Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
The above USA Today story was not meant for you or any other users who posted their opinions or suggestions regarding animal control. What you have said is nothing compared to what other users have been stating slanderously about Mr. Frank. They have stated things that have not been founded to be true by JC Police, Hudson County Prosecutor, State Health Department, etc. who had investigated it. I guess their main source of information never told them the outcome of the investigations that were made against him. It could easily be proven in the court of law that what they had posted about Mr. Frank is totally false and they are definitely open to liability suit for slandering his name if he chooses to file a claim. We all have opinions even suggestions regarding animal control but posting or voicing statements about Mr. Frank is not the way to go about it. This is childish and needs to be confronted with professionalism in order for this to stop.
Posted on: 2009/6/17 2:17