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Re: City Council to Renegotiate Abatement For Developers

What can I say, except I totally agree the entire City Council meeting on CP tax abatement was a joke....just like the clowns on the council who lack the balls to stand up and do the right thing. Lipski didn't care what he was voting yes for...he's gone and certainly won't be missed with his attitude displayed the other night. Brenen seemed to be channeling someone, however, we now know he use to live at 331 Pavonia for whatever that is worth, Nothing. Just like it had nothing to do with the tax abatement.

What an mess they have no understanding of the issues nor do they even seem to care.

Posted on: 2009/6/19 20:53

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park

A City is only as good as how they take care of the eldery and animals. JC is bad at both....What is the answer? These clowns gotta go!

Posted on: 2009/6/19 14:22

Re: Most of the City Council is an Embarassment

Most of the City Council an Embarassment is an under statement. I thought some of the Council at Large were having an outer body experience the other night!
However, at least we know now he lived at 331 Pavonia, for whatever that's worth!'s truly an embarassment, I couldn't hardly beileve my eyes and ears.

Posted on: 2009/6/19 14:18




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