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Re: JCPD BLACK & BLUE He called cops - they beat, cuffed him

Loopy? Really though! I think your a sock puppet for Mathias.

Guys found an article and it seems that our poor friend Mathias belongs to or at least had belonged to an anarchist group in the 90\'s. Pasted link below, page 156 ... resnum=7&ct=result#PPA156,M1

Correct me if I\'m wrong but don\'t anarchists hate the government and its agencies? wouldn\'t the police department be an agency?

I ran a google search on Mr. Bolton and it seems he gave a rave review on Amazon for a book: Lance Armstrong\'s War: One Man\'s... on September 6, 2005. It also seems, un-vetted, that he went on a cycling tour this past August.

Again, I don\'t know who is right or wrong nor do I know who is lying or not, possibly somewhere in between but when I saw his injuries I thought he was in some type of accident with a bicycle or a skateboard. and with minimum research I discovered he may be an anarchist and a cyclist. Now I am not saying that this proves who is right or wrong but it does raise the eyebrows a little. So decide if you want to be a puppet and let around by your nose or do your own research. You guys are passing judgement and have done little to no research and the pathology of his injuries are not consistent with being dragged but more likely a bicycle or skateboard accident.

This will probably be my last post on the topic since it seems that anyone with an un-biased, un-bashing, non anti cop view will be attacked. You really should open the floor to an un-biased discussion without name calling. If you have a degree, it most likely is in the realm of liberal arts i.e. a worthless degree. Myself: RU Finance working on the CFA, oh yeah and a Veteran, USAF. You guys must be left wing liberals and follow the moto of the ACLU: \"Speech is free as long as we agree\"

Posted on: 2008/9/6 15:55

Re: JCPD BLACK & BLUEHe called cops - they beat, cuffed him

LOL, I never addressed shill, I literally had no idea what the meaning was and I consider myself well read. However, I did surmise but thought your were being implicit now I know you were very explicit.

I have no horse in this race and just want the truth, you should too. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The truth will set us all free.

By the way, loved Sarah Palins speech, however, you do know that photo is a fake? just look at her left arm because it is suspiciously darker then her right, for that matter darker then her body as a whole. That picture of Sarah Palin is as curious to me as Mathias Bolton's story.

Sarah Palin for President!

Posted on: 2008/9/6 5:43

Re: JCPD BLACK & BLUEHe called cops - they beat, cuffed him

LOL, neither a lawyer nor a cop, wall street. However, I grew up in JC and just want a better JC, especially considering what the homes in decent areas cost and the taxes we pay. When my children reach school age I have to send them to private school so I don't even get the benefit of the taxes I pay then you get some dipsh** trying to conjure up some lawsuit and who gets stuck paying, the good decent people of JC.

To answer your question, I don't know what happened and really didn't know anything about it until I read the article, then I read the posts. So I pulled the past articles and things didn't seem to make sense before I knew who was involved then I saw the pictures and I showed my wife Officer Kevin Hill and told her NO WAY. I decided to do a little research and discuss with a friend of mine and he is in agreement that the story and the injury make no sense. He called a friend, who is a cyclist, to show the picture and get his thought and we were astounded by information received.

Suffice to say, if there is any documentation or pictures of Mathias being a cyclist I will find it and give it to the proper authorities and any newpaper who will publish in relation to this story.

Again, I don't know if the story is true, false, or somewhere in between but something doesn't seem right and I think the good people of JC deserve to know the truth, whether we have to get rid of a few cops or stop a possible bogus lawsuit, effectively robbing the people of JC.

I implore anyone to help find the truth whatever it may be. You may have a relationship with the cops and they may have said something that could be important and aside from what they reported or you may have a relationship with Mathias and he very well could be lying. In either case please come forward because somebody is lying and the only people who will suffer is the good people of JC whether it be through tax dollars paying a frivilous lawsuit (not to mention good cops and their FAMILIES being brought through the ringer and ruining their lives) or having bad cops on the street.

Posted on: 2008/9/6 5:14

Re: JCPD BLACK & BLUEHe called cops - they beat, cuffed him

Casino's and Corporations have cameras and unlimited resources, he wouldn't get away with it. Gotta think like these low lives, God knows I seen enough of them while bartending. The worst people were actually those with money and an education. Percentage wise, I found those with meager upbringing generally had the most intgrity.

I was just speaking with a friend and I was just informed, not sure how true but if he told me this he believes its true, that Mathias is in fact a cyclist, from some friend of a friend, and he in fact did get into a bicycle accident and the kicker is there are newspaper clipping with his picture. I am awaiting confirmation and pictures, if true I will post the pictures, as well as, deliver to the prosecutors office, the police department, internal affairs and of course any and all media outlets who would be willing to publish.

Posted on: 2008/9/5 23:40

Re: JCPD BLACK & BLUEHe called cops - they beat, cuffed him

LOL, please believe me, you would have to see Officer Hill for yourself. I don\'t think Officer Hill would be able to drag him if he weren\'t resisting never mind if he was. If he\'s taking steroids he should get his money back.

A piece of advice my father used to give to me \"Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear\", obviously he wasn\'t the first to say and won\'t be the last.

I truly believe this Mathias is liar and I think he was setting up the cops for a lawsuit. My personal opinion and I make no apologies, my opinion is based on all available evidence provided by the Jersey Journal. Could you imagine if we had all the evidence? The Jersey Journal is a fairly good newspaper but I find it to be extremely biased at times which is why I\'ll be cancelling my subscription.

I think it\'s time, we as a community, stand up against bad cops but also stand up against people who have lost their integrity. Mathias, in my opinion, has lost his integrity, he was probably a latch key kid, divorced parents whatever but it is quite clear, for reasons stated previously, that he is a liar who lost his integrity along the way. The ends do not justify the means, so if he became a liar and lost his integrity to make point, most likely to get money from a lawsuit, he is the one who should be jailed and sued. I have literally seen people get arrested and claim police brutality and witnesses actually backed them up (I use to bar tend while in school). We will never weed out the bad cops, nor will anyone truly believe when you have a little man (meaning his integrity and I question him as a man in general) claim police brutality when he is obviously lying. Anyone who looks at what the Jersey Journal reported and take into account the pictures, know he\'s lying no matter how biased the articles were written.

Regardless of what is said or written his injuries are not consistent with the rhetoric. If he were attacked by 4 to 6 cops with at least one being on steroids he wouldn\'t have injuries consistent with a bicycle or skate board accident he would have broken bones such as a rib, cheek, nose not scrapes. In addition, did this \"man\" keep his arms at his side when he was being dragged, lol, was he a soldier at attenton while being dragged? Come on, please!

Lets go after the bad cops and leave the good cops alone, I think Jersey City would be worse off without OFFICER KEVIN HILL, my experience and Interactions with Officer Hill have been a wonderful experience and I said it before and I\'ll say it again - Jersey City needs more cops like Officer Hill

Posted on: 2008/9/5 22:37

Re: JCPD BLACK & BLUEHe called cops - they beat, cuffed him

I have had my run ins with bad cops, traffic offenses, and even seen cops lie while testifying against me, again traffic violations but this story makes no sense to me.

I have seen Officer Hill several times in Uniform and he actually helped me out a couple of times and responded to a call I made to the police, so when I read the article I chuckled at the descriptions Mathias used. He is hands down a great guy and I have never met a nicer cop. I never saw Officer Hill with the other cop but it looks like he is smaller than Officer Hill and believe me Officer Hill is not physically imposing, maybe between 5\'6 and 5\'8 and between 120lbs and 150lbs. Regardless of size, it was my pleasure to deal with Officer Hill and I even told my wife that there should be more cops like him, JC would be a better place. That being said I have my doubts and looking at the injuries to Mathias, from the Jersey Journal, I can\'t help but to wonder:

1) Why are the injuries on his side, if they were dragging him wouldn\'t they be on his back or chest? Wouldn\'t the injuries be more consistant of the scrapes were under his armsor hands, I mean really his injuries are not consistant with being dragged the way Mathias said

2) I like to hit the trails on my mountain bike and the only time I have witnessed injuries like his is when someone wiped out on their bike. If I knew Mathias and didn\'t know his story I would have asked him how did he wipe out.

If I were the police I would try to date his injuries. Unfortunately, having met Officer Hill, my knowledge of riding trails, and the pathology of the injuries sustained my personal opinion is this:

Mathias is a liar, his injuries either came from going down on a bike, skate board, snow board, or ski\'s and if he thinks officer Hill is intimidating he really should move out of Jersey City

Posted on: 2008/9/5 20:43




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