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Re: Summit Avenue Business JC Heights (Crowdsourcing)

We believe the Heights is at a cross roads. Within the next few years is going to be the time to make the move. I agree! It might have to be BYOB because of the expensive licensing. And the space needs to be right. Madame Claude may be small but it's just the right amount of space for an intimate restaurant with a good, limited menu. Now is the time to decide the next generation of the Heights!

Posted on: 2014/11/30 21:29

Re: Summit Avenue Business JC Heights (Crowdsourcing)

Great input! Thank you for the post. All those suggestions are good and solid and practical. The Heights has a lot of great real estate going fallow and I agree that a great bakery like Choc-o-Pain would be a great addition. (To replace Goering's?) But, I have a feeling that piece of real estate is quite expensive. We would like to keep it small so we can create a good, urban vibe and not sink like a stone and go back to the same empty spaces we already have in the Heights. It is possible to do a home decor store that would include good quality cooking products (seriously lacking up here), and collaborate with some local artists. An art supply store that exhibits and has classes has also not been ruled out. Part of our goal is to make it fun for all of us. We are here. It's our time. Let's put our heads together.

Posted on: 2014/11/26 23:08

Re: Summit Avenue Business JC Heights (Crowdsourcing)

It IS true that bookstores have a rough ride, especially in Jersey City. Still, WORD might be successful. Let's hope so. A bookstore might not serve enough interests in the Heights area. I also agree that an emphasis on our art scene would be necessary!

Posted on: 2014/11/25 21:59

Re: Summit Avenue Business JC Heights (Crowdsourcing)

Thank you all! These are great ideas that we have all been considering. The now closed bar, Monaghan's, is up for sale with a liquor license so it is a bit expensive but, I agree, a gastropub would be most welcome. A gym was one of my first ideas. The Lucille Roberts just doesn't cut it. We've also discussed just opening up a big space for a gym on Central Avenue but the costs on Central Avenue are very cost prohibitive. The rumor mill has it that those who own property on Central Avenue are holding out for the highest price franchises. For instance, a space on Central and Bowers is about $4,000 a month. I agree that a bookstore has a snowball's chance but mingled with some coffee and a place to sit, maybe it would encourage the rest of us to put all our heads together. A vintage store would be fun but I wonder if with the current foot traffic, we could pay the rent. But, I will take these ideas to the investors. Keep them coming because our neighborhood is changing very quickly.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 17:06

Re: Summit Avenue Business JC Heights (Crowdsourcing)

Thanks for your reply! Yes. The ModCup guys are coffee artists so coffee from us would be more for the sit down, wi-fi, computer crowd. be honest...I would love to open a bookstore since that's my training. A nice coffee-shop, bookstore vibe would be a nice improvement to the area. Besides, there aren't many places to get cozy in during the Winter. I'm certainly an expert at sourcing books...but I might consider more used books.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 21:27

Summit Avenue Business JC Heights (Crowdsourcing)

There is a group of us hoping to open a new business on Summit Avenue. We want to open something that will be a benefit to our community. Perhaps a small, sit-down Coffee Shop with Organic Groceries? A Co-work space? Well...we would appreciate any good ideas. We would like to make it a good addition to the JC Heights neighborhood some call "Reservoir", near Pershing Field. Thank you, in advance, for your ideas.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 17:55

Re: Community Garden near Journal Square

Sure! I might be interested.

Posted on: 2011/6/8 15:49

Re: JC Heights- Congress St. Area

I live near Pershing Field. I always feel safe. (Although I know better than to walk through a park in the dead of night.) Pershing Field hosts baseball games and has tennis and basketball courts. Many people in the neighborhood can be found running the track. Most people are familiar with at least a few of their neighbors. There are a few good local restaurants. A good library and a general old-fashioned town sort of feel. And there is the Reservoir which opens to the public on Saturdays. It's not a perfect place but it has certainly changed since I first moved here 3 years ago. There are many living options. A walk to the "Corkscrew" bar takes less than 10 minutes. There is a bus that gets you to Journal Square in five minutes. Walking takes you about 20 minutes; an option many of us in this neighborhood embrace. Come and visit!

Posted on: 2007/7/10 19:35




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