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Re: BURG finally opens in Newark's Military Park

It's very good and I got them to do both the beef and tuna burgers to medium-rare. Fries are also excellent.

Posted on: 2016/1/10 6:21

Re: Annoying Direct Energy salespeople

Same thing last night on Grand near Washington; the guy had no ID to present, kept pushing his way in until I locked him out. He then rings another buzzer and he was in the lobby right behind me. The spam phone call are bad enough but this is over the line - calling PSEG and possibly the State.

Posted on: 2015/5/27 14:07

Re: Flooding on Washington St - Advice needed

We're good friends with the owners of 209 1a and their unit has never had water problems in the 9 years that we've known them. Stop in and talk with them.

I do remember a foundation problem with 207 a number of years ago ; the City ordered everyone out until the problem was fixed.

Posted on: 2013/10/1 0:46

Re: Park & Sixth Comfort Food on Grove Street

Congrats Brian! Looking forward to your York Street edition.

Posted on: 2013/9/28 17:39

Re: WNYC: Gay Marriage Ruling gives NYC advantage over Jersey City -- Goldman Sachs responds

Those 1100 or so federal benefits that were hard won through the demise of DOMA only apply to those married and domiciled in states with true marriage equality. Unfortunately, NJ residents get nothing out of civil unions other that a few state-only trinkets.

Marriage equality is not just about love, its about justice and equal treatment under the law for all citizens.

Posted on: 2013/6/28 19:27

Re: If you know anyone at Metro Dogs (

I'd get the City involved to just enforce what is already on the books.

? 81-5. - Posting handbills or signs on public property.

No person may paint, mark, write on, post or otherwise affix any handbill or sign to or upon any public property or structure without the authorization of the Traffic Engineer. Authorization shall be given only for the purpose of regulating, warning, identifying and guiding traffic.
Property protected by this article includes but is not limited to traffic signal poles, traffic signal facilities, traffic signs, parking meters, utility poles, telephone pole trees, United States mail receptacles, letter receptacles, benches, bus shelters, vacant buildings, fences, bordering vacant lots, public buildings or any object affixed to or places thereon for public purposes or for the use of the public.
Upon approval from the Traffic Engineer, construction contractors and utility companies may erect temporary signs at work sites to protect the public, equipment and workers.
The City of Jersey City may post signs without notice to protect the public and/or employees from harm.

Posted on: 2012/8/18 13:29

Re: Madison (Condo) on the Van Vorst Park

I bought from them on a rehab job in Montclair -actually the first unit. They used individual contractors and managed that job themselves. Although we were not a gut-rehab job as yours is, they did a fine job and we ended up with a great property. As with any deal, especially with a pre-construction sale, perform your due diligence and document/photograph as necessary. You'd want to do that with any developer.

Posted on: 2011/10/24 21:33

Re: Madison (Condo) on the Van Vorst Park

The Weingarten's are JASCO.

Posted on: 2011/10/24 19:03

Re: Brownstone facade leaks - repair and repointing

KDK, another experience.....we just had them redo a badly leaking parapet and install new copper flashing - the right way. Quick, knowledgeable, great service, and they solved a rather nasty problem for us without a single callback. I will use them again when the need arises. BTW, we're an 1865 pile of historic bricks in Paulus Hook.

Posted on: 2011/2/24 1:16

Re: Will PSE&G Solar Panels be Placed in Front of your Historic Home? They are coming soon to JC!

Take a stroll down Warren St between York and Sussex just to see how PSEG is trashing the neighborhood. Just when you thought that they couldn't possibly put more crap on these poles.

Posted on: 2011/2/14 0:17

Re: Brick Haus Gym

Don't mean to stray from the Bick Haus thread, but keep your eyes open on the new development on Columbus between Marin and Warren. Then entire first level will be the latest Club H.

They have drawings up a the Hoboken location and say that it should be open late Fall'07 (meaning Spring '08). The plans look very similar to the one that opened earlier this year in Hell's Kitchen.

Posted on: 2007/6/8 20:04

Re: gas grill illegal on raised back deck?

From a March 200 Legislative update by Mike Pesce:

A recent change has taken place changing the way the State treats propane gas grills. By way of history, in 1992 the State Fire Prevention Code was amended to ban or limit the use of propane gas grills on porches, decks or balconies. The prohibition applied on all decks, as well as on patios, unless the grill was located at least 5 feet from a combustible wall and was not under an overhang. As a result, propane grills were prohibited on all decks and almost all patios. There was another exception, however, which was created by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA), via interpretation, which exempted other associations from the ban. Specifically, the DCA, in the early 1990's, interpreted the prohibition to apply only to R2 and not R3 type constructed units. In simple terms, R3 units were built more akin to single family homes, with greater fire wall safety between units. As a practical matter, they were typically townhouse units, which were accessed via exterior entrances rather than thru common hallways. The prohibition did apply, however, to R2 constructed units, which were typically condo flats accessed via common hallways.

This all changed last summer. In a DCA decision concerning a community which we manage, the Department changed their mind, and interpreted the prohibition to apply to all association-style units, regardless of construction type. In an interpretive letter which I received today, John Monahan, of the DCA, writes as follows:

"It is the position of the Bureau of Housing Inspection and the Division of Fire Safety that N.J.A.C. 5:70-3.2(a)4, F-402.4 (formerly N.J.A.C. 5:18-3.3(h)3 applies to all buildings required to be registered as multiple dwellings pursuant to the Hotel and multiple Dwelling Act (N.J.S.A. 55:13A-1 et seq.)."

Thus, there is no longer, in the eyes of the DCA, an exception for R3 construction type units. As a result, associations which have previously permitted these grills based on this exception must take a fresh look at this issue.

Posted on: 2006/7/26 4:31

Re: Legal Grounds - Coffee Shop on Grand Street

FINALLY - someone who really knows their coffee, what to do with it, and how to present it! Great cappuccino this afternoon, Chris

Welcome to the neighborhood!

- Will

Posted on: 2005/3/7 1:23

Re: Legal Grounds - Coffee Shop on Grand Street

Now that's the idea! Adult-friendly coffee house.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 14:19




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