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Re: Stop the Jersey City Tax Increase - petition

We sent the petition to Governor Christie today. Together with the signed paper petitions, there were more than 2,000 signatures. Thanks to everyone who signed.

We certainly hope the Governor will consider the merits of the petition.

And yes, you can still sign the petition. ... -increase/signatures.html

Posted on: 2010/2/26 1:52

Re: Stop the Jersey City Tax Increase - petition

The petition is at 1,455, and needs 45 additional signatures.

Posted on: 2010/2/23 14:52

1179 have signed the Stop the Jersey City Tax Increase Petition

If you have not signed the petition, please do. There are 1,179 signatures ! Link ----- ... ey-city-tax-increase.html Stop the Jersey City Tax Increase Dear Governor Christie, In the waning days of your predecessor's administration, the City Council of Jersey City hastily proposed a budget that included a substantial tax increase ( ... 3994245760.xml&coll=3). Additionally, the Council on January 27, 2010 passed a resolution on a 5 - 3 vote to petition the State of New Jersey to allow the city to raise property taxes above the legal maximum of 4%; N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.15a). The city has not followed the example of other states and municipalities and adjusted its expenses to the revenues it can raise. In fact, the city has not made a concerted effort to reduce its overall expenses, with the exception of cosmetic cuts such as furloughs, closing 4 fire stations and reassigning personnel, and requesting department to reduce costs. Petition: We, the residents and property owners of Jersey City, do not believe the elected government of our city should be permitted to increase real estate taxes beyond the state mandated maximum of 4 percent. Such a tax increase--which for many would range between 18 - 25 percent ( ... -look-at-the-city-budget/). First, the proposed tax increase will very severely impact residents who are retired, living on fixed incomes, and the unemployed. For those who are on Social Security, there were no COLA increases this year. During this recession, Hudson County's unemployment rate of 12 percent is higher than that of nation or the state ( Those who are unemployed or are on fixed income already have had to make painful choices, prioritizing life's necessities to adjust their expenses to their lower income. For these already suffering groups, the effect of a significant tax increase will cause them to further marginalize. Second, if property taxes increase, real estate values will decline as a result. Already, 1 in every 381 residential units received foreclosure notices in Jersey City ( ... spx?address=Jersey%20City,%20NJ%20&parsed=1&ct=Jersey%20City&cn=Hudson%20county&stc=NJ). The proposed tax increase would cost an additional 800 dollars in taxes for each 100,000 dollars in property tax assessment. The net effect on real estate values will be significant. With Zillow's real estate home value index at 285,000 dollars for Jersey City as of November 30, 2009, the tax increase would further reduce property values by at least 5 percent leading many homeowners to having negative equity in their homes causing them to either walk away from their mortgages or to enter the foreclosure process. Third, as the monthly expenses increase substantially as a result of these unprecedented tax increases, many taxpayers will have less money available to spend in the community. This will further exacerbate local business?s struggles during the recession as their expenses are increasing and sales are decreasing, particularly in those areas that are already marginalized. We, the undersigned taxpayers and property owners of Jersey City, petition our newly elected Governor Christie to deny the request of Jersey City to raise property taxes above the 4% ceiling. ... ey-city-tax-increase.html

Posted on: 2010/2/19 22:45

Need to add a fire escape

Hi. I need to add a section to my fire escape. Any recommendations on contractors who specialize in this type of work?

Posted on: 2008/9/5 18:47

Green Roofs

Hi. I just bought a building in JC with 3 flat roofs. I am considering putting "green" roofs on them to absorb rainwater and thus reducing the amount that ends up in my backyard and basement. Because it goes on top on the existing roof, I don't think I need a permit. Am I correct? Also, are there any tax benefits? Any advice and suggestions about "green" roofs would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted on: 2008/6/26 18:00

Re: Sprinkler Req'd by JC for Brownstone Renovation

You may also want to email the fire safety supervisor at Bureau of Fire Safety, Department of Community Affairs. His email is He is very helpful. I had questions about fire escape codes as we have just bought a multi-family brownstone and wanted to make sure that I was in compliance with the code prior to my 5 year green card inspection. Mr. Smyth even mailed me the FTO bulletin on fire escapes.

Posted on: 2008/6/25 0:35




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