Re: Do you as a citizen and resident of Jersey City feel represented by your elected officials?
Consider this: Our city government accepted 3 checks, totaling $1 million dollars, as settlement to the arts community for the loss of 111 First Street. Now, that is shameful.
Do you feel that you can trust Mayor Healy and the Jersey City, City Council to make a good deal for it's residents? I think that they are going out of their way to make deals that are BAD for the public and good for their pockets and or campaign funds. Many of you were there for the "Pay To Play" council vote. The council would not even allow the subject to get to a 2nd reading! Our elected officials are proving, over and over that they believe they are untouchable. Hell, if they don't want to be questioned on a particular topic, they just don't show up for the vote (especially when it's already been determined in Caucus earlier in the week, what the count on a particular issue will look like)! If it's clear that an issue will go their way... they have absolutely nothing to loose by being a "No Show". Since the City Council was willing to leave $5 million dollars on the table (it could have been $10 million dollars, if the Mayor were supporting a 100% GREEN city park for the Embankment, but because he SAYS he wants Light Rail up there, the city could only apply for 50% of the available open space money) and refuse to apply for the NJEIT loan last week, they have shown once again, that they do not care at all, about the well being and opinions of the people they are supposed to represent. The Mayor and the council think that, we the voters aren't watching. One of the council members actually set up a challenge during his Pay to Play comments, to vote him out, if we unhappy with him! I THINK THAT IS A TERRIFIC SUGGESTION! Many of the council members feel that they can pit one voting ward against another, blaming the lack of progress on issues and projects in their own wards, on the selfish financial behaviors of the "other" wards. That is an explaination and excuse that I am sick of hearing. We can't trust our city government to make the "GOOD DEAL". Don't let them get away with this any more. Write letters to the newspapers, call their offices, send emails, talk about our local politics on local and national radio shows, TV stations and websites. It will start to add up, the buzz will get louder and the "Elected" will have no choice but to pay attention.
Posted on: 2007/3/22 15:59
Re: JC shafted for county funds! Here's a pretty picture of how the game is played in Hudson county
What is a "PILOT" program?
Posted on: 2007/3/22 12:36
Re: Problems with the Embankment Coalition
yo fedupjc!
I signed a petition that the Embankment group had out there a couple years back. I gave them nothing but my email address and I get the updates and alerts they send out, so i'm not all that clear on the the "required" membership your talking about. I also talked to a friend tonight who said that she thinks she gave $10 for a membership a while back and although she gets messages that ask for donations she has never given additional cash and still gets their news. I agree with your comments that being more open would be a big help, but comparing the embankment situation with the reservoir's goes only so far. I am thrilled that the Reservoir Alliance has been successful. I love the place. I think that is one of the reasons that's the public has been so supportive. We have been able to spend the day there. Sit in the sun or the shade, enjoy the quiet, try your hand at a kayak, watch people fish and watch a bird fish too. The Embankment doesn't have that going for it now. You can't enjoy the place as a park yet. Which means there is not much for to excited about. So something that the Reservoir project has had going for it, is that the City already owned the property! 1. people can "get it", if they visit. When the city administration wakes up and gets the job done by purchasing the property, I expect that there will be a pretty great bash up there for everybody.
Posted on: 2007/3/16 7:32
Re: Jersey City's Leaning Green
Yes, it is great news about the preservation of the Reservoir as open space. It's also a pleasure to stand with the Mayor on his choice of action. I also tend look to the down side on issues, however in this case I'll happily accept Reservoir 3 via any form of reasoning.
jcheights, I am an Embankment Park supporter and so I am interested in your comment regarding various additional influences in the city. Would you say more about that? It sounds as if you have some suggestions and I for one welcome them. I am also curious about your thoughts on the individual city council member's perspectives. I think it is important to know where our elected officials stand on all sorts of issues.
Posted on: 2007/2/21 4:11
Re: Million dollar settlement over 111 First Street to benefit arts - $330G goes to Museum
Ahhhh, Jersey City.
Sure it's a good thing for the JC Museum and the Loews Theatre to receive funds, and if it is true that Rem Koolhaas is the architect for the new 111 Building, I believe that the city will be getting something worthwhile. However, for Mayor Healy and Councilman Vega to suggest that 1 million dollars is a good deal for The City and for it's art community is a joke. Not only is the destruction of the warehouse a huge loss for the artist's as studios in a romantic setting, it is also a symbol of the essential abandonment of the Powerhouse Arts District. It sets a new standard and not a good one. This tells developers that the old warehouses that are neighbors to the powerhouse and which are supposed to be protected for the art community, are up for sale to anyone who wants to make a stink. Our city government has made way for the gutting of what could have been an unique and exciting arts center. The money that is going to The Arts in Jersey City is just a smoke screen for the Mayor and Councilman to hide behind. To speak of themselves as promoters and supporters of the arts is a farce. Once again the public of Jersey City looses.
Posted on: 2007/2/18 5:40
Re: Wants Powerhouse to have a Barnes and Noble, and Journal Square to be a "Transit Village"
healey prays 4 a brewery
Posted on: 2006/9/5 2:25
Re: Ideas for Jersey City T-shirts
the t-shirts should come packaged (rolled-up) in
a foamy beer can holder _ that way healy will find one.
Posted on: 2006/8/19 15:52
Re: Ideas for Jersey City T-shirts
jc city council
come to the circle jerk
Posted on: 2006/8/18 14:33
Re: P O W E R H O U S E
well i guess if the building is saved for now, through this term with cordish, then fine. but judging from their web-site, they have the theme park-mcmansion-paver disease so prevelant in todays world of design.
the powerhouse mall _ oh fun.
Posted on: 2006/7/22 17:47
Re: Tax abatement for Newport this Wednesday
What more developement do you want?
Do you know what the 2 new building sites at the Grove Street Station are bringing? Haven't you heard about the 2 Trump Towers? Developers will continue to go wherever they can make the most $$$. With or without abatements, that will be downtown for some time to come. Stop the abatements in Ward E. Make the developers and the buyers of the new units pay for some of the infrastrusture that is so badly needed now in Jersey City.
Posted on: 2006/4/26 6:25
Local Veterinarian
Has anyone used the Downtown Veterinary Clinic at 282 First St? I've been traveling 30 minutes to a Vet that I love. It's a small place with one doctor that knows my animal and is very kind and gentle, rather than a rotating group of 10 different doctors. My cat is sick and I'm thinking that maybe we should try the local place? I've heard mixed reviews. What has your experience been?
Thanks in advance.
Posted on: 2005/11/13 13:46