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Re: Roofer Recommendations

Capital Roofing
449 Central Avenue
Orange, NJ
(201) 659-3567

They just did our roof and installed two custom skylights. Prompt, courteous, professional and they have done roofing jobs in DTJC for years.

Posted on: 2015/11/2 18:57

Re: Jersey City Mayor Seeks to Limit Chain Stores Downtown

I don't get the over-arching concept. So massive over-priced residential high rise developments stacked one next to another are fine for a "mom n' pop" neighborhood, but big box retail is bad? Sorry, but mom n' pop died in downtown JC the day the 1st street Art House was leveled and Yaga the Polish lady took down her shingle and stopped selling pierogies on Grove Street. If by mom n' pop you are referring to $10 latte coffee shops and sports bars with 21 TVs, then I'm definitely missing something. Let's face it, downtown is now overdeveloped with as much mom n' pop charm as a Big Mac and most community events are sponsored by developers to further their agenda. What happens to family shops when the families who own them can no longer afford to live in the vicinity of the stores they own as is often the case? Mr. Mayor, stop the PR and let's face the fact that big box residential comes first and big box retail inevitably follows (Newport is a perfect example). Mom n' pop neighborhoods are self-evolving in small communities, not engineered by developers and politicians.

Posted on: 2015/4/8 17:23

Re: Plumber?

We tried Byron Hutchinson after reading the many positive reviews on this board and had an excellent experience. He is now our go-to plumber for all future work. He is very courteous, reliable, does great work and his rates are reasonable. We called him to replace an old toilet and he came promptly the following day (early actually, after calling to ask if we were available). He did a great job and was also helpful in making suggestions regarding future plumbing work that we are planning to do. You can't go wrong with him. The number again is 201 888-4752.

Posted on: 2013/12/12 1:22

Re: Swimming for dogs?

phDOG states the obvious. Letting dogs swim in the river violates leash laws. Every dog owner hears about leash laws ad nauseum, and I can't help thinking that they have become so stringent that today's dogs are basically under house arrest. I grew up in NYC in the 1970's and recall the whole point of having a dog was to be able to bring them to a park, play frisbee with them, throw a stick and take them for a swim in the river. We used to bring our dog to Orchard Beach in the Bronx and my best childhood memories consist of swimming in the Ocean with my dog. A few years go by, a couple of pitbulls somewhere maul an old lady or two, and suddenly dogs are spending their entire lives locked in the house except for a few moments a day when they get to stand leashless in what is called a "dog run", usually a tiny fenced area filled with cat litter or pebbles in the worst part of some park, shadeless under the blazing sun. Since we have progressed into a society that fights tooth and nail to have more and more laws imposed on us in every aspect of our lives, I propose one more: just ban dogs altogether. There is no place left to have fun with them anyway, and think of all the park space it would free up! Until dogs are outlawed outright, there will always be the occasional scofflaw who dares thumb their nose at The Leash Law to risk giving their dog a few moments to enjoy life's most basic pleasures, and we can't possibly have that!

Posted on: 2011/7/19 22:32

Re: JC gay couple to get married in New York

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Posted on: 2011/7/19 21:41

Re: FULOP!!!! Municipal Trash Can

I wrote a letter and sent two e-mails to Fulop's office about this months ago and never got a response. I know of four trash cans that have been removed in my neighborhood (Hamilton Park) within the past 6 months. None had been hit by cars and two were relatively new. The supposed reason for this is that they were encouraging illegal dumping of household waste and construction debris. I think that punishing the law-abiding public for the actions of a few offenders by removing the cans is nothing short of brilliant. In the spirit of this, let's call for a measure to make owning cars illegal for everyone because some people run red lights. That could then be followed by shutting down all retail establishments, everywhere, because there are some people who shoplift.

I will contact NID and Mayor's office (thank you, heights, for the info) but seriously, why does one have to waste time fighting for what should be the basic right of urban taxpayers to have trash pails nearby? As dog owners, exactly WHAT are we supposed to do with the dog waste we are required by law to pick up? Last week I carried two large bags of poop six blocks before dumping them in a private trash can for sheer disgust.

Enough already, just put them back.

Posted on: 2010/1/26 18:08

Sibling Kittens Looking For Home

My husband and I are looking for a home for the remaining two of a litter of four kittens we found abandoned in a box in upstate New York two weeks ago. They are both boys who look to be about 10 weeks old, are healthy, playful and very sweet. One is all gray with faint black tiger stripes, and the other is gray and white. They've bonded closely together since their brother and sister were adopted last week, so we are hoping to find them a home where they can remain together.

We would keep them ourselves were it not for my cat allergies and the fact that we already have two large dogs who have neither eaten nor slept since we found the kittens! I can't for the life of me figure out how to attach images to these posts (any advice is welcome) so if you are interested, please PM me with your e-mail and I will send over some pictures.


Posted on: 2009/10/23 23:34

What Happened to the Trash Cans?

Help! The public trash cans are being removed from streets in Hamilton Park. Three that I know of have disappeared in the last week. I e-mailed Steve Fulop's office but have not gotten a response. What gives? Are they being sold off to bail out recently nabbed politicians? I have two large dogs and am now forced to walk blocks and blocks looking for a receptacle in which to dump copious amounts of poop each day, but at least I get to strike up conversations with other dog owners who are also walking around with poop in hand and irritated looks on their faces. We're required to clean up after our dogs, but where exactly are we supposed to throw the stuff? Ever since the one on the corner near our house was removed, the sidewalk has been strewn with trash, and yesterday there were three bags filled with dog poop dlying on the sidewalk where the can used to be. I'm sure someone has a brilliant explanation for doing this, and I'm sure it will be entertaining....

Posted on: 2009/8/3 17:03

Re: PETA wants to use lighthouse off Bayonne to publicize the horrors of killing fish for food and sport

To protest the killing of animals for food is a tough sell since we will never know if the human race is inherently carnivorous, and carnivorism is part of nature's process.

However, killing anything for sport is barbaric and if we as a species want to evolve beyond the cruel and sadistic tendencies that plague us then we need to create legislation making blood sports illegal. Period.

A person who kills anything for enjoyment is, in my opinion, a serial killer. That is what they do, isnt it?

Posted on: 2009/6/5 17:15


He lives on Jersey just near 7th close to my house. For months he has been going out on his bike several times a night at varying hours, almost always after 11 PM. The bike has no muffler and is very loud. He parks it in the front yard and when he takes it out he rides down the block on the sidewalk right under the neighbor's windows revving his engine until he reaches 6th street from where he takes off in a trail of noise. This usually starts our and everyone elses' dogs going and would be comical if not so annoying.

Almost everyone nearby has spoken to him at one point or another, and he just ignores it. He used to park the bike on the sidewalk but several months ago someone slashed his tires. Otherwise, he pretty much keeps to himself and doesn't bother anyone. I'm a heavy sleeper and tolerate the noise, but a lot of neighbors are really upset.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 16:32

Re: Pit Bulls and other large menacing breeds banned from NYC public housing.

This should not be an issue of "good" vs. "bad" dog breeds. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of public housing is to provide assistance to people with limited incomes. Since this assistance is government-subsidized (ie: with our tax money), is it unfair to expect that it be provided only to people who are truly in need?

As the owner of two 80-pound plus dogs, I spend over $150 dollars each month to feed them and close to $1000 each year on vaccinations and miscellaneous veterinary bills. A dog is a luxury, not a necessity and I can't help but question the ability of people who can't afford to support themselves and decide to get a pet to make responsible decisions.

While clearly there are exceptions, as previous posters have pointed out, the reality is that an overwhelming number of animals owned by people who live in projects are neglected, abused, or turned out into the street because their owners failed to assess the reality of their financial situations before getting the pet.

Two years ago I was approached in Hamilton park by a little girl from the 14th st housing projects with a dog on a leash, asking me if I wanted to take it. She said her mother bought it for her birthday and decided after a few weeks that the dog was too expensive and, as the girl put it, "a pain in the ass" (translation: it is a living creature with real needs and not a stuffed toy).

If a person on public assistance living in the projects wanted to adopt a child, they would face intense scrutiny to prove that they could assure the child a good home (if they were allowed to adopt at all which I doubt). For animals there is no such protection. An dog can fall into the hands of anyone and the quality of the animal's life is solely determined by the owner they end up with, whether they be animal lover, a criminal, a drug addict, rage-a-holic, etc.

I for one am fed up with the self-righteous attitude of "who are we to judge people from the projects" because it has nothing to do with being judgemental and all about offering more legal protection to animals. People who do not have the money to support themselves are not likely to devote the time and money to caring for a pet.

There are laws regulating nearly every aspect of human existence with the caveat that such laws are "for our own protection" and yet there is no requirement for someone considering a dog to prove that they have the ability to care for it. This would be too much to ask, I know, because it would wipe out the multi-billion-dollar-a-year factory breeding businesses that provide dogs in bulk quantities to pet stores who sell them to anyone off the street, no questions asked.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 17:37

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning

Has any detailed information been released about what the suspect looks like? If, as Vigilante noted, a suspicious guy was seen hanging around the boxing gym after the murder then it would be useful to know more than just that the killer is black, tall and skinny. His wife was a witness and may be too distraught to remember details, but if we had more to be on the alert for it would help (approximate age? facial hair? short hair, dreds, etc?).

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family.

Posted on: 2009/1/29 18:41




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