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Re: Why is there always broken glass all over sidewalks?
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+1 on this thread.

I have noticed a huge up-tick in the amount of broken glass on the sidewalks while walking my dog, especially on Montgomery & York streets (near the post office).

Just curious -- if you call the non-emergency police line about this, will they write a ticket to the owner of the building? Or do they give a warning and if it's not taken care of they then write the ticket? Or is the law just never enforced?

Posted on: 2011/6/3 23:50

Re: Best JC Sports Bar?
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Catain Al's Harbor Casino has the ticket and it's a pretty decent spot to watch the games if you're in the Paulus Hook area. York Street Tavern is always entertaining. Still haven't tried out some of the other places mentioned on this thread just b/c both of these places are really close to me and I don't want to drive anywhere.

BTW, I take back anything positive I said earlier in this thread about a certain NFL football team...

Posted on: 2010/10/12 15:24

Re: Barrow Street Bar Trivia Night
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+1 on O'Connells. Joel is a great guy, a lot of the same people show up each week and it's a good time.

Posted on: 2010/10/12 15:04

Re: Letter from fire chief: Mr. Fulop, you haven't a clue
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81905 wrote:
Sweet Jesus this is so easy to figure out. READ his quote real slow people.......

Fulop said, "one-third of the Fire Department are supervisors with an average salary between $120,000 and $156,000 for each person."

1/3 of the FD are SUPERVISORS with an average salery between 120K and 156K.

So, the average of those 1/3 are sitting somewhere between those two gsizable salaries. I assume Fulop had the payrolls on a sheet when he did this and didn't just dream them up.

What is so damn crazy about this statment unless it was blatanly false?

Exactly right. Which is what I tried to explain to Slacky in my prior post.

For those new to statistics:
-Take all salaries of supervisors, add them together, divide by the number of data points -- That's your average.
-Take those salaries, arrange them from top to bottom, the high and the low are your range.
-The average (by definition) falls in that range.

What Fulup said in his actual quote (please, Slacky, Re-read his quote, not your bastardization of it) was not controversial, it was just a statement of fact and simple mathematics.

Posted on: 2010/6/3 15:00

Re: Letter from fire chief: Mr. Fulop, you haven't a clue
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Slacky wrote:

GrovePath wrote:
Fulop Letter: Chief presents a false choice...

In the Jersey City Fire Department, an astronomical one-third of the Fire Department are supervisors with an average salary between $120,000 and $156,000 for each person.

That's not an average, that's a range. An average is a single value that is meant to typify a list of values, not two values representing the lowest and highest values.
Given the nature of pay structures, there may well be one employee on $156,000 with the majority closer to the $120,000 mark, but here the highest number is presented in equal measure.

You may think I'm a pedant but this sort of thing is typical of politicians skewing facts to suit their arguments. Otherwise it's an honest mistake, in which case I'd question Fulop's capability.

An average is a number. A number can fall between two other numbers (whether those numbers are averages, medians, modes or whatever). Whether you like the fact that he's using an average and relating it to a range is another issue, it doesn't make was he's saying illegitimate.

Here's an example for you (sorry, no elmo pictures to make this easy) -- 5 salaries that I just made up:
.... The AVERAGE is 132.8k, which is between the range of 120-156...(you know, like exactly what Fulup says in his quote)

Whoa! Revolutionary math!

As for your correction of semantics - good for you. However let me correct a misquote in your response. You state: "Fulop clearly states 'an average salary between $120,000 and $156,000'."

Unfortunately, that's not what Fulup said. This is what he said:
" astronomical one-third of the Fire Department are supervisors with an average salary between $120,000 and $156,000 for each person."

Nowhere in that quote does he say that 120 & 156 are averages -- he says the average falls between those numbers. See my example above for how that math might work...

I'd suggest before you try to rip someone for not understanding the math and/or misquoting you - maybe you want to make sure you're actually quoting things correctly and understand the math. Now, how about we discuss the merits of what each is saying rather than try to hijack the thread with a math lesson.

Posted on: 2010/6/2 17:10

Re: Letter from fire chief: Mr. Fulop, you haven't a clue
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GrovePath wrote:
Letter from fire chief: Mr. Fulop, you haven't a clue

Top Heavy!

Councilman Fulop, with all due respect,

GrovePath (or anyone else for that matter) --

Does anyone have a link to what Mr. Fulop said/wrote to evoke the wrath of the JCFD Chief?

Posted on: 2010/6/1 20:35

Re: How do you post a photo in a message?
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Anyone have tips on sizing photos - I.e. can you tell the IMG tag how many pixels wide you want the photo to be? In other words, if your picture is 1024x768, JCList will shrink that, but can you tell it to make it a specific size like 800x600 or 640x480 or whatever...

Thanks all!

Posted on: 2010/5/13 2:04

Re: Teppan Bar and Grill
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In the troll's defense, that does seem a bit bizarre.. I mean, as others have said, why not just round down and/or leave the odd # of cents on the bill and then when you bring change, do the rounding then? It's kind of silly to explicitly put the rounding line on the bill itself.

A bill is supposed to detail the things your ordered/consumed at the restaurant, so "rounding" has no place on a bill... (my opinion of course...others may differ)

As for the merits of the place, I can't wait to go...

Posted on: 2010/5/4 20:18

Re: Jersey City cop.
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Bago wrote:
Even better, why don't you ask him/her to explain what he/she is doing there. It's your money! I'd also bring a video camera and start recording as you approach the vehicle. Maybe you will catch them staring at the back of their eye lids.

That sounds good in theory, until the cop arrests you for "interfering with official police business" - Then you'll protest that you weren't doing anything wrong... you were just checking up on your tax dollars, at which point he'll tack on a bogus charge for "disorderly conduct".

Don't you know how the system works? Or maybe I'm just cynical.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 20:08

Re: Goodbye and Good Riddance New Jersey
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brooklyn wrote:
PBW, Im not gloating just happy as hell
All the best to you as well. Cheers

And to think, we'll be losing such a valuable voice in the JCList community: You registered last month and have 9 posts... 6 of which are in this topic about how excited you are to leave?

Come on man... just join BrooklynList or whatever the hell they have over there and go away.

But bravo to you - you've gotten quite a few responses trolling (including from me). Well played!

Posted on: 2010/5/2 12:34

Re: Rock Circle in Paulus Hook Waterfront
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snowflake20 wrote:

Oh really? They're not going to put a fence up? Because that voicemail I got, thanking me for my email and telling me that they are going to put a fence up and a sign as well stating it's a dog area so that it's clear to the whole community was all in my head? Yep.

Yeah... it makes a lot of sense.

I mean, it's not like they just cut off the doorman service during night time hours for residents in their building. You know, the ones that actually pay them RENT?

So they are cutting down on services for residents, but they're going to fence in a dog run in a pseudo-public area. Yeah, that seems like a great way for this corporation to bring in incremental revenue.

In fact, thanks for posting that email address snowflake - if what you say is in fact true (which i highly doubt) I'm glad I now know who I should complain to.

Posted on: 2010/5/1 13:50

Re: Rock Circle in Paulus Hook Waterfront
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snowflake20 wrote:
OMG you guys are all so freaking dense! Hudson Point owns that freaking circle and THEY are the ones telling ME that it's a dog area! What about that do you not understand???? The waterfront area that starts at Hudson Point and ends at that circle is all owned by Hudson Point. That also includes the deck area with the picnic table.

If they own the area and that circle and they TELL ME that it's supposed to be dog area, I'm sorry but I'm going to believe them over you. You don't have to believe me, but you'll f*cking see it once they redo the circle in the coming weeks. Then you can come back and tell me that I'm wrong.

I think what we're all wondering is...

What is your point? and who cares?

It's not a dog park, it's just a place people walk and watch boats come in and out. If Hudson Point owns it, good for them but putting up a circular fence for that small an area makes no sense for them (they're a corporation, they're expecting a return on their investment...why would they invest in an area for dogs to run around in since the dogs already run around there anyway...).

Cool? go away.

(oh...and to answer the two questions I posed above: a) you have none and b) no one but you)

I'm glad i just wasted 5 minutes of my life reading this drivel and composing a response. Thanks a lot snowflake...the jokes on me.

Posted on: 2010/5/1 3:05

Pretty Bad Light Rail Accident near GS Building/Paulus Hook (4/30)
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This looks pretty bad - Light rail was stopped in both directions. They may have started it back up, but this was the scene about 15mins ago...

Resized Image

Posted on: 2010/4/30 21:46

Re: Goodbye and Good Riddance New Jersey
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brooklyn wrote:
My taxes here in JC for an 850sf 1 bed, 1bath are almost 5K a year, (ridiculous), my new abated taxes in BK will be $17 per month for 25 years.

Do you work in the city?

If so, enjoy paying city taxes on your income... which none of us do.

Posted on: 2010/4/30 10:43

Re: Rock Circle in Paulus Hook Waterfront
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snowflake20 wrote:
It is SUPPOSED to be a dog area. As I've said, the property manager confirmed this to me when I mentioned to him that they should put a "no dogs allowed" sign up. He told me that the area is designated to be a dog run.

My head hurts reading your post....

So you're arguing it is *supposed* to be a dog run, but they neglected to build a fence when they built the "dog run"? You're also arguing that at the dog run their should be a "no dogs allowed" sign up?

I don't get it, do you think it should be a dog run, or not? As it is now, it's just a tree surrounded by rocks where people can watch boats go by....Is that such a bad thing?

In short: What is the point of this thread?

Posted on: 2010/4/30 2:26

Re: Rock Circle in Paulus Hook Waterfront
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I believe they are referring to this (click to enlarge, I can't figure out how to make it a certain width):

Resized Image

Posted on: 2010/4/29 20:32

Re: Man Cuffed For Bringing Unopened Wine On PATH Train
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tqwert2 wrote:
Carrying alcohol across state lines is illegal, open or not. This idiot is going to sue to overturn the the 21st amendment to the constitution?

This is actually untrue, so you might want to check the law before calling people idiots...

The 21st amendment says this (I left out section 3 since it's about ratifying the amendment):

Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.

Section 2. The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.

If you transport liquor into a state in violation of that state's laws, that is illegal. It's not a blanket prohibition on transportation of liquor between the state.

If you look up the NJ rules, you'll see that it's OK to bring alcohol into the state so long as you follow the rules.

....And for those interested, here are the rules (for NJ):

A person may personally purchase alcoholic beverages in another state and transport them into New Jersey only if (1) the alcoholic beverages are intended to be used solely for personal use and (2) the alcohol is personally transported in a vehicle into New Jersey. The amount of alcoholic beverages transported into New Jersey for personal use cannot exceed l/4 barrel or one case containing not in excess of 12 quarts of beer and one gallon of wine and two quarts of other alcoholic beverages within any consecutive period of 24 hours. If a person wishes to transport alcohol for personal use in excess of the above amounts...blah blah blah...

The complete NJ FAQ can be found here:

Now, bringing it into NY from NJ, CT or where ever...I don't know (if someone cares, I'm sure it's listed somewhere here..

The point is, states make their own alcohol laws...

Posted on: 2010/3/25 21:17

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Wouldn't surprise me. If no one knows you're there, it's hard to stay in biz.

You're right though, whenever I walk by it looks closed, but hopefully that's not the case.

Posted on: 2010/1/22 19:09

Re: Spirit of Laxmi
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javacop wrote:
You are not the only one. Food we orderd from this place was bad. Sometimes it's hard to believe these false reviews. I have spoken to few people who have been here and none of them liked this place.

You joined JC List just to post a negative review of a new addition to the neighborhood? Nice! Keep up the good work -- Can we get your opinion of Presto's or Amelia's as well? I'm sure they'll be just as insightful.

I went to this place with my wife last week. The service was impeccable. We ordered Chicken Tikka Masala & Goat or Lamb Curry (can't remember which) along w/ 2 different types of Naan, rice and an appetizer whose name is escaping me. The portions on the meals were decent -- They could have been a little bigger, but not by much. I left feeling full but not stuffed. The Naan was excellent although I was disappointed not to see Garlic Naan as a choice on the menu.

It's nice that it's a BYOB place - keeps the bill low. Our bill came out to less than $40 with tip included...might have even been the low 30s.

I would recommend this place. It's on par with other Indian places I've been in the area (Amiya, Medina, Bolo Curry, India on the Hudson, etc). It's probably on-par or a little better than that place that opened up in the Green Cow (Mirch Masala?).

You can see more reviews over here: So far it's getting 4/5 stars w/ only 5 reviews...

Posted on: 2010/1/13 22:18

Re: Any information on the razing of the Lincoln Park Golf Range?
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Vigilante wrote:
It's frightening to think about what's going on in this guy's mind. BTW? Golf course=more grass and trees and places for bunnies and birds to live. A county course=we can all play. (I can give up my Liberty National membership and sell the Rolls)!

Excited to hear there may be a golf course closer than Weequahic but a little sad to see that old crappy driving range go... Doubt there are many places you could hit 120 balls for $10, but i won't complain if there's a decent course going in.

Anyone have any links to share about the proposed course or a time-line on when it will be completed?

neverleft: Enjoy this link...

Posted on: 2009/12/24 17:13

Re: Dear Webmaster, I find your thread consolidation annoying
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brewster wrote:
To give him a little credit (after years of these complaints) recently...

Perhaps this thread could be merged with those complaints?

Posted on: 2009/12/15 2:52

Re: Murder @ Paulus Hook Towers
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KDB wrote:
Anybody Know the baby's condition?

Yeah, was hoping for an update on the child and an update on the investigation.

Here's what I can find on the Child but there isn't much new information in this story - mainly what was reported yesterday: ... 26034351953240.xml&coll=3

Posted on: 2009/12/9 16:17

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groovlstk wrote:
Over the years the management and kitchen have been a revolving door, but my only complaint is that those cast iron chairs are hard on the ass by beer #3.

Ain't that the truth... Those chairs on the roof are brutal.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 18:48

Re: Real estate prices in Jersey City
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One other variable I haven't seen mentioned in this thread (forgive me if it has) but buying/selling real estate is not a frictionless transaction --- everyone needs to get get their cut: Broker Fees, Attorney Fees, Appraisal Fees, Title Search, home inspectors, and all the other ancillary costs add up to a significant amount of money. Buying a house costs a lot of money (i.e. money other than the purchase price / down payment) and selling a house costs even more.

Spending a few % on the front end and 5-6%+ on the back-end are major expenses. If nothing else, these expenses cut into the "free money" the government is handing out.

Posted on: 2009/12/7 19:49

Re: Best pizza in JC????
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Just tried Lisbon Pizza the other day and it was actually really good (and cheap). I'm a fan of carmine's too... And although I love Prestos Italian food, i wasn't that impressed with their pizza (pick-up/carry out only).

Posted on: 2009/11/30 21:05

Re: Downtown JC Churches - Reviews
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heights wrote:

It sounds as if there are a plethora of dogmas out there well at least in Downtown J.C. I believe Grace Church is most similar to the Unitarian that you mention. OLC seems to be the most neutral of all Catholic churches and more local community oriented where the Episcopal Church is head on to where their mission is focused. So according to the theme of this thread what you are looking for is right in your own backyard. Don't for get the Traditional Latin Mass held on Sundays at Holy Rosary on 6th St.

I don't attend church regularly, but the times i've been to OLC (Our Lady of Chestahova - I probably spelled that wrong) have been very good. It's a standard Catholic mass, but the few times i've been, the homily was very good/down-to-earth and the pastor seems to be very welcoming of anyone who wants to attend mass and it had a pretty good community vibe. I would (will) definitely go back.

Posted on: 2009/11/30 18:46

Re: illegal gambling den & brothel in downtown?
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Gambling in JC? My regular poker game in Hoboken has long since broken up - where can i find this place?

Posted on: 2009/11/30 17:29

Re: Greenville/Westside: House Party, women brawling, wallet gone and man stabbed in shoulder
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JRL wrote:
If Healy and his team did a good job, I would not have to mention him. He is paid by the citizens of Jersey City, made promise in his campaigns, and has not come close to keeping, especially on the crime issue.

OK....But what does Healy have to do with two drunk chicks fighting in Greenville? You missed his point entirely...

Posted on: 2009/11/24 20:39

Re: Philly Soft Pretzel Factory
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I said it once, I'll say it again - this place is awesome. I buy stuff from them every week practically.

As for their free pretzel special, luckily i was able to take advantage, but felt so bad about not paying them i ended up buying a soda I didn't need and donating money to their breast cancer drive.

Good people, good food, great addition to the neighborhood.

Posted on: 2009/10/23 20:44

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I was in here with my wife late last week (perhaps Thursday) and we went in for a drink & some appetizers. I gotta say the food was awesome. We had the Lamb-Burger sliders and liked them so much we had a 2nd order. Happy Hour specials were pretty decent as well: $2 drafts & $4 or $5 mixed drinks.

One of the previous posters is exactly right about the fries... They aren't really fries but more like potatoe chips in the shape of a fry. Very interesting, but they go incredibly well with beer!

Anyway, while speaking w/ the bartender he told me that due to city ordinances / historical status of the building that he's not allowed to put up a sign letting people know....oh i don't know... the name of his restaurant! The green awnings on his building that say something like "Food" or "Lunch" or something non-descript can't be changed to say "American Masala".

I found this last part a little strange seeing as magic johnson has his signs posted so they can be seen from the walkway in front of the building. Guess he paid off the right people....

Anyway, check 'em out - they're very good.

Posted on: 2009/10/23 20:34

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