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Re: Win Tickets to Hamilton, Wicked, or Dear Evan Hanson
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Yes, when you go to the ticket site (, you can either buy tickets to the show itself or buy raffle tickets for any of the three broadway shows. Each donation of $25 gives three Raffle tickets for the show of your choice. It doesn't matter which show date you use for the drop down box as all three raffles will all be drawn on Saturday afternoon. If the winners are not at the show when the drawing takes place you will receive a phone call with the good news.

Good Luck! Also, for a chance to see the actor who is giving the backstage tour for the Hamilton tickets winner, check out this piece about his recent visit to the school: ... ng-Arts-Students-20180413

Posted on: 2018/4/16 0:33

Re: Win Tickets to Hamilton, Wicked, or Dear Evan Hanson
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Not too shy to talk

Still one more week to buy raffle tickets. The odds are especially good for the Dear Evan Hanson and Wicked tickets! ... and_the_big_top_urge.html

Posted on: 2018/4/14 3:21

Win Tickets to Hamilton, Wicked, or Dear Evan Hanson
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The Performing Arts Program at TECCS (The Ethical Community Charter School) is Raffling off sets of Tickets to a few Tony Winning shows! Seize the Day and Take Your Shot!

TECCS FSA PERFORMING ARTS PROGRAM has a special offer for the public. Following the Final (3pm) Performance of Seize The Day on April 21, they will raffle house seats to three Tony Award Winning Broadway shows. Entrants do not have to be present to win. Raffle tickets are available online NOW thru April 21st.

With every $25 donation made to the TECCS Performing Arts Program, three raffle tickets will be given to enter for the tickets of your choice. Each of the lucky winners will get a pair of house seats and two of the performances will include backstage tours!

TECCS FSA Performing Arts is raffling the following:

2 House Seats to HAMILTON ON BROADWAY. Euan Morton (who plays King George) has invited the winner backstage to meet him after the performance and will give them a backstage tour.

2 House Seats to WICKED ON BROADWAY and a backstage tour.

2 House Seats to DEAR EVAN HANSEN. (A tour is not available for this show).

Use this link to purchase raffle tickets and show tickets online:

FSA Performing Arts

Posted on: 2018/4/10 3:14

Re: Seeking House Painter Recommendation
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Buzz at pro painters is meticulous and reasonably priced. He and his guys painted our entire house after a renovation and spent a lot of extra time on plastering and priming. He also gave input on colors. He now owns the Bike Hub (on Monticello at Jewett) so you'd have to check with him about availability.

Posted on: 2017/2/24 14:36

Re: Bike Hub opens on Monticello Avenue
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Not too shy to talk

We had a great experience at this new shop & bought my first bike in decades. The owner spent a lot of time talking me & my husband through various things to consider before we decided on our bikes. We also took the opportunity to ride them around the neighborhood first to see how they felt. Overall, the service was wonderful, a discount was offered, and its great to support local businesses. Bikes also come with lifetime tune up.

Posted on: 2016/6/19 19:03

Re: options for TV for a non- tech savvy person
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Not too shy to talk

Also, I should add that I called Verizon today to ask for the most basic package (no phone, reduced channels, no DVR etc. & was told that the cheapest option is still about $100/month with equipment and taxes.

Posted on: 2015/7/29 1:42

Re: options for TV for a non- tech savvy person
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Not too shy to talk

I am in a similar situation in that I have verizon fios triple play, but feel like I should get rid of it. I am moving locally and certainly do not need the amount of channels I have now through Fios & also will likely get rid of the land line. I do like having the DVR option, but I'm sure I could live without it or get something else. We'll have two TVs, but really don't watch a lot of TV aside from the nightly news. Is verizon still a better option over comcast (not even sure what other options are). I do want to set wifi up soon.

Thanks for any advice.

Posted on: 2015/7/29 1:39

Re: TECCS 2nd Annual Gala - Honoring BOB HURLEY - Fri, Feb 6, 2015
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Not too shy to talk

Robin, i dont think he has a direct connction to the school. The recognition is more generally for someone who has shown a commitment to education and JC. This is part of the message from the Family School Association detailing why he was chosen as the honoree:

Bob Hurley's coaching record is impressive with 27 state championships, over 1000 wins, and because he is only the 3rd high school coach ever to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. Even more impressive is that almost all of the students he coached in the past decades have graduated and gone on to college. He is a Jersey City native who has been giving back to the city not only coaching its youth but also showing them that education is critical to life and teaching them to be responsible citizens.

Please join us on February 6th to honor him and celebrate TECCS's commitment to Jersey City youth and their education!!!


Posted on: 2015/2/6 21:48

Re: TECCS 2nd Annual Gala - Honoring BOB HURLEY - Fri, Feb 6, 2015
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Not too shy to talk

There's also a great silent auction this year including original art work, tickets to broadway shows and sporting events, an autographed football from the NY Jets, an autographed picture of Derek Jeter, an autographed original drawing by Eric Carle, a sunset cruise around manhattan, lots of gift certificates to local restaurants, hair salons, auto repair shop, and more. Many thanks to all the businesses who are showing their support through these donations toward the auction.

Come on out to support TECCS and recognize a remarkable man!

Posted on: 2015/2/5 17:16

Re: Historic district may come to Jersey City's West Side
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Not too shy to talk

Anyone know when will this actually go into effect if it passes next month?

Posted on: 2015/2/5 1:20

Re: Congratulations to Coach Hurley!
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Not too shy to talk

Coach Hurley is the honoree of the 2nd annual TECCS gala next week at casino in the park. Tickets can be purchased at

Another recent article: ... _bob_hurley/index.html#/0

Posted on: 2015/1/30 3:43

Re: Red Light Camera Warning!
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Not too shy to talk

Posted on: 2014/8/22 0:58

Re: Best 5K in JC! TECCS Read, Write & Run - Liberty State Park
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Not too shy to talk

The Ethical Community Charter School (TECCS) in Jersey City will dedicate its third annual "Read, Write & Run 5K" on Saturday to a boy who died in a pool earlier this year in Florida.

Calder Sloan, a 7-year-old Florida boy better known by his family and friends as "Mr. Awesome," was electrocuted by high voltage from a pool light on April 13, a week after his seventh birthday.

"The Read, Write, Run 5K is happy to dedicate this year's race to Calder and his Mr. Awesome campaign," said Tracy Reinholt, the director of the race.

The Mr. Awesome campaign started with Calder's portrait, which he drew before he died, being displayed on a digital screen outside the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami.

Family friend Jim Cahill then began a social media campaign with the drawing, which led to Miami Heat basketball player Chris Bosh, Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, and TV journalists helping spread the news. The self-portrait was even displayed on the JumboTron in Times Square.

Now TECCS will put the self-portrait on their race t-shirts.

A TECCS mother, who is friends with Sloan's parents, came up with the idea of dedicating the race to him. She wanted to keep his legacy alive and promote pool safety so that accidents like Sloan's don't happen to other children.

"I think it is a way for The Ethical Community Charter School to be involved with something very important and help share important pool safety information with the community," she said.

"I think it's just such an important message to send," TECCS Principal Marta Bergamini said.

Bergamini has discussed the importance of dedicating the race to Sloan and pool safety with the school's students.

"We talked about being safe in any swimming you do this summer, Bergamini said.

Registration for the race is open until Friday at The cost is $25 for the race and $5 for the quarter mile children's race.

The 5K begins at 9:30 a.m. and the children's race will follow at 10:30 a.m. at Liberty State Park. All day activities, food, and live music will follow.

The first 300 registered runners will receive a free t-shirt and goodie bag.

Proceeds will go towards the school's budget for the 2014 to 2015 school year. ... in_pool.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2014/6/19 1:33

Re: Kids Activity near Exchange Place - Grove street
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Not too shy to talk

There's a playgroup that meets in the basement of St. Bridget's Church on Montgomery @ Brunswick (about 8 blocks from Grove Street) in the winters- usually November through April. It's parent run, so the days/hours depend on parent availability to host. It tends to have younger kids (toddlers) during daytime hours & preschoolers in the afternoons. It's a big, open space with balls, bikes, legos, doll houses, etc. Not the cleanest, but cheap indoor space for kids in the winter. Once the schedule is determined, it will be posted on teh jcfamily yahoo group.

Posted on: 2011/9/26 1:36

short term rental needed
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Not too shy to talk

Friends of ours who had a couple feet of water from Irene just found out that they won't be able to move back into their home until the end of October so they are looking for a short term rental. They've already checked out, furnished quarters, and bridgestreet. Any other recommendations are appreciated for a 1-2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished (though furnished preferred) place in JC (Downtown preferred).

Posted on: 2011/9/9 17:22

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

Posted on: 2011/7/14 20:52

advice on commute to Manhattan
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Not too shy to talk

My husband is starting a new job near Columbus Circle in September & we are also looking to move in the next few months. If we stay in Jersey City, we'll likely limit the areas of the city that we'll consider based on the commute time, so I'm trying to get information on commuting options from different parts of JC, particularly whether or not it would make sense to take a bus vs. the PATH & locations where the bus stops. I know that there is a bus which leaves from Journal Square to Port Authority & would like feedback from anyone who uses it re: reliability, general commute time, etc. Also, if anyone has other suggestions or things we should consider (ie- jitneys, light rail to ferry, etc.), that would be great.

Thanks in advance

Posted on: 2011/5/12 13:24

one way car rental from JC?
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Not too shy to talk

Does anybody have a recommendation for a car rental place that will do one way rentals, pick up in JC (or somewhere nearby) & drop off in another city? I've called several companies & they don't offer this service locally even though the advertise online that they do.


Posted on: 2011/2/9 17:45

Re: Car Dealers on 440
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Not too shy to talk

Anybody have advice on where to bring a car/sell a car that needs repairs? I got in an accident the other day & the car is not considered a total loss, but the repair place is going to charge about $1600 to make it driveable again. We're just going to take the insurance money b/c we need a new car anyway. BUT, I don't know what to do with the car since the repair place isn't interested in buying it & I don't have a parking space to deal with selling it on craigslist or anything. I think the blue book value on the car is about $5K & I'm sure parts are fine (and we just got a new battery put in last week).

Anyway, any advice appreciated (or if anybody knows a mechanic that would want to buy it, we can have it towed over).

Thanks in advance!

Posted on: 2011/1/21 22:41

Re: Jersey City Elementary Schools
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Not too shy to talk

Yes...there are district lines which determine which home school a child must register. Depending on where you are on Grove, the home school is either PS 3 or PS 37. You can request special permission for your child to attend PS 16, but your child first must register at his/her home school. You can call any child study team and give your street address to determine the home school.

Posted on: 2010/10/4 23:47

Re: Grace Church Toddler Drop Off Program
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Not too shy to talk

The Toddler Drop Off Program at Grace Church currently has openings each day of the week. Program hours are from 9:30am to 12:00pm Mondays and Wednesdays and 9:00am - 11:30 am on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Creativity, free play, songs, stories, arts and crafts, and learning in a warm, safe environment for children while parents schedule their errands and enjoy adult time. This program provides a wonderful opportunity for young children to socialize with other kids and have fun while parents or caregivers run errands or take some time for themselves. The program also provides flexibility in that there is no charge for any days missed, no registration fees, no requirement to sign up for an entire session, and no charge for any time that parents/caregivers remain with their child to help him/her adjust to the new environment.

For toddlers who are crawling to age 3

The cost per child is $25 a day

While reservations are preferred, drop ins are welcome as space allows.

The church is located at 39 Erie Street (enter through the red doors on 2nd Street)

If you are interested in finding out more about the program, follow the attached link to complete a registration form and one of the childcare providers will contact you.

For more information:

Program guidelines:

to register:

Posted on: 2010/10/4 2:50

Re: tax increases
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks for all the input...anybody have recommendations for lawyers?

Posted on: 2007/10/26 1:28

Re: tax increases
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Not too shy to talk

The building is actually on the registrar for historic places...built in the 1850s, if I'm remembering correctly. (Small building on VVP...only 9 units). It was renovated five years ago (but not a gut renovation) and the original owners complained about the taxes so they were given a five year abatement...hence the huge increase. The taxes are significantly higher than comparable places in teh same neighborhood. I'm just wondering whether it's worth it to try and fight it.

Posted on: 2007/10/23 2:11

tax increases
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Not too shy to talk

All the residents of my building just got certified letters indicating that our taxes will be increasing significantly, almost doubling, this year and that the money is due Nov. 1. The letter also indicates that an appeal can be filed by Dec. 1. Just wondering if anybody has ever filed an appeal (and, if so, if you were successful) and wondering if we need to hire a lawyer.


Posted on: 2007/10/22 18:05

Re: Grace Church Toddler Drop Off Program
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Not too shy to talk

Beginning the week of Sept. 3rd, the new days that the program will be operating are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. As always, drop-ins are welcome and will be accomodated as possible, but it is best to reserve a space in advance as there is now only one full time caregiver. To reserve a space, either email call 201-659-2211x5.

As there seems to be increased demand for the program, we are looking to hire another parent as a caregiver in order to increase the number of children that can be accommodated each day. In the meantime, if any of you are interested in remaining with your child(ren) and volunteering for a day, a credit for a free drop off on another day will be issued. If you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis- or just want to try it out for a day- please let me know the dates you are available as soon as possible as this will impact the number of spaces that will be available for other children.


Posted on: 2007/9/5 0:22

Re: looking for good dentist aroud van vorst park, grove Path
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Not too shy to talk

I second the vote for Dr. Spiro Papadatos.

Posted on: 2007/8/19 23:41

Grace Church Toddler Drop Off Program
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Not too shy to talk

The Summer Hours for the Toddler Drop Off Program will continue to be 9am-noon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for the rest of this month. THe Wednesday day will change to Friday in the fall.

The program is for children who are crawling to age three. $25/day or $65/week for one child,
$40/day or $110/week for two children

call 201-659-2211x5 for more information or to reserve a spot. Drop-Ins also welcome, but space cannot be guaranteed without a reservation.

Posted on: 2007/8/18 0:49




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