Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
"All this legalese makes my head spin.
How far back do we want to take this stupid pissing contest?
The Dutch should have properly applied for a variance before building on Lenape land! If you're not ok with Algonquin culture, you shouldn't have moved here!
Shut the fuck up already. Things change. Neighborhoods change. Deeeeeeeeeal with it.
Prato is free to go seek a variance to have backyard seating. It's legal. My neighbors sit outside in their yard nightly and smoke cigarettes and talk about the most insipid shit. I'm not going to try to get some kind of injunction to get them to shut their stupid mouths. Who cares? Have a glass of wine and live and let live."
Ha! couldn't agree more
Posted on: 2015/7/23 23:31