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Re: Personal Trainer Recommendations?

My trainer is really great and comes to the gym in my building, or we go to the park if it's nice out. He's a trainer at David Barton in the city but lives in JC so it's a great deal compared to what you would pay at the gym.

His name is Tommy - and his website is: His phone number is 201-993-1049

Posted on: 2012/6/12 20:57

Re: PATH Train Express this morning

i do see your point - but bypassing three stops would save at least 7-8 minutes and in the AM that is a big deal to me!

Posted on: 2010/4/22 16:12

Re: PATH Train Express this morning

I wish they would consider having a Path Train Express every morning! Nobody gets on or off at Christopher. The express could go right from Newport to 23rd and then 33rd.

Posted on: 2010/4/22 15:53

Re: The Stockinette Knitting Cafe

i have stopped going there because it was never consistent! i want to support my local businesses but i can't justify wasting my money on a bad product.

i got cupcakes there once and they were great - and then i got them there another time and they were so stale i couldn't even eat them.

sometimes they have lots of snacks, but then i went in recently on a Saturday morning and they had nothing. they may have just opened but it was still a disappointment.

Is consistency with good service, reliable hours, and good food too much to ask?

Posted on: 2009/9/30 18:27

Re: The 3rd Street Screamer

I agree we need to keep trying. While I'm not sure if he is a physical danger to anyone - I live nearby and have seen him harassing people as they walk down the block. He gets very close, points at them and screams obscenities in their face. Its very troubling and I feel for him as he is obviously mentally ill.

Thanks for posting the phone numbers to call. Next time I see an incident I will call it in.

Posted on: 2009/9/11 15:56

Re: Possible new tea house - would you go?

i totally agree with creativeconquests - a lot of coffee shop-like places have opened up recently in the downtown area, but i don't think any of them have successfully achieved: good hours (mornings and evenings), consistent schedule, good service!, fresh food, variety of food (savory and sweet), at decent prices.
Not all places can be all things to all people - I understand that. But there is not one coffe shop-type place downtown that I enjoy going to right now.
I am in-between Hamilton Park and VVP and I would walk to either location you are suggesting, provided that the place was worth it!

Posted on: 2009/8/10 17:55

Re: Grove St Path Torta Stand

when is the torta stand there? i saw it once a few weeks ago, but haven't seen it since... or maybe just haven't noticed it. It sounds really good!

Posted on: 2009/6/18 15:12

Re: Property Management

whoever suggested an association of self-managed properties had a great idea. I would totally be up for something like that - and maybe then we'd also have some negotiating power for things like insurance.

I live in a small building, downtown, only 4 units - and our management company (based in Hoboken) sucks! One of the 4 owners lives in another state though - so we're hesitant to go without a management company.

Any suggestions for "interviewing" a new management company. Other than lower monthly fees - I'm not sure what else to ask about.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 17:07

Re: Buon Appetito - new restaurant on Grove Street

Buon Appetito is the best place i've found down-town for subs. Everything i've ever had there has been really good. Took me a while to find out about this place, but i'm glad i did.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 17:00




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