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Trees taken down on Grove St. between 1st and 2nd streets
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The other day I saw two healthy trees being taken down on the East side of Grove St. between 1st and 2nd streets, and today I saw that stretch of sidewalk completely torn up.

Anyone know what's happening?

Posted on: 2014/5/17 23:51

Re: Where can I get an amazing burger downtown?
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Not too shy to talk

Lighthorse Tavern. Five Guys.

Posted on: 2013/8/12 1:34

Re: Red signs on random buildings in Greenville
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Not too shy to talk

Ahh...that explains a similar sign I saw on a building on Grove St.

Posted on: 2013/7/15 2:32

Re: 70-90 Columbus
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H-Parker wrote:
Now, if only they could find a reason to have to tear down the Cali-Mack bunker.

What is the Cali-Mack bunker?!

Posted on: 2013/2/3 8:29

Re: What's going there?
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Not too shy to talk

Whats happening in the 'backyard' of the B&G club? A double-wide showed up a few months ago, then a parking strip was cut out. Now, the double-wide has a nice skirt around it. Looks like whatever it is, is there for the long haul.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 12:42

Re: What's going there?
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Not too shy to talk

What's happening on Jersey Ave, behind the light rail station? Earthmovers and trucks have been at it since last week, clearing up and leveling the site. Is some construction going to start soon?

Posted on: 2012/12/26 17:22

Re: Fire in the Greenville/Lafayette/Communipaw (?) - 11/05
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Not too shy to talk

Certainly not from the Journal Square area. JSQ is much further North. This is south and west of Beacon.

Posted on: 2012/11/5 17:11

Fire in the Greenville/Lafayette/Communipaw (?) area - 11/05
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Not too shy to talk

I see smoke bellowing from the Greenville/Lafayette/Communipaw (?) section, and a bunch of fire trucks are headed that way. I really hope its not something bad!

Posted on: 2012/11/5 17:09

Best way to get to 78W/Rt139 from Paulus Hook, avoiding Erie and Marin?
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Not too shy to talk

I recently (summer) started driving to work and have to get on to Rt139 en-route to Rt7. I used Warren-2nd-Erie-14th. It was a breeze, until the schools started. Now, it's a pain to get past Cordero Elementary/Hamilton Park on Erie.
I thought I could use Monmouth to loop around but looks like I will have to do Monmouth-13th-Coles-16th-Jersey-14th.
Is there a quicker way to get onto 14th-Rt139?

Posted on: 2012/9/6 14:21

Re: Whats being built?
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Not too shy to talk

Any one knows what's coming up at the corner of Warren and York (right opposite Gotham)? Construction fences are up and looks like the old Lisbon Pizza building is going to be torn down. That is a pretty big sized plot.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 12:24

Re: Whats being built?
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Not too shy to talk

Yep...the Mantra Bar and Lounge.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 12:23

Re: Brick inlay at the intersections
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Not too shy to talk


So I was interested to see some speed bumps spring up overnight on Greene Street.

They are such an easy and cheap solution, we should push to have these deployed throughout downtown.

Those (plastic) speed bumps really worked to slow down the traffic. But for some reason, they were removed in a real hurry. I think they lasted all of 4 days!! All that is left now is the painted stripe bumps.

Posted on: 2011/10/13 1:59

Construction at corner of Van Vorst and Essex/Morris
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Not too shy to talk

What is happening in the vacant plot on Van Vorst, between Essex and Morris? The site has been cleared out and some pre-construction activity has started.

Posted on: 2011/7/12 18:45

Re: New traffic cameras downtown?!
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Not too shy to talk

Red light cameras are normally mounted on its own pole, equipped with flash for night-detection. Motion detection cameras are normally mounted on the traffic pole.

These might be motion detection cameras. They are at the end of a long pole which is strapped to the traffic pole.

Posted on: 2011/3/23 20:59

Street digging along Washington, Greene and in front of Trump
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Not too shy to talk

Any idea on what all that digging is about? First it was along Washington, followed by a pretty wide ditch along the front of Trump plaza and now they are digging up Greene! One more nice road messed up

Posted on: 2011/3/23 10:23

New traffic cameras downtown?!
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Not too shy to talk

Whats with the new traffic cameras installed at a few intersections downtown? I saw them at Greene & Montgomery, Greene & CC, Montgomery & Hudson, Hudson & CC....

Posted on: 2011/3/23 10:19

Tourist map of downtown?
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Not too shy to talk

Where can I get my hands on a tourist map of downtown JC? This is for a colleague who recently moved to the area and would love to get her bearings and explore downtown. I could point her to Google Maps, but a nice paper map with some highlights of downtown would be nice.

Posted on: 2011/2/11 13:30

Re: Question re: grand street living
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Not too shy to talk

...need to take Grove Path as late as 9-10 the neighborhood safe to walk late evenings?

That is a safe walk even after 10pm. We have returned from the city occasionally after midnight and have not had issues. At 9-10pm you still have the restaurant crowd and the dog walkers along that stretch.
I would get out of Grove PATH on the Grove St. side and walk along Grove since Grove is better lit compared to Marin.

Posted on: 2010/7/22 19:22

New roof top restaurant?
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Not too shy to talk

Maybe this has been around for a while and I saw it for the first time today, but I saw some tables, signs, etc. on the rooftop of 333 Washington St. The signs read "Cholula Hot Sauce" and "Proximo". Is this something new?

Posted on: 2010/6/18 13:57

Re: Bergen Lafayette: 1 Dead, 1 Hurt in Bergen-Lex Drive-By
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Not too shy to talk

Posted on: 2010/6/4 12:46

Re: new QBA Cuban lunch truck at Hudson & Grand - review
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Not too shy to talk


jersiestcity wrote:
Hmm...I'll have to check that out next time. You recommend the Taco Truck?

You should check it out. I would love to see your review. I personally like the Tortas but the Tacos are very popular.

Posted on: 2010/4/30 17:34

Re: new QBA Cuban lunch truck at Hudson & Grand - review
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Not too shy to talk

Tried a cuban sandwich the other day...not so great. I prefer the Torta from the Taco Truck any day.

Posted on: 2010/4/30 15:21

Re: Shame on you City Council
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Not too shy to talk

I was able to view the video in the embed above ^^^.

Even if they get the car as a perk, the car should have city tags and city council stickers on the doors. But not sure that will make a difference to them!!

Posted on: 2010/4/30 15:18

Re: Sounds like WFUV on my block!
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Not too shy to talk

These guys are all over (down)town. I passed by a couple of trucks on my walk to work today and stopped to watch. Could not help notice the *smell* .

Posted on: 2010/4/30 13:36

Re: Rock Circle in Paulus Hook Waterfront
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Not too shy to talk


snowflake20 wrote:
rock circle thing on the waterfront

Where is this rock circle?

Posted on: 2010/4/29 2:17

Re: Sand Bar is on fire?
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Not too shy to talk

A newbie question....where exactly is/was Sandbar? I have driven down to the end of Marin Blvd but don't see a Sandbar, just a parking lot for cars and RVs and a fuel depot for boats.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 22:24

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come near the Grove Station!
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Not too shy to talk


stepanstas wrote:
I don't know how the location in Edgewater looks, but the one in Brooklyn is impressive. Its a historical building, possibly a bank, and when you walk in, its like you are in a museum. I would like those same qualities for a possible store in JC.

The TJ in Edgewater is a very routine/boxy look. My biggest gripe with that location (apart from having to drive all the way there) is that they don't sell alcohol! TJ's has a pretty good beer selection and you can build your own 6 pack. According to a salesperson, its very hard to get a liquor permit in North Bergen!!

Posted on: 2010/2/23 17:32

Why is Washington St. one-way between Montgomery and Pearl?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Why is Washington St. one-way between Montgomery and Pearl (Muscle Maker Grill)? The road is wide enough to accommodate two way traffic!

Posted on: 2010/2/12 21:35




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