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Re: Fell Down at Path; 7 Million Semolians

I've slipped on this ramp a few times, even though I'm pretty careful, and I can't tell you how many others I've seen do a complete wipe-out esp when people are rushing in the morning. That rubber mat they put out during rainy/snowy days is useless and gives a false sense of security. I've seen one lady fall even though she was holding onto the rail. I don't know if $7 mil is too much or too little, all I know is that I understand why there would be a legitimate lawsuit here.

Posted on: 2010/5/28 16:38

Re: gangbangers & reese's?

It may not be "harmless" in the sense that no one's being forced to take out his wallet, but if I bring boxes of cookies to work and pass them off as my nonexistent daughter's girl scout cookies for a little extra pocket change, I'm still doing something wrong here, right?

I know this stuff is relatively minor in the big scheme of things, but we shouldn't forget to teach our kids that lying is still actually a bad thing.

Posted on: 2009/11/30 20:37

Re: Newport, Waterfont, Downtown: Man Falls From Balcony In Jersey City --"Possibly pushed off."


07310 wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:
A couple of years ago a dude jumped and landed just above a street-level restaurant there.

The person who jumped a few years ago was not a resident of the building. She was a friend of a resident, was going through a bad breakup and was very upset.

I thought it was a man who jumped.

Anyway, from what I understand the guy at the James Monroe wasn't "pushed off" but jumped as well. Apparently a suicide note was found. Still tragic, but at least there isn't a murderer on the loose.

Posted on: 2008/5/2 19:24

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?


injcsince81 wrote:

Duff wrote:
My On Demand has been down for two months, and my dvr also goes blank every once in a while. Since then I've called Verizon three times, including last night. Did you know that Verizon can send over a techie who will then charge me to look at the problem?

Maybe the problem is that you've been calling Verizon while your service provider is Comcast...

Just kidding.

You got Comcast, not FIOS, right?

Haha. Thanks Injc. Yeah I have good ol' Comcast.

Posted on: 2008/2/19 21:23

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?

My On Demand has been down for two months, and my dvr also goes blank every once in a while. Since then I've called Verizon three times, including last night. Did you know that Verizon can send over a techie who will then charge me to look at the problem? I had her repeat that three times cause I just couldn't comprehend. I told her I'm not paying someone to look at a problem when I've already been paying two months for services I didn't receive. She said she understands, but it's up to the technician to determine my service charge. She can't be serious.

On a fun note, the phone operator told me to unplug my cable box as she sends a signal through to check the problem. I told her I'll be putting down my phone, but didn't tell her I was putting her on speakerphone. There's nothing like being on my hands and knees crawling behind my tv as the phone operator is screaming f-bombs at her co-worker.

To snowflake: Same thing happened to me last year. Sat in my apartment for half the day waiting for a techie, and when no one showed up, called customer service. I was told he knocked on my door and no one answered. Got mad that I wasted the day and left, but found the guy sleeping in his van outside my building. He took off when I woke him up.

Posted on: 2008/2/19 19:54




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