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Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
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Telecom I have said very similar things on this subject in the past in this thread. I could not have said it nor covered the subject any better than you just have. Hopefuly Councilman Fulop who has been a source of strength in Jersey city over the past four years will not wait as you say for "four years to be well positioned"so he can run for mayor. If Steve does this our city will be critically damaged. As has been said, in the past Councilman Fulop endorsed and actively had his organization work for Louis Manzo's election to the State Senate against Sandra Cunningham in 2007. Unless Councilman Fulop can point to what Louis Manzo has done since 2007 to make him now undeseving of support in the mayoral race, the councilmans actions or lack of actions will smack of political posturing. Jersey City needs a mayor for the next four years to take us through these critically important times which we will be going through, and it will be a shame if Councilman Fulop puts his own political career before the importance of us having a competant administration over the next four years. As Teleco wrote Steve, please step up to the plate!

Posted on: 2009/1/17 11:28

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
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Not too shy to talk


Telecomreg wrote:
Fulop has to step up to the plate here. We have a reform slate (so far) under Manzo, a mayoral candidate who is a progressive on policy issues and a very hard and tireless worker, and City Hall courting Fulop big time because they know they're seriously vulnerable. Manzo's policies are almost all consistent with Fulop's agenda. In contrast, Healy has been a thorn in Fulop's side for four years. He's embarrassed our city over and over, and his city council allies have been nasty and unsupportive of Steve from the beginning. You should see the way Healy's folks are courting him now. Unfortuantely, I think its working. We can't wait four years so Fulop will be "well positioned" to run for Mayor. We need to sweep this city government clean of Healy now, with Steve as city council president to tackle the serious issues that we'll be facing. Waiting on the sidelines is not an option and is selfish considering what we will be facing. Its also a vote for Healy.

Posted on: 2009/1/17 11:11

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
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Not too shy to talk

Yes, no doubt I do have an agenda. However my goal is good goverment, and good goverment includes good people, and Jim Carrol is one of those good people. As to your views that the city doesn't benefit by supplying its officers with incentives to continue their education, which they do on their "on their own time": These views are simply not consistant with the policies that exist in many major police departments across our nation, where educational opportunities are offered to their police officers as incentives to them to complete this training on their own time. So, you don't agree with me that a police officer having a law degree benefits the city, well I continue to disagree with you for reasons stated in my previous post. However, what really seems to bother you is that a police officer can make an extra buck by maybe doing a real estate closing. Quite frankly this would seem more like jealousy on your part than a reasoned response.

I am happy you agree with me that Robert Troy was a disasterous appointment by Mayor Healy. And yes, a well trained police officer in all aspects of the law can save the city millions of dollars in civil liability. I am not implying that , its a fact, just look at the money which untrained police officers across the country have cost their municipalities in legal fees and punitive damages etc...

Posted on: 2009/1/15 23:40

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
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Not too shy to talk


Ross_Ewage wrote:

samual wrote:
Ross, yes you are correct when you say that Jersey City paid for Jim Carroll's law school.

Now I will tell you how Jim Carroll having a law degree benefits the taxpayers, which should be obvious to someone without an agenda. The City of Jersey City will pay for any police officer studying a criminal justice and law curriculum, this is contractual. Jim Carroll, a police sergeant has probably better than ten years to go before he retires. It certainly benefits the city to have its police superiors highly educated in the area of law, both from the perspectives of civil liability for the City as well as being highly trained in criminal law. Now, if Mayor Healy had recognized this, we would not have been burdened in the way we were with the appointment of Police Chief Robert Troy, who by the way has the city involved in FIVE very expensive law suits involving his improper actions. Count them again FIVE LAWSUITS.

Please stop throwing mud and inuendos at a guy like Jim Carroll just for the sake of throwing the mud. Think through what you are saying before you press the submit button.

Sammy, Sammy, Sammy

First and foremost - EVERYBODY (yourself included) has an agenda. Mine in this case is just to point out facts that may otherwise go unnoticed or unchallenged. Yours, apparently is to get Jim Carroll elected, and that's perfectly fine.

As for having attorney-cops, frankly, that's a stretch. Sure, police are supposed to understand the law, but they really don't need to go to law school (at what, $25-50k/year, and at taxpayer expense) to learn what they need. When was the last time you called 911 to negotiate a real estate closing? Seriously. So what if it's contractual? Is it right? Is it fair? My point is that the same system which allows multiple Gaughans on the payroll, will also allow Sgt. James Carroll, Esq. to collect a pension AND rake in attorney's fees.

Regarding Bobby Troy (a disastrous appointment, I agree), that's why the city has a law department, so please don't imply that having attorney-cops would have made any difference. The very idea is preposterous (x 5, count it 5 )

Posted on: 2009/1/15 23:22

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Ross, yes you are correct when you say that Jersey City paid for Jim Carroll's law school.

Now I will tell you how Jim Carroll having a law degree benefits the taxpayers, which should be obvious to someone without an agenda. The City of Jersey City will pay for any police officer studying a criminal justice and law curriculum, this is contractual. Jim Carroll, a police sergeant has probably better than ten years to go before he retires. It certainly benefits the city to have its police superiors highly educated in the area of law, both from the perspectives of civil liability for the City as well as being highly trained in criminal law. Now, if Mayor Healy had recognized this, we would not have been burdened in the way we were with the appointment of Police Chief Robert Troy, who by the way has the city involved in FIVE very expensive law suits involving his improper actions. Count them again FIVE LAWSUITS.

Please stop throwing mud and inuendos at a guy like Jim Carroll just for the sake of throwing the mud. Think through what you are saying before you press the submit button.

Posted on: 2009/1/15 14:24

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
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Not too shy to talk


Ross_Ewage wrote:

mrrogers wrote:

Ross_Ewage wrote:

So Carroll's a police sergeant, an attorney (more than likely on the city's nickel), is running for paid political office, and the Gaughan's are milking the system?

Carroll is a police officer who will have to take a leave of absence to be a councilmen.He does not have any legal work with the city nor county.
The gaughn family on the other hand have at least six jobs and three free cars with gas in the family.Big difference.

Just to clarify, the "city's nickel" refers to his law school being paid for by the city, similar to Bret's Chief of Staff Michael Cook. How it benefits the taxpayers to have a cop who's an attorney is beyond me. So, he'll have his police pension to go back to. Does he qualify for another pension if he becomes a councilman and serves 4 -8- 12 years?

Posted on: 2009/1/15 14:11

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I happen to know Jimmy Carroll. Jim is a lifelong Jersey City resident who lives in the heights with his family. Jim who is an attorney is very community spirited and involved with the schools, and he donates his proffesional services to the church. Jim is a police sergeant in Jersey City and a fine example of the youth and proffesionalism that should be reflected on the city council. this was a very very good pick for a very important council seat by Manzo.

Posted on: 2009/1/14 13:19

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Mr. Rogers, in post number 11 which you tell us that "Manzo's only shot is to make a deal with Fulop" then you ask "Anyone here (on the forum) think Fulop should back Manzo?

Now, in your most recent post you now complain that people are answering your "survey", perhaps not the answers you would have preferred.

In any event, I think Louis Manzo is an interesting and real candidate worth taking a look at. And, I intend to consider all candidates with the exception of Healy.

Posted on: 2008/12/24 0:40

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Brewster, while I do understand what your saying, I must take pause. As other writers on this thread have indicated, Councilman Fulop had endorsed Lou Manzo for State Senate two years ago. I don't think Councilman Fulop can look at Manzo as "the least smelly" as you say in your post, this in itself would not pass the "sniff test" as demonstrated by his past endorsement of Manzo for State Senate. The question which would come to my mind would be: What has Lou Manzo done over the past two years not to receive Councilman Fulop's support?

Some posters criticize the posting of political stickers as a reason not to vote for Lou Manzo, I don't agree with this, while I certainly don't like this type of politicking it has been the nature of politics in Hudson County. I would definitely like to see this type of street politics go away but it is as they say the "nature of the beast". But, with this said, this is hardly a reason to discount Louis Manzo from consideration if he was a good legislator, as it appears he was.

I am by no means a committed Louis Manzo supporter, but I certainly am going to give him fair consideration, because at this time nobody has shown me a reason I shouldn't consider him as our Mayor.

Posted on: 2008/12/21 21:02

Re: He's Back! Manzo running for Mayor - hopes the fifth time's the charm.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

To Mr. Rogers, Refer Post #22. In regard to your response to JManny's post. If Steve Fulop has a target on his back from the Healy organization, as you say, wouldn't it be a good thing for Councilman Fulop to join up with Manzo as J Manny suggested? You are not really suggesting that Councilman Fulop would have supported "Frank the Pizza Man" for State Senate are you? I, like JManny have also googled Assemblyman Manzo and found that his colleague's in the Assembly had held Lou Manzo's legislative office in high regard during Manzo's tenure in Trenton. I personally thought Councilman Fulop would have made a great Mayor, and someday he may very well take that opportunity. I was deeply disappointed when he decided not to run as were many of my friends. However, with all that being said, I personally would like to see Councilman Fulop evaluate the Candidates and take a stand and support the best Candidate he feels can lead Jersey City into the future. We cannot leave Jersey City to the group that is leading us now. I would hope that Councilman Fulop realizes that a lot of us downtown look to him for leadership, and would like to see him support someone for the future. I think an independent run by Councilman Fulop would indicate that he believes that there is no candidate that is better than "Jerry Healy", and I, like many of my neighbors know that this is just not so. And, Councilman Fulop chooses not to support a Mayoral candidate this will only help Jerry Healy win the Mayoral election. And that would be a shame.

Posted on: 2008/12/21 17:51

Re: From NJPOLITICKER/Schundler supports Healy ouster
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Not too shy to talk

"cankicker" you can believe what you want, however, I really am not thrilled with "Manzos" way of politicking. Personally, I think if Manzo would spend more time "running" for office instead of "eliminating" people from either running for office or staying in office he would achieve better results. As for for Schundler, I just think hes a snake oil salesman never trusted him. Now, does this make me a Healy or a Fulop supporter?

Posted on: 2008/9/19 9:59

From NJPOLITICKER/Schundler supports Healy ouster
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Not too shy to talk

First Schundler tries to take a free ride on the backs of the hardworking people who brought forth the "Pay to Play" ordinance to fruition, now after that failed, he is trying to jump on "possible" mayoral candidate Manzo's bandwagon to oust Healy because of the indiscretions in Bradley Beach. Obviously Bret is a follower, I think he would make a great council candidate, possibly even Council President. He follows well.

Posted on: 2008/9/18 18:45

Re: Greenville: Suspect Killed By Police
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Not too shy to talk

Alb, why did you not put your agenda in the first paragraph so I didn't have to read through all those silly questions.

Posted on: 2008/9/17 0:13

Re: Greenville: Suspect Killed By Police
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Not too shy to talk

"Greenvillechick" (a very classy screen name might I add) more than likely is the sister, mother, or relative of one of these "DIRTBAGS" being referenced here. Additionally, In the "CHICKS" way of thinking she does not identify with these police officers who might have "sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, daughters, or sons. She has labled 60 to 70% of police officers as being bad". These PO's must have been dropped here from another planet with no known relatives on earth.

Posted on: 2008/9/17 0:02

Re: Healy appealing to Supreme Court
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Mayor Healy succinctly describes the Bradley Beach nepotism that he fell victim to at the hands of the police department. We know Mayor Healy knows how nepotim works, was it not his cousin P.O. Freidbott (who the mayor approved coming over on a lateral transfer despite his less than stellar record on the Middletown PD) who has pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of a baby on the the skyway and the permanent crippling of the babies mother. This was all done while Freidbott was drunk. Common denominator between Healy and Cousin Freidbotts problems issssssssssssssss ALCOHOL. We are just fortunate that the Police officers that the Mayor confronted were men, and not babies or the result may have been much different.

Posted on: 2008/9/10 2:51

Re: Councilman gets ethics questions on the ballot
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Not too shy to talk

In regard to Schundlers claim that he had campaigned on these same issues that Fulop has now put forth during his campaign for Governor, a few points:

1) I seem to recall a recent JJ article in which Brets wife is proposing that a $ 180,000.00 campaign debt be forgiven that had been amassed during Schundlers failed Gubernatorial run.

2) One of the points Mrs. Schundler raise is that these vendors and or persons who loaned money to Bret are not seeking the money back from him, so the debt should be forgiven:

This raises a couple of questions:

A) Why don't they want their money back?

B) Had Bret promised them something in return if he had won for Governor?

C) Would you want your money back if you had provided services (for pay) and you had not been paid?

D) If you loaned Bret money would you want your money back?

E) Is this the type of ethics Bret aims to bring to Jersey City as the "reformer" he claims to be?

Bret is the quintessential pay to player, but has the audacity to claim Fulops initiatives as his own. Shame on you Schundler!

Posted on: 2008/7/26 13:03

Re: Meeting to Support Steve Fulop's Referendums next Wed.
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Not too shy to talk

Does anyone have an update on how Councilman Fulops referendum is progressing?

Posted on: 2008/4/2 16:30

Re: The Beacon News
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Not too shy to talk

Does anyone know ball park what a 1 bedroom at the Beacon would go for?

Posted on: 2008/4/2 16:26

Re: Who's running for Mayor? -- Who's in the parade?
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Not too shy to talk

Is it true that Councilan Fulop announced over this past weekend he is a candidate for Mayor in 2009?

Posted on: 2008/4/2 13:37

Re: Jersey City school security guard charged with identity theft
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Not too shy to talk

Is it true that they teach Identity Theft as a vocation in the Hudson County Vo-Tech School?

Posted on: 2008/4/2 13:07

Re: Jersey City Mayor Healy arrested after Bradley Beach incident
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Not too shy to talk

Yes there can be inexperienced cops in these small shore towns. These small towns are also frequented by alcholic Mayors and their wives too.

Posted on: 2008/4/2 12:33

Re: Barack Obama for President
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Not too shy to talk

The United Nations is and always has been a sham! Who is going to pay for all of this "DO GOODING" that Mr. Obama is proposing we do around the World? And, Where is his PROOF that our nation is kidnapping people around the world and turning them over to other countries to be tortured? If I had ever considered voting for him this clip puts the nail in the coffin!

Posted on: 2008/4/2 12:28

Re: Stop Signs on Erie Street - Steven FUlop
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Not too shy to talk

Question for Councilman Fulop: Could a City ordinance be introduced which would authorize the Police to tow vehicles that are parked on corners and deemed to be a sight obstruction to vehicle traffic?

Posted on: 2008/4/2 12:12

Re: New York Times: Ex-Jersey City Mayor Eyes Return to City Hall
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Not too shy to talk

What has Schundler done for Jersey City since he left office as Mayor? He hasn't moved. If he cared so much for Jersey City why havn't we heard anything from him in all these years? Has he been civically involved in our City and its issues? I guess he needs to use Jersey City for his future political plans.

What City Assets are left for Swindler to sell and privatize?

Posted on: 2008/3/25 14:52

Re: New York Times: Ex-Jersey City Mayor Eyes Return to City Hall
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Not too shy to talk

It's good to see Brett rearing his Neo-republican head. He can now use Jersey City as a stepping stone again as he seeks higher office. Why don't you just stay Statewide you phony? Because State Republicans won't have him, after he backstabbed Donald Defrancisco.

Posted on: 2008/3/23 15:38

Re: Willie Flood hires son twice for $50G-plus ( Yes, that son )
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Not too shy to talk

I have to tell you, this type of corrupt behavior that Councilwoman Flood is perpetuating on the people of Jersey City has been historically accepted by the people as just the way that business is conducted. Councilwoman Flood in the recent article written in the Jersey city Reporter now throws the veil of motherhood over herself to try an obtain support for her sleazy behavior.

A lot of us in our family have had relatives, be it children, brothers or sisters who have had substance abuse problems. Lets not forget Councilwoman Floods son does not have such a problem he is a "DRUG DEALER". It is not Goverments duty to provide jobs to our elected officials relatives!

As for Councilman Fulop, God Bless him he seems like he is the only elected official out there with enough guts to try and stop the corrupt ways of our City and County officials.

Posted on: 2008/3/11 20:16

Re: BETTERJC.ORG COMMERCIAL #1 on youtube - link
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Not too shy to talk

That commercial is so true. Now if the voters would only take it seriously!

Posted on: 2008/3/7 2:35

Re: BETTERJC.ORG COMMERCIAL #1 on youtube - link
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Not too shy to talk

I have to say this is a pretty amusing video!

Posted on: 2008/3/1 21:22




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