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Re: Hamilton Park Ale House jersey Ave.

I cant wait for this HPAH to open. Does anybody know the owner to maybe get some insight as to when he'll open? The embankment is so so. They got a couple bitchy waiters that turn me off and I've had more than a couple of crappy eats there.

The new owner of the HPAH should hang a portrait of Maggie in the place.

Posted on: 2010/2/13 20:41

Re: Jack Shaw found dead!

"I met him when I first came into politics," said Bill Gaughan, a 16-year Jersey City councilman representing the Heights. "In my book he was always a gentleman, always trying to move Jersey City forward."

Um...may we see that "book" please?

Posted on: 2009/7/29 17:41

Re: NYPD: Drunken Jersey City cop mows down and kills young woman, injures man in lower Manhattan

I'm not a regular poster but often lurk. I'm so sick of these stories.

This is so sad. The guy should hang. Cops SHOULD be held to a higher standard. There are just too many stories like this one out there and yes, we should give them more press the the average joe 6 pack who mows down somebody. These are the same ego driven kids that bust YOU when you're .01 above the limit but they drive around with twice the legal amount and kill people. If THEY get stopped with a mere .01 above the limit they get told to "be careful driving home". We've all seen it right? Flash the tin!!

I will be sure to pray for this poor young woman's family and her boyfriend tonight.

Posted on: 2009/2/9 22:33

Re: FOR MERRILL, SIZE COUNTS -- Options might force them to develop a second building in Jersey City.

Merrill will never leave the city. They are considering other sites not mentioned in this article and are just playing their hand. Remember when Goldman was going to move their trading operations to Hudson St.? That building is twice the size it needed to be to house the type of operations they have there and now they are building a much bigger complex in Battery Park which will be their real homestead for trading operations.

JC rules and I wish one of these financials had the balz to really move their "mission critical" operations here.

Posted on: 2007/9/26 22:16

Re: Wireless Internet - Steven Fulop


well if you are looking at porn, I can understand your concern.

You were joking about the time when it is dark everywhere, right?
Not only that but when is it dark at both poles? I'm scratching my head over this one.

Could care less about anybody knowing I look at porn (or not). Why does every conversation about right to privacy end up with a porn embarrasment discussion.

Govt run internet service is not a good idea. The reasons for this might not be obvious so your reach for the old "porno freak" argument. Try to stretch your brain a bit.

Also, can we see a pictue of earth during 100% daylight please?

Posted on: 2007/9/25 2:09

Re: Wireless Internet - Steven Fulop

My feelings about muni wifi are mixed but in the current state we are in, I think its a way for munis to spy on what residents are doing / reading. No thanks.

JSQ is right...better be running a software firewall if you're going to use muni wifi.

I think that picture of lights at night is a fake. I have had if for years and still cant figure out when in the 24 hours of the day it is dark EVERYWHERE.

Posted on: 2007/9/24 23:08

Re: Skinner's Loft... delish!

I was following this thread but it's getting too long. I just want to throw my 2 cents in for Maggies place. I had dinner there a week ago with 2 friends, food was great, service was kind of a growing pain way. The beautiful dirty blond waitress with the glasses stepped in eventually to help out and remembered we were from the 'old place'...that helped. Place was packed...thursday night.

Went back this week for lunch when the place was thin. Great spinach salad and pleasant conversation with the bar keep. Smiles from maggie of course. I'll be heading back for sure. Probably the nicest dacor of any place downtown. The guy who ruined the HA House has probably been SL's best furtune. Cant wait till he leaves. Just no hope there. Good luck Maggie.

Posted on: 2007/9/20 21:31

Re: Wayne Street Issues

That street sucks!

I'm a 6-3 male, 40, lived here (part time) for 5 years, walk all over downtown, at all hours, and that is the only street I will go out of my way to avoid, esp at night. I had my shoes spit on by punks in a crowd on that south side stoop just walking by. I got too much to loose to get into it with them so ..... just keep walking. Plain old scum of the earth that need to be displaced. Too bad, otherwise a pretty nice neighborhood.

I bet if you ask, the owner of subias (rodriguez food mart) would put that sign back. At least you know what to expect when you walk down the street. The cops of course know what is going on but must have some reason to ignore it.

Posted on: 2007/9/20 21:21


Hey DTG does that striper look legal to you? Maybe we need to contact fish and wildlife to visit those guys down there. Also....I dont think you have ever eaten anything out of the Hudson b4

Posted on: 2007/8/22 16:19




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