Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
You guys I made a new video inspired by this thing. I put a ton of make up on and caught a cold while shooting it, so I hope it's good.
Posted on: 2012/3/8 16:59
Re: Hey! It's Jersey City.
It's been a while,* but I finally finished a new "Hey! It's Jersey City." This one's about Jersey City's music scene, hipsters, and the hottest venue in town.
*My technology took a hit and I basically had to make video out of stone.
Posted on: 2010/1/19 19:40
Re: Congratulations Melissa Surach!
I'm also thinking about lobbying to rename Jersey City to Melissa Surachville, but only once I funnel all the white people to Hoboken.
I videotaped the meeting and will hopefully have it online within a few weeks. Thanks!
Posted on: 2009/9/25 4:14
Re: Congratulations Melissa Surach!
Thank you, fellow townspeople. I'll get started on the wall.
Posted on: 2009/9/24 12:42
Re: Hey! It's Jersey City.
If anyone wants to be a public access star, I need extras for a sketch I'm shooting tomorrow. I'd really appreciate it!
It'll be for a few hours in the afternoon and lunch is on me. Email me for details. Thanks! Melissa
Posted on: 2009/4/24 17:30
Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
My family connections notwithstanding, I like the way the statue looks against the skyline and I don't think it's offensive. Why do you? Because you don't like it?
What I do think is offensive is the way you just called everyone associated with the statue an idiot and a hack. You're making yourself sound like an a-hole.
Posted on: 2009/3/10 19:45
Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
I don't understand why people think that the artist didn't research the massacre before designing it. Stop talking out of your ass.
This is the latest article from the Jersey Journal on it. Stanley Paszul, 85; got Katyn Memorial built Wednesday, December 24, 2008 By TOM SHORTELL JOURNAL STAFF WRITER Stanley Paszul, 85, the driving force behind the Katyn Memorial at Exchange Place in Jersey City, died on Dec. 16. READ MORE By the way, it was my grandfather, who recently passed away. He worked with Andrzej Pityski, a prominent Polish sculptor. He was a carpenter. From my understanding, he made the mold for the statue. He used to have a mini war museum in his house on 7th Street. There were little wooden models of the statue all over his house. The house still says "Carpenter Shop" on it.
Posted on: 2009/3/10 13:36
Re: Ghostly encounters in Jersey City?
I'm working on a walking Jersey City Ghost Tour for when the weather gets warmer. It will probably be on Wednesday or Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons.
The McGinley Square area/Journal Square area has a lot of activity around it. The Eyes of St. Joe's are kind of famous. I'm looking for personal paranormal experiences people have had in Jersey City to include on my tour, so email me if you'd like to share it melissa.surach at
Posted on: 2009/2/19 16:31
Re: Hey! It's Jersey City.
...and doods.
The presale's over, but you can order it online now via paypal. Just go to my blog. or Fear and Dread, Guilt and Shame
Posted on: 2008/12/9 18:20
Re: Hey! It's Jersey City.
I don't have a new video yet, but the public access show should be ready in January.
However, you can help me buy props and stuff if you buy my calendar. By the way, tonight is the last chance to pre-order my calendar. If you order it before the calendar release party tomorrow night, you get $2 off. Email me for details. Thanks! Melissa
Posted on: 2008/12/8 21:55
Re: Hey! It's Jersey City.
This is the shortest version of the interview I did with Steve Fulop. It'll probably be longer and cut into shorter segments for the public access show.
A lot had to be cut out and some things look weird because of all the technical difficulties I had with it.
I don't know if this should go here or under the Steve Fulop thread. I guess the webmaster will tell me if I did it wrong.
Thanks, Steve!
Talkin' to Important People Interview with Steve Fulop from Melissa Surach on Vimeo.
Posted on: 2008/11/13 22:01
Re: Hey! It's Jersey City.
Thank you so much! I especially appreciate G_Smith's comment that I'm a Jersey City treasure.
creativeconquests, maybe I'll do a tour of coffee shops one day.
Here are some videos that I put up today. One is an outtake from the interview with The House of Leaves, and the other is about Exchange Place, which didn't work with the Pride Festival episode like I'd hoped.
Hopefully my interview with Steve Fulop and my performance at Balance will go up by the end of the week.
And I apologize that my website doesn't work yet. I need to reformat it before I do a full launch.
I plan on shooting a ghost hunt sometime this month, too.
Hey! It's Jersey City. What's the Exchange Place? from Melissa Surach on Vimeo. Outtake from Groove on Grove Episode from Melissa Surach on Vimeo.
Posted on: 2008/10/22 4:09
Hey! It's Jersey City.
This is a fake Jersey City travel and event guide I'm working on. Be careful about Groove on Grove towards the end. It has lady parts.
If you have an event or a special place in Jersey City that you'd like me to cover, please email me at Melissa.Surach at
Once I get enough video, I'll put a show together for public access with the travel guide featured in it.
Hey! It's Jersey City. Jersey City Pride. from Melissa Surach on Vimeo. Hey! It's Jersey City. Groove on Grove. from Melissa Surach on Vimeo. I posted a link to them over the weekend, but the moderator asked me to embed them on a new thread.
Posted on: 2008/10/20 12:30
Hey everyone,
There's a very special BabyHole Showcase at The Lamp Post tonight for JC Friday. How adorable! All of our favorite BabyHolers will be there, doing extended sets. It's the only comedy show in Jersey City that you won't get shot at. BabyHole Showcase Tonight, Friday, September 5th, 9:00 pm The Lamp Post 382 2nd Street Jersey City
Posted on: 2008/9/5 16:34