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Re: Can anyone in local goverment hold thier drink (Lipski this time)?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am sick and tired of politicians using excuses to coverup for their bad behavior:

McGreevey: "I am a gay american"!
Spitzer: "I am holier than thou"...(when do the broads get here?)
Edwards: "I did have a 400 dollar haircut and yeah a woman on the side after all".
Healy: "I am going to get drunk and start a riot".
Willie Flood: "I appointed my son as the official paper clip holder of Jersey am I suppose to know there is no such position but let me be clear he did a fantastic job".

Ps. This is meant to be sarcastic...some of the truth has been stretched.

Posted on: 2008/11/12 18:18

Re: NEXT TREASURY SECRETARY? -- Gov. Jon Corzine: 'I love the job I have'
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Anyway you can get rid of this clown would be a miracle.

Posted on: 2008/11/7 20:24

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am not sure why people are blaming Obama or McCain for the financial mess...the blame lies in the hands of two sources: Friedman(they should take his nobel away) his theory of trickle down economics and free trade does not work. And secondly it is the consumers fault as well.

There needs to be a fundamental switch away from mindless consumption. I have said this before...capitalism in its current form needs to change..if not...a few years from now we will be having this conversation over again.

Posted on: 2008/11/7 20:21

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I see both sides of people congratulating Obama and those who are critical of him especially since I voted for neither him or McCain.

This might sound dumb but I am not the flag waving/super patriot type but....for now can't everyone just be kind and wish the guy luck...what he does might win you over...and make things better. I have my doubts(see my earlier post congratulating Obama) but I think simple decency should triumph and be the norm(its early) before we go back to everything being just more politics.

Be good ye donkeys and elephants. :)

Posted on: 2008/11/5 23:16

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I didn't vote for McCain or Obama. I would like to say that I wish Obama a sincere congrats and wish him luck.

Who knows I might vote for him next time around if he manages to do the following:

1. To live up to the promises that he made to this country and his supporters(or at least try his best/effort does count)

2. A new approach to foreign policy. Pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Respect the territory of other sovereign nations(pakistan).....keep his word that he will use diplomacy until it is exhausted. Be fair towards the Palestinians and Israelis(don't let the Jewish lobby dictate policy) and don't wait until he is almost out of office before attempting to mediate a middle east peace solution...for once instead of worrying about GETTING RE-ELECTED do the right thing...which he says he would or at least that is how he has portrayed himself.

3. MAKE HEALTH CARE UNIVERSAL(that is one thing that I admired about Clinton...because I think she would attempt to do that and would get it done had she been elected).

4. Is just a suggestion. I know he has lots of cash left over from the the would be nice to donate it to a worthy charity, cause or educational institution. :)

Good luck Mr. President. :)

Posted on: 2008/11/5 7:55

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I hope people realize that Saint Obama is just another politician who will say anything to get elected...half the things he is saying...he knows won't come true...why can't his supporters get that...and yes that goes for McCain and company too.

Obama's prime-time ad skips over budget realities

WASHINGTON ? Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was less than upfront in his half-hour commercial Wednesday night about the costs of his programs and the crushing budget pressures he would face in office.

Obama's assertion that "I've offered spending cuts above and beyond" the expense of his promises is accepted only by his partisans. His vow to save money by "eliminating programs that don't work" masks his failure throughout the campaign to specify what those programs are ? beyond the withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

A sampling of what voters heard in the ad, and what he didn't tell them:

THE SPIN: "That's why my health care plan includes improving information technology, requires coverage for preventive care and pre-existing conditions and lowers health care costs for the typical family by $2,500 a year."

THE FACTS: His plan does not lower premiums by $2,500, or any set amount. Obama hopes that by spending $50 billion over five years on electronic medical records and by improving access to proven disease management programs, among other steps, consumers will end up saving money. He uses an optimistic analysis to suggest cost reductions in national health care spending could amount to the equivalent of $2,500 for a family of four. Many economists are skeptical those savings can be achieved, but even if they are, it's not a certainty that every dollar would be passed on to consumers in the form of lower premiums.


THE SPIN: "I also believe every American has a right to affordable health care."

THE FACTS: That belief should not be confused with a guarantee of health coverage for all. He makes no such promise. Obama hinted as much in the ad when he said about the problem of the uninsured: "I want to start doing something about it." He would mandate coverage for children but not adults. His program is aimed at making insurance more affordable by offering the choice of government-subsidized coverage similar to that in a plan for federal employees and other steps, including requiring larger employers to share costs of insuring workers.


THE SPIN: "I've offered spending cuts above and beyond their cost."

THE FACTS: Independent analysts say both Obama and Republican John McCain would deepen the deficit. The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates Obama's policy proposals would add a net $428 billion to the deficit over four years ? and that analysis accepts the savings he claims from spending cuts. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, whose other findings have been quoted approvingly by the Obama campaign, says: "Both John McCain and Barack Obama have proposed tax plans that would substantially increase the national debt over the next 10 years." The analysis goes on to say: "Neither candidate's plan would significantly increase economic growth unless offset by spending cuts or tax increases that the campaigns have not specified."


THE SPIN: "Here's what I'll do. Cut taxes for every working family making less than $200,000 a year. Give businesses a tax credit for every new employee that they hire right here in the U.S. over the next two years and eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Help homeowners who are making a good faith effort to pay their mortgages, by freezing foreclosures for 90 days. And just like after 9-11, we'll provide low-cost loans to help small businesses pay their workers and keep their doors open. "

THE FACTS: His proposals ? the tax cuts, the low-cost loans, the $15 billion a year he promises for alternative energy, and more ? cost money, and the country could be facing a record $1 trillion deficit next year. Indeed, Obama recently acknowledged ? although not in his commercial ? that: "The next president will have to scale back his agenda and some of his proposals."

Posted on: 2008/10/30 2:43

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I watched his tv commercial...its a nice bit of fluff and propaganda.

I will give him credit that others will copy watch for this in future elections.

Posted on: 2008/10/30 1:02

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am with BouncingSoul....neither candidates should become the next president...I wish we could start anew. Get rid of the dictatorship of the democrats and republicans...they're really the same when it comes down to it.

Posted on: 2008/10/19 0:08

Re: Healy unveils details of Visionary Plan for Journal Square - "Major Makeover"
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am sure he will balance this out by getting drunk more often while doing impersonations of the naked cowboy...rotating through the various jersey city neighborhoods....followed by long, drawn out court cases.

Posted on: 2008/10/17 8:04

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Found this video link of Obama on the NYT website. ... plumber-crowd-laughs.html

Posted on: 2008/10/17 7:58

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I actually thought John McCain...edged out Obama for the most part in this home run but....McCain won this barely.

And it irked me that right after the debate most of the media felt Obama won...but then again...MOST(not all) of the media has been too starstuck with him. So it does annoy me that he hasn't been properly scrutinized by the media...i expect quite a few scandals and mistakes with an Obama presidency.

Just so all of you know I am not voting McCain or Obama. :)

Posted on: 2008/10/16 12:18

Re: What does everyone think of the Bailout?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have mixed feelings about the bailout...there are strong reasons for it and against it. I do believe those who were asleep at the wheel and those on wall street need to be taught a tough lesson and their should be some penalization for them....its not enough that they have lost so much money...something proactive to punish them should be done.

Also, the average consumer did play a part in this mess...hopefully they will learn that is its better to work hard and save and buy wisely rather then always trying to make a quick buck or take fantasy loans/mortgages...thats one thing i have not heard any one comment most cases no one put a gun to their heads in signing on the bottom line.

Posted on: 2008/9/27 19:08

Re: Car Inspection
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I took my car in last week to get inspected. I usually go to the Secaucus one but had an errand in I went there.

It took under 10 minutes whereas at the Secaucus one it was always a long wait. So, I was very happy and would go to the Newark one again.

Posted on: 2008/8/28 0:16

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You get off at the 34th street station. Then walk one block up to Broadway and then walk 4 blocks to 38th street. The place is on the can't miss it.

The seafood place is a walk... from there. You would have to get back on the lightrail and get off at the 22nd street station...then walk up to Avenue C which is about 3 or 4 blocks...the store itself is right across from a large auto repair shop.

Posted on: 2008/7/27 0:32

Computer Repair in JC
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I need my net-card replaced and was wondering if anyone knows of a place that will do this cheaply. The card itself costs about 20 bucks.

I spoke with Staples and they told me it would cost 100 dollars which seems steep to remove and put in the new one.

Any suggestions much appreciated..especially if you have used the services for your own comp.

Posted on: 2008/7/2 21:19

Re: Torico's Ice Cream
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Do they have any ice cream without any sugar or at least that does not use processed sugar? I gave up sugar about three months now...but I do have a hankering for ice cream...especially since I have never tried Torico's but have heard a ton about this place.

Posted on: 2008/5/29 10:59

Re: Maniac drivers who speed through crosswalks (and stop signs)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You are not making a big deal at all. It really gets me that so many people do not come to a FULL StOP or follow other common rules of driving.

And you know what, I even get people who get ticked off at me for making a full stop. I have had people honk, curse and just go around me....I literally have to hold my tongue from wishing them ill will.

I just really don't know what can be done about it.

Posted on: 2008/5/21 4:20

EZ Pass
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

A few weeks ago ( i belive it was channel 7 news) they did a story on EZ Pass. The story stated that if you had ez pass and 3 or more passengers... you could go to the regular(manned by people) lanes and only pay 2 dollars for all the bridges and tunnels in our area.

I tried to look up the information on channel seven and EZ Pass but to no avail.

Has anyone tried this or know more about this? I know this would save me and my friends mucho dineros.

So let me know if you have got any info. Thanks

Posted on: 2008/5/10 19:53

Re: places to go running/jogging?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Your 5 minutes away by car from Bayonne Park. They have excellent facilities and a great track as well. And lots of parking. Give them a shot!

Posted on: 2008/4/28 15:50

Re: Trenton...the next Next Hoboken or Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If "Gay Americans" are moving can't be all bad. hehehehe!

Posted on: 2008/4/25 14:34

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I supported Obama and even signed up to volunteer but that all changed over time.

The first thing that I did not like was when he was willing to call unilateral military strikes in Pakistan if intelligence warranted it. To me this is very much in line with the Bush Doctrine.

Second, I was never for the war....but how does Obama and Hillary propose...pulling the troops out...when most likely the results will be disastrous for Iraq and most likely in time for the world.

The third thing that bothered me was how he handled...people accusing him of being a "muslim". The right thing would have been to say, "so what if i was muslim"? Whats the big deal. Instead, he bent over backward to prove he was a good christian. To me that is not how a leader acts. It sort of plays into the hands of all those who do believe in the nonsense about a clash of civilizations and also demeans an entire people and religion.

Also, i don't think he will deliver on universal healthcare. That is the one thing that i think Hillary will deliver to the American people. This is a very important issue to me.

Just in case anyone is wondering, I am not going to vote either for Obama or Hillary. I might just do a write in for Bill Richardson at this point. :)

Posted on: 2008/4/16 20:06

Re: Read Any Great Books Lately?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson! It is an awesome book. If you are interested...i'll even lend you my copy. By the way this is an awesome topic!

Posted on: 2008/4/14 19:55

Re: Bayonne - Steve's Kosher Style Deli
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I don't think there kosher at all...and i have passed it by on several occasions and its always closed. Let me know if you try to contact them.

Posted on: 2008/4/6 16:45

Re: Dosa Hut
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes this place rocks! Try the curried potato dosa...yum. :)

Posted on: 2008/4/6 11:26

ADVICE/Tenant Issue
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My friend asked me for some advice concerning her neighbor. It turns out the guy not only does/deals drugs out of his apartment but causes lots of noisey disturbances. About 3 weeks ago he was beating on his GF.

My friend called the police but before they got there the GF had fled the building and BF(the JERK) pretended not to be home. The police, believe it or not knocked and after a few minutes left. For full disclosure this happened in RI.

It turns out that the building just got a new owner and she is wondering if she should mention this JERK to them and all the things he has done. The old owners knew about the situation but didn't care as long as they got the rent. What do you think is the right thing to do? Any advice appreciated.

Posted on: 2008/4/2 4:38

Re: John's Pizza
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'll give the place a try next time i am around. By the way Sussexst...i'll love your avatar!

Posted on: 2008/3/30 1:23

Re: Cars beat mass transit for Hudson commuters
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yeah, this does not seem right. I use mass transit or just walk 70 percent of the time ..even though i have a car.

Posted on: 2008/3/21 5:00

Re: Is that what that is? -- Public art in Downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I don't know the nuts and bolts of art but i do appreciate it. And i definitely like that!

Posted on: 2008/3/20 19:12

Re: New York Times: Ex-Jersey City Mayor Eyes Return to City Hall
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I had a chance to interview him and he definitely is a geniune person. Whether all his plans and ideas panned out is debatable.

But he managed the city pretty well. Crime was down. Tax collection was up. And i agree that giving tax abatements to corporations was a short term solution that should have been used sparingly but those who came into office after him have done a much worse job on that front.

Also, whether you hated him or liked him most agreed he was an honest fellow. I mean there had to have been a reason why the people would have voted in a Republican in the heart of democractic bastion. Also, he does alot of good work on the grassroots level.

Again, i think Jersey lost out by not having him as Governor.

Posted on: 2008/3/17 5:05

Re: New York Times: Ex-Jersey City Mayor Eyes Return to City Hall
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I liked Schundler. Thought he was a decent fellow. I really think he would have made a great govenor. I mean we all know what happened with McGreevy and I can't wait for Corzine to go.

One thing i would like to see Schundler do if he runs and wins is to focus more on the poor and lower classes.

Posted on: 2008/3/15 20:07

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