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Re: Ron Paul for President
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Here is Dr. Paul's views on racism.

He is also the highest polling Republican among black voters. ... lican-among-black-voters/

The smear campaign is out in full force.

BTW, did you know that KOS has been called anti-semitic a number of times?

Anyone can call anybody anything, doesn't mean it's true.

Posted on: 2007/12/27 0:08

Re: Ron Paul for President
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

DrPaul is on Glenn Beck's show right now. Ch. 30 on Comcast in JC.
Ron Paul Interviewed By Glenn Beck on CNN 12-18-07

Posted on: 2007/12/19 1:47

Re: Ron Paul for President
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Yesterday's TeaParty fund raising effort brought in over $6 million dollars in 24 hours to the campaign, breaking records for the most in one day contributions to any presidential candidate.

In the last minutes of the day, contributions came in at the rate of over $8,000 per minute, making it impossible for the campaign server to handle the influx of contributions.

Today is the deadline to register Republican and vote for Ron Paul in the primary.

Taking back our party and our country one step at a time.

Posted on: 2007/12/17 14:00

Re: Ron Paul for President
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The December 16th TeaParty Has Begun Donate to the Ron Paul Campaign As of 9:15am, over $1,330,000 has been contributed. Dr. Paul will be on the New Jersey primary ballot...register Republican by December 17th and vote RON PAUL in the primary on February 5th. The Revolution is here Are you prepared?

Posted on: 2007/12/16 14:31

Re: HPC Recommends Landmarking St. John's!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

This is good to hear.

Posted on: 2007/12/7 22:10

Re: Ron Paul for President
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

When does a conspiracy theory become a conspiracy?
When it is a reality. Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America

Posted on: 2007/12/7 21:26

Re: Lincoln Park Area: large group attack two outside Al's Diner, one in critical condition
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I'm so sorry to hear this.


Posted on: 2007/12/7 17:40

Re: Their $140G to Healy Bought Them Nothing?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

On May 1, 2006, Jose Arango, Chairman of the Hudson County Republican Committee, made a $1500 donation to the Healy For Mayor 2009 campaign.,%202007.pdf
page 50

Arango is employed by the City of JC, Healy Administration.

buys them no influence

OK, if you say so.

Posted on: 2007/11/10 13:48

Re: Stolen Trashcans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

My garbage cans were stolen a couple of years ago. They took them with the garbage.

Go figure.

Posted on: 2007/10/14 21:16

Re: West Side: woman beaten by teen 'wolfpack' as others cheered.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I encountered a "wolfpack" about three weeks ago on Kennedy and Virginia around 6pm.

A group of them (15?), ran across Kennedy Boulevard against the light, causing cars to come to a screeching halt and jumped on top of cars (hoods and roofs) while laughing.

One of them took a rock and threw it directly at my car, luckily only hitting the door. I called the cops.

Is there any safe time to be out on the street?

Posted on: 2007/5/19 16:42

Re: JC Cop in DWI Accident is also the Mayor's cousin
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Please, just tell me that he will at least lose his pension and benefits over this....

I feel so sick hearing about the death of this child. I have been thinking about this family all weekend, just so sad and senseless.

If I'm not mistaken, ordinarily the JCPD would not suspend or revoke this cop's pension if this occurred while he was off duty, though they'd probably give him some kind of desk job given the nature of the circumstance.

But, the article above said that Freibott called in sick that day which changes the tone. My understanding is that JC has a very strict policy on sick days... if you call in sick, you had better be sick.

Maybe that is how he would lose his pension, hopefully.

Freibott is a walking crime wave.

Posted on: 2007/1/29 0:44

Re: Anyone know a good plumber?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I use Ambrozia Brothers.

They've been great. 201-332-4611

Posted on: 2007/1/27 0:30

Re: We Will Remember! Pay to play voted down
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The Jersey City Council Circus were a bunch of pagliacis at their best this evening.

Brennan was a sight to behold when he cast a cheap shot against Fulop. If the man can't act appropriately when he's sitting on the council bench with citizens watching, then how does he expect people to believe he will act ethically when no one is looking and there's money on the table.

Like: "I get all these requests for money from the community...this is how I am able to give money to these requests...from the developers." Not make any sense to you? Me either. I thought money going to campaigns needed to be for campaigns.

Sense? Sounds like a desperate attempt to to hang on to the money. The old...If I don't get it, then neither will you excuse.

Why don't the developers give directly to the community some which have filed lawsuit or intimidation against organizations.

I thought the same, that all this money was needed for the campaign.

Bought and paid for.

Posted on: 2007/1/25 1:35

Edited by DeltaFox on 2007/1/25 1:51:03

Re: How to develop western JC? 160 acres including warehouse on agenda for Planning Board
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk



Does that mean it couldn't be used as a tree farm, botanical garden or equestrian farm with maybe a golf course on the side?

I just hate the thought of this space being used for warehousing and trucking.

Posted on: 2006/9/25 3:51

Re: How to develop western JC? 160 acres including warehouse on agenda for Planning Board
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I wish they would use this space as farmland.

Hudson County is one of the few counties in the state without a farm.

A farm adds beautiful open space, provides locals with fresh produce etc., add to revenues through sales, access to local schools for educational purposes, create jobs, maintains a sense of historical integrity to the county....and on and on.

I haven't really read much about this but if they're still thinking of ideas, I would like to see them consider this one.

We have enough concrete, we need something green that benefits everyone and is good for the soul.

Posted on: 2006/9/25 2:57

Re: Healy to decide on $8 million state aid request - Fulop feels aid shows a lack of pride.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Jersey City is in distress.

18% property tax increase, increased crime, the feeling of impending doom and gloom in our future as tax abatements expire and we the people make up for that economic loss and an increased division of the economic strata of the city.

Negatives articles about Jersey City in the papers should be combatted by getting to the root of the problems and fixing them, not dodging labels.

Developers? Heh...

They will build wherever they can get the biggest bang for their buck. It's not about the surrounding communites, they have invisible walls with the rest of Jersey City and have become cities within themselves.

I like the idea that hiring and promotions would have to be justified by the city, I have always wondered about the number of patronage jobs we pay for through our tax dollars along with other spending.

Reduce spending
Tax abatements only for the areas that need it, not the overdeveloped waterfront
Fight Crime

What really reflects poorly on this city are the hardcore realities such as crime stats, not the truth, that Jersey City is in distress.

FBI Uniform Crime Report
Jersey City (scroll down)

Every crime, except for rape increased from 2004 to 2005.

Violent crimes 3,136
Murder 38
Rape 43
Robbery 1,642
Agg. Assault 1,413
Property Crime 8,729
Burglary 2,216
Larceny/theft 4,658
MotorVeh. theft 1,855
Arson 73

Take the $8 million and fix this city!

Posted on: 2006/8/17 4:10

Re: Golden Cicada Help from ACLU
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Here is an article that appeared in The Star Ledger on October 2nd.

On May 21st, two cousins hosted a fundraising dinner for their Assemblyman in Union Township, NJ.

On May24th, the five member township committee voted to seize a property owners land by eminent domain to make way for a development. ( 90 townhouses).

Q- Who is the developer?

A- The two cousins ... xml?starledger?nnj&coll=1
Assemblyman denies influencing townhouse deal
Union Twp. moves to seize land, give supporter building rights
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Star-Ledger Staff
On May 21, Albert G. Mauti Jr. and his cousin Joseph hosted a fundraiser for Assemblyman Joseph Cryan at the Westmount Country Club in Passaic County. The two developers and family members picked up the $10,400 dinner tab, donated another $8,000 and raised more than $70,000 that night for the powerful Union County Democrat, according to state election records.

Three days later, the governing body in Cryan's hometown of Union Township -- all Democrats -- introduced an ordinance paving the way for the Mautis to build 90 or so townhouses on six acres of abandoned industrial land along the Conrail line in town.

There is just one problem: Union Township doesn't own the land.

It is owned by Carol Segal, a 65-year-old retired electrical engineer. Over the past 10 years, the Union Township resident says, he has spent about $1.5 million to acquire the property, and he, too, wants to build townhouses there.

Segal said he met with Cryan, who is head of the township's Democratic Party, and other local officials "scores of times" over the past five years to discuss the project. He claims the talks turned adversarial after he rejected proposals to work with various developers they proposed.

On May 24, the five-member township committee voted unanimously to authorize the municipality to seize Segal's land through eminent domain and name its own developer.

"They want to steal my land," Segal said. "What right do they have when I intend to do the exact same thing they want to do with my property?"

Cryan, 44, a rising star in state Democratic politics, denied any connection between the fundraiser and the committee's vote. He described the Mautis as "good friends," but said he played no role in shaping the township's redevelopment plan.

Posted on: 2005/10/10 3:11

Re: Golden Cicada Help from ACLU
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

There was an article today in The Washington Times about an 83 year old man in St. Louis. He faces an eminent domain order forcing him to leave so an office and store development can move in. $160 million dollar development.

This really bothers me.

I know all the arguments in support of the decision regarding Golden Cicada but for the city to declare an eminent domain decision so a private intitution can build is a terrible decision.

Don't get me wrong, I love St Peter's Prep, but IMHO, this is wrong. Not only is this devastating to Cheng "Terry" Tang but sets precedence.

I think city officials need to know that residents are not happy about this decision and try to help fight it.

What does everyone else think?

The Kelo vs New London decision looks like it can be a danger to us all. ... 20051009-121740-3805r.htm
Drawing the line on eminent domain
By Joyce Howard Price
October 9, 2005

Jim Seelbach, 83, lives in a suburb of St. Louis and he is about to lose his home of 20 years. The city wants it to make way for a shopping center.
Mr. Seelbach and several dozen neighbors in the city of Sunset Hills face an eminent-domain order that could seize their properties to develop the $160 million complex filled with stores and offices.
Even if he were amenable to moving, he says the money offered for his home would make it impossible to find similar housing.
Mr. Seelbach has refused to accept the $118,000 offered for his two-bedroom, one-bath frame dwelling in the Sunset Manor subdivision near St. Louis.
"I can't find another home for $118,000, and at 83, there's no way I can even obtain a mortgage," he says.
Likewise, his neighbor, John N. Hogan, 79, a Korean War veteran who has lived in his house for nearly 50 years, doesn't want to move and doesn't think he has a fair offer for it.
"They want to take my three-bedroom, two-bath redwood home for $147,000. But I can't buy anything in this area for $147,000," he says.
Both men have filed lawsuits to block their ousters. They're not alone in their anger.
Homeowners nationwide are seeking to undo a June 23 Supreme Court ruling they see as the death of private-property rights. At issue is the high court's 5-4 decision in the Connecticut case of Kelo v. City of New London, in which justices said government -- typically, cities and counties -- can seize private property from its owner and give it to a private developer who promises to use it to generate more tax revenue.
"This was, perhaps, the most universally unpopular Supreme Court decision in recent memory," says Dana Berliner, a senior lawyer with the Institute for Justice, a libertarian public-interest law firm that was involved in the legal case. "It is a universally despised opinion."
In the Kelo case, the institute represented nine New London homeowners, who tried to halt the city's takeover of their properties for economic redevelopment. Miss Berliner argued their case before the Supreme Court.
"A lot of Supreme Court decisions affect only a small number of people. But this ruling affects everyone, since everybody either owns a home or hopes to own one someday. It changes what it means to own a home or a business," Miss Berliner says, adding that the property now can be seized to make way for anything from strip malls to amusement parks under what the institute calls the Supreme Court's "expanded" interpretation of eminent domain.

Cont. ... 20051009-121740-3805r.htm

Posted on: 2005/10/10 0:54

Re: Lefrak Sues Jersey City Museum
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Skadave wrote:
This is a nice story about a gazzillionaire suing a non-profit organization. ... 28417211135780.xml&coll=3

It's my understanding that the museum is not being sued, the officers are.

From article
Filed last week in Hudson County Superior Court, the lawsuit claims Ofelia Garcia and Marion Grzesiak - the museum's board chair and executive director - have made "false, defamatory and malicious" comments about the mega-developer.

Posted on: 2005/10/9 6:23

Re: Golden Cicada Help from ACLU
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I am not aware of any organzied form of community support for Golden Cicada.

I really feel for the guy everytime I see his home made sign hanging on the gate that says

"Hands Off My Property"

I think SPP is a great school and important to the community. I have supported the school over the years and like to see good things happen
But this....well, it's wrong.

Posted on: 2005/10/8 13:55

Golden Cicada Help from ACLU
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

As the owner of The Golden Cicada, Cheng "Terry" Tang, continues his legal battle, it looks as if he might being getting some help from the ACLU. ... 28762947174610.xml&coll=3
ACLU likely to represent tavern in eminent domain fight
Saturday, October 08, 2005
The New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union will likely represent the owner of a Downtown tavern who is fighting the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency in its efforts to take his property through eminent domain.

Ronald Chen, an associate dean at Rutgers Law School-Newark, and a volunteer attorney with the ACLU, said he is "strongly examining" the case of Cheng "Terry" Tan, who owns the Golden Cicada tavern.

In July, the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency took title to the 5,000-square-foot bar with the intention of turning it over to St. Peter's Prep, a private Catholic high school for boys. The school intends to demolish the tavern in order to add 7 yards to an adjacent athletic field.

Chen said the case is interesting because it touches on two constitutional issues: the use of eminent domain to take from one private party and give to another; and separation of church and state.

The case, Chen said, poses a challenge in light of the Supreme Court's recent Kelo v. New London, Conn., decision reaffirming the government's right to transfer property between private owners.

For Tan, the backing of the ACLU would save him thousands of dollars that he would otherwise have to pay to a private attorney.

"The ACLU will be taking this pro bono and that is very important," Tan said. "For a private lawyer, it will not be profitable to represent for the right to take other than to do a settlement."

Tan has fired several lawyers who recommended taking a settlement and has since been representing himself.

The case - which was scheduled for yesterday - was postponed until Nov. 4 in front of Superior Court Judge Maurice Gallipoli.

Posted on: 2005/10/8 12:56

Re: Lefrak Sues Jersey City Museum
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The Jersey City Museum was started in 1901 and is well loved in Jersey City.

The building was donated in 1993 to the museum, it had nothing to do with a down market taste.

I've seen enough rumors and attacks on these message boards, let's stick to facts and truth.

Granted, it isn't the Louvre or The Met, but that doesn't lessen its value to the community.

The question here is not whether the museum is worthy enough of a million dollar donation, the question is why is a huge developer suing this small not for profit or individuals.

According to the article, a pledge with stipulations (and difficult ones to achieve) was made and then the terms changed.

Like JCHeights said, a small not for profit will not have the counsel, time or resources to fight a developer. Most don't.

The museum needs the support of the community.
Most non for profits do.

Posted on: 2005/10/5 2:15




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