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Re: Nanny & taxes


lovejones wrote:

How does one who has a nanny (caregiver) report nanny's wages so that they may pay taxes & participate in social security fund?

Any guidance is appreciated.


complicated question. review this and see what applies to your situation

Posted on: 2013/10/14 14:47

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law

I find it remarkable how many people are unaware of Pedestrians having the right-of-way at crosswalks. That being said, its still shocking to hear that a police officer is unaware. Manila, Erie and Jersey Avenue are more and more being used as a thoroughfare so hopefully the police department will act with enforcement measures.

Posted on: 2013/8/20 16:14

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)


nyrgravey9 wrote:
Totally understood @driverjase. Like I said, here are three things you can do to stop it:

a. JC Animal Control: 201-547-4888 (

b. JCPD Non emergency dispatcher: 201-547-5477

c. Police Officer Dina Reilly ? 201-547-4370 ? she is very receptive to hear from local residents about this problem.

The more these three resources hear from us, the more they will take action to stop it.

The law is on our side with this. It's up to you (and all of us) to take action. Spread the word to your friends and share this information.

JCPD could go and issue tickets one time for off-leash dogs and then I'm fairly sure word would spread through the dog community and it would never happen again.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 14:17

Re: Jersey City mayor-elect orders end to citywide reval

After reading the full threat its clear that there are many sensibly points well argued but also plenty of anger and fear.

Fact remains that a revaluation would cause not just taxes to change across Jersey City, it would also cause house values to rise and fall accordingly. Most of us will probably agree that this is problematic for people who have purchased houses in the past 10 year span.

One solution would be to stop using property value as basis for taxation. No matter how you twist or turn it, property value is a poor indication for how much the municipality spend on services to said property (and its inhabitants). I would suggest that a fair way of valuing a property would by by internal square feet since this is generally a better indicator of government services being provided (trash collection, education, FD, PD etc).

This would still be a progressive taxation since "well off people" tend to live on more square ft then poor people and hence get to pay a higher amount of tax per person.

I'm not naive enough to think that this idea would be liked by anyone, but nevertheless it was worth taking the 3 minutes and type it out :)

Posted on: 2013/7/1 20:34




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