Re: Coke Ring Painted as Slick Operation
This is a conspiracy case. There were many people arrested in this case. In the end 6 remained. These cases are all about fighting for your freedom. People will say anything to keep their butts out of jail. I sat through this trial and clearly saw that these men were convicted by a jury based on the testimony of co-conspirators and a convict with excellent timing; looking for a way out.
I understand your concern. As residents of Jersey City, you want to see the streets cleaned up and praise any news that seems to be doing just that. But you should also make it a point to seek the truth. Stand by your neighbor! Sit in on a few of these cases. See if all the hype is really what it's played up to be. These "pricks" are young men with children and families. They had a right to a trial and an opportunity to defend themselves. They lost and may be put away for some time now. Who knows though...they might just earn that MBA. I only pray that when they are returned to society, that they are stronger and smarter individuals. Yes, I am friend! SAY NO TO DRUGS!!!
Posted on: 2008/1/8 5:47
Re: Coke Ring Painted as Slick Operation
I wouldn't be so quick to believe everything I read. There's always two sides to every story.
Posted on: 2007/12/6 4:49