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Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Someone got a little silly and associated our right to keep and bear arms with slavery. I'm too lazy to scroll and quote but I will tie the two concepts together in an effort to clear up any confusion.

If those slaves had arms, we probably wouldn't even be having this (exact) discussion.

And that is the point of our 2nd Amendment.

Posted on: 2013/6/25 21:05

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


ianmac47 wrote:
This entire thread exemplifies the theory that people on the internet are retarded.

Please try to avoid the silly insults but even more important, spell "Internet" as it should be. Notice the capitol "I" since we're referring to a proper noun.

To your point, parts of this thread certainly do show that some people don't have all the facts. "Retarded" probably goes a bit far though.


1. Nations with tighter restrictions on guns have fewer gun deaths by factors so great it should be a crime to even defend "rights" to guns.

Who told you that? Hitler? Mao? Maybe someone more local like Rahm Emanuel? ... er-rates-are-skyrocketing


2. Plenty of areas of the Constitution have changed through interpretation over time. That was the whole intention of the system.

Nobody is against changing the Constitution so long as the changes result in greater protection of our rights. You're still confusing "rights" with "permissions" though....

It's a shame you don't know you have innate rights.

Posted on: 2013/6/25 20:57

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


You either studied American history, or you just drank the NRA kool-aid. The second amendment exists because it was part of a deal to appease the southern states. They wanted to keep slavery, and to keep slaves in line, slave owners needed an armed militia.

This is probably the most outlandish thing I've heard in the past 29 days. Perhaps even up to 46

Posted on: 2013/6/25 19:19

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Yes, and NJ has no laws on the books saying she can't have a firearm in her home.

I'm glad we both agree this woman should have had a chance to defend herself, her family, and her property with a loaded firearm.

Of course, your claim that NJ has no laws preventing her from doing that is totally flawed. If you'd like, we can sit down over coffee and I can show you exactly how difficult (and sometimes impossible) NJ makes it for law-abiding citizens to lay a claim to this innate right. How about the SIP diner?

Posted on: 2013/6/25 19:02

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


That wasn't the question though

Posted on: 2013/6/25 18:58

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


If you're going to respond, at least answer the question on the table.

Did this woman deserve a chance to defend her self, family, and property with a firearm?

Posted on: 2013/6/25 18:54

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

We had this debate over 200 years ago. You either understand the 2nd Amendment or you do not. There's nothing new or terribly interesting here. For every dead kid the gun grabbers exploit, I'll present a life that could have been saved had our right to keep and bear arms not been infringed as written in the highest law of our land; our United States Constitution

If I could morph time and space, I'd put a loaded firearm in this woman's hand. Is anyone here really willing to tell me she and her family did not deserve that?

Posted on: 2013/6/25 18:40

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Some of us don't feel that small chance she "could" have defended herself outweighs the extensively documented far increased odds that someone in her family would die by gunshot, in cases like this often by her own gun after someone far more used to violence has disarmed her.

Right, I got that. That's the "thinking" that helped lead us to where we are now. Basically, a bunch of gooberment-mandated victims trying to ensure each and everyone is just as helpless as the rest.

This woman should have been given a chance. It's disgusting to see NJ create and nurture a culture which makes this possible.


It amazed me how people have been willing to surrender all sorts of rights and bankrupt our country because 3000 people died 12 years ago, but tens of thousands of gun deaths each years for many decades gets a shrug, and a "that's the price of our freedom".

Hey, slow down there buddy. Not everyone is (or was) willing to sacrifice rights due to 9/11 or any other event. What's clear to me is that you are (like so many people nowadays) confusing "rights" with "privileges". Rights do not just get handed over. They're either upheld or violated; period.

Posted on: 2013/6/25 18:13

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Why the need to inject so much speculation?

The truth is simple. NJ, with its "gun control" agenda, is complicit in this and all similar attacks. I doubt a "gun grabber" would have the gall to tell this woman and her children they're glad she was unarmed.

I'm not speculating and the topic stands. If this woman were armed, this *could* have been prevented.

The key word in that topic is *could*. Meaning, she would have had a chance. The only reason she is NOT dead is because the attacker chose to let her live.

The next victim may not be so fortunate.

Posted on: 2013/6/25 17:42

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

thank you for the links

Posted on: 2013/6/25 17:32

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


And relaxed gun laws would have made it more likely that the intruder would be armed

Criminals do not arm themselves according to the laws. That's why they're "criminals"

Posted on: 2013/6/25 17:15

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

It's a shame you believe our innate right to keep and bear arms is... "politics".

Then again, this isn't about you and I; it's about what happened to this woman, her family and her property. If she were armed, she would have had a chance to defend herself.

Posted on: 2013/6/25 17:12

If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

A woman silently endures a brutal attack and robbery Friday in Millburn while her 3-year-old daughter watches from the couch and her 18-month-old sleeps upstairs. ... nny-cam-article-1.1381703

Posted on: 2013/6/25 16:43

Re: FedEx requiring signatures
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


vindication15 wrote:

Does the psychiatric ward know that you are loose or has it not been reported yet?

Sorry if I confused or upset you. After careful consideration, I've realized how silly I've been to consult more than a decade of scientific evidence produced by thousands of Architects and Engineers. Getting back to this issue of private transactions, I now see the wisdom of one of the earlier posters. The truth is clearly:

1. There are so many boogeymen in our post 9/11 world. Now that bin-laden is gone (yes, the gooberment really did kill him, don't you know?), I've got my eye on those Keebler Elves! Why isn't Janet warning us about them? Did you know they live in a tree where they bake cookies? Are you really OK with this? Well, not me buddy... I'm gonna "see something, say something" the second I spot one of those domestic bakers.

2. Since those Keebler Elves are clearly up to no good, I think we really need to clamp down on shipping between private parties. Afterall, someone could easily hide a elf in one of those packages!!

3. We should probably create some laws to solve this problem. Maybe a background check can be used to thwart those Keebler sympathizers? It's not pre-crime, it's just common sense. I mean, we don't want those elves running around on the loose

4. I think it is the job of the federal gooberment to keep us all safe from those elves and their wares. I'm concerned however, that background checks may not be enough (though I think it's a good start). Perhaps we can be more proactive and lock everyone up in a maximum security jail? That way, we'll all be extra safe!

Posted on: 2013/6/24 18:05

Re: Steve Fulop joins Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Our 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with the NRA

It has to do with your right to defend your property and your obligation to resist a tyranical gooberment. Everything else is just one form or another of someone's agenda.

Posted on: 2013/6/24 1:00

Re: Steve Fulop joins Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Freedom is never absolute because there will always be people trying to overpower you. Also, it doesn't matter if the document is absolute or not since it is not the source of our rights. Our rights are innate which means they are not granted. What you're talking about is... a privilege; not a right. A privilege is something like a driver's license. A person's right to defend their property is not something that can be granted or taken away.

As for your use of the word "paranoid", I'm going to asume you don't know about the purchases made by DHS. I'd provide links but I'm sure you can find the info if you really want to

Posted on: 2013/6/23 23:16

Re: Steve Fulop joins Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The term "legal gun" is nothing but an oxymoron when you understand our innate right to keep and bear arms.

Your gooberment is trying disarm you while they stockpile billions of hollow point rounds

Where have we seen this before in History? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Posted on: 2013/6/23 23:02

Re: Blinding Flood Lights
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I had a similar experience with a super market on Sip Ave. The "manager" turned out to be quite useless but I did manage to make progress when I spoke to PSEG directly. I highly recommend calling them and filing a complaint. Assuming they do their job, they should dispatch a service person to point the lights down. If that's not a solution, escalate as recommended in this thread.

Posted on: 2013/6/23 22:53

Re: FedEx requiring signatures
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Please stop with the 9/11 hype. Many of us have done the research and know that 9/11 was an inside job designed to justify 2 wars while robbing us of our liberties. If YOU think signing for your packages works for YOU, by all means, go about your business. We'll decide what works for US and promise not to allow our personal choices to impact your life.

Posted on: 2013/6/23 22:47

Re: Steve Fulop joins Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

It really is sickening to see a public official show such ignorance when it comes to our 2nd Amendment

I wonder what these gun-grabbers would tell this store owner? ... shooting_in_36_hours.html

Posted on: 2013/6/23 22:38

Re: Jersey City gun violence leaves at least two dead, some dozen injured over week
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Stop & Frisk is a gross infringement of our 4th Amendment rights. I for one, will not tolerate my rights being violated in order to prop up the post-9/11 "security theatre" matrix and growing police state.

I simply have too much self respect to allow myself to be violated on this level.

Posted on: 2013/5/20 20:34

Re: Jersey City gun violence leaves at least two dead, some dozen injured over week
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Actually, there is no such thing as 'gun control'. There are only those who understand and protect our innate right to keep and bear arms and those who attempt to infringe those rights. Tomorrow, I'll be up in Albany rallying for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act.

If you take your rights seriously, please come join us.

Posted on: 2013/5/20 20:23




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