.
Posted on: 2012/3/23 20:19
Re: Toricos
Not too shy to talk
I heard the city was giving them a really hard time.
Posted on: 2012/3/23 14:11
Re: Toricos
Not too shy to talk
I heard that place is done. Say it ain't so, you will be missed!
Posted on: 2012/3/23 14:00
Re: contractor for Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner/Heat Pumps
Not too shy to talk
They are pretty much garbage. Call me in 5-7 years and we'll see you how feel. If you insist on getting one of these junk boxes, the following closely accords with the % of service calls and unvailable parts issues you're likely to face:
Top: Daikin mid table (just below, but still pretty crappy): Fujitsu, Sanyo Toshiba Lower end(well below) Mitsubishi, LG, Samsung Bottom of the hill(outta sight) Aschon, Gree (and all the badged units they produce) Crraft, Airwell + millions of others -usually of Chinese origin.
Posted on: 2011/11/3 17:52
Re: contractor for Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner/Heat Pumps
Not too shy to talk
This company is not licensed or insured to perform work in the State of New Jersey.
Posted on: 2011/10/28 14:09
Re: contractor for Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner/Heat Pumps
Not too shy to talk
Since you ask, I'll soon be bringing a "combo" product to market that is completely unobtrusive, uses chilled cola loops instead of refrigerant, has a slick lcd display, a built-in vacuum cleaner and "mood" lighting, and remembers your birthday and your favorite song. It is an entirely new design that uses readily available off-the-shelf parts and recyled poly-plastics. On the cooling side, the product uses a patented technology that harnesses the "latent" energy from your household refrigerator (or other suitable device), which is then used to deliver free, endless cooling, with no added binders or off-gasing. I assure you that there is nothing even close out there. I am now seeking area residents that would be willing to test the product in return for a steeply discounted purchase option. If you would like more info feel free to PM me.
Posted on: 2011/10/26 20:03
Re: contractor for Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner/Heat Pumps
Not too shy to talk
Hello. Could you provide more information, i.e., are you looking for a zoned solution for your entire home or just looking to cool a room or two? Regardless, any semi-competent HVAC contractor can install a mini-split. They are packaged units with an integral fan coil--pretty much as idiot-proof as you can get.
I know that you didn't ask, but have you investigated other heating/cooling options? Some have aesthetic objections to the fan coil and refrigerant loop, and there are a lot of really great products on the market now. Also, mini-splits are not a heating solution. The heat pump will not work in colder weather, at which point they will produce heat only through electric resistance ($$$$$).
Posted on: 2011/10/26 14:59
Re: Speeding Ticket
Not too shy to talk
If the officer does not appear, then you should request a hearing and move the court for a dismissal. The officer's testimony is needed to make out a case, and you should never take a deal if the officer is a no show.
Posted on: 2011/6/23 18:33
Re: Need tear out and drywall repair recs. Contractor or Exp. Handyman
Not too shy to talk
Yes, among other permits that may be required depending on scope would be a demolition permit.
Posted on: 2011/6/9 13:48
Re: Looking for the floor specialist
Not too shy to talk
This is structural, probably due to settlement of the building. The easiest fix would require pulling up all of the flooring and shimming the low spots in the floor framing, i.e., joists, if the floor is not too out of level. You need a carpenter, not a "floor specialist."
Posted on: 2011/5/13 13:54
Re: Do you recommend particular Roofer?
Not too shy to talk
All of these guys cut corners, wait a year and see how your new roof is doing. The biggest cut corner I see is either the complete lack of flashing, improper flashing, or wrong material choices. Most of the time they are using asphalt tar to seal, which gets you past the one year guarantee. Good luck, as far as I'm concerned there are no good roofers in jersey city.
Posted on: 2010/6/29 19:21
Re: Massive auto vandalism on west side
Not too shy to talk
It was heard by at least three neighbors on my street, but was mistaken for trash pickup (don't ask me). Literally rows of cars had their front windshields broken in. One officer writing dozens of reports on Gifford, same time other reports were coming in from the surrounding streets.
Posted on: 2010/6/11 20:46
Massive auto vandalism on west side
Not too shy to talk
About 60 or so cars were vandalized with baseball bats last night between 10:45 and 11:15 on Gifford Ave, Kensington Ave, and other neighboring streets. Windshields were broken on at least 20 cars alone parked on Gifford between Kennedy and Westside. Anyone have any info to share?
Posted on: 2010/6/11 19:50
Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?
Not too shy to talk
While I have not read the decision, the fact that the court found that she "intended to reside in Jersey City" is irrelevant, and should not have been a factor in determining her residency. "Intention without residence is no avail." If she was still a Florida res, and only "intended" to become a Jersey City res, then she failed to qualify for office. Very good chance that the lower court will be reversed on appeal.
Posted on: 2009/12/9 14:56