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Re: Downtown Jersey City businesses take on local farmers market


BeatrixKiddo wrote:

You keep bringing up Ibby's like they/he cured cancer, F$CK him and all his homophobic asshole staff.

Besides all that, Ibby's is feeling the pain because Gypsy Grille moved into the area with better, cheaper food and none of the 'tude.

Posted on: 2014/10/10 0:50

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant

Ugh! This just isn't a really constructive approach on her part; ranting at 3AM. Isn't it her job to work with the community to address the litter problem instead of working against them in such an adversarial fashion?

This approach will not get the desired results, unfortunately....

Posted on: 2014/9/15 19:58


Everytime I walk by this place it is closed. But Cocoa Bakery, a few blocks south of there on Grand is most definitely open. I ordered a cake from them this week and it was fantastic!

Totally worth the walk!

Hoping to try Cake Lush soon...

Posted on: 2013/10/14 23:38

Re: Gay marriage advocates lobby to override Christie's veto

I'm gay.
I'm a devout Catholic.
And my girlfriend and I dream of having our wedding in a Catholic church.

Our inspiration: the many activist feminist nuns who are at odds with the church hierarchy. Ever hear of liberation theology?

Being Catholic is more than cherry picking scripture for your convenience. And it is a lot more than blind obedience to a power structure that runs interference for pedophiles.

This situation, like many antiquated ideas and practices will be transformed.

Deal with it , Yvonne!

Posted on: 2013/9/17 23:48

Re: Sexually assaulted on Kennedy Blvd, 5:30pm

What's with all of this blaming-the-victim sexist B.S. on this thread?

I don't think that MariaElizabeth intended for her assault to continue in an online forum.

Obviously this has been a stressful experience for her and perhaps she didn't post in the most fantastic way.

But geeeeeeez!

Posted on: 2013/7/19 20:17

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?

Yes! Low pressure on 1st and Erie...

Posted on: 2013/7/14 11:18

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

I saw the most horrible thing yesterday afternoon at the corner of Grove and Columbus: A dog zoomed past me heading north on Grove, leash dangling from its neck and the owner in hot pursuit. The dog darted into the intersection and was hit by an east bound truck. I will never forget that awful sound of truck hitting dog and the screams of the owner. The dog eventually got up and continued to run west down Columbus with the owner still chasing. I doubt that it survived but you never know.

Even the most responsible dog owners can have bad luck. Why cheat fate and allow your dog to be purposely off leash? Setting aside the legal ramifications; it just isn't a very bright idea.

Posted on: 2013/7/10 16:42

Re: The Dopeness

We ate there last night and enjoyed it.

Great fish tacos and a veggie burrito all reasonably priced!

A great addition to the neighborhood.

Posted on: 2013/6/1 15:39

Re: Dan is still Dan

Candice is building a solid resume of community involvement but Dan is the better choice in terms of overall experience.

I feel completely comfortable voting for Fulop and Dan and I hope that they are both in the win column by the end of tomorrow night.

Posted on: 2013/5/14 3:11

Re: Healy on campaigns: 'they're all ugly'

You lost me at "He's held property taxes down"


Posted on: 2013/4/26 17:48

Re: Jersey City election 2013: Ward E candidate debate in Jersey City

This was a very informative debate!

Posted on: 2013/4/21 22:35

Re: Input about moving to JC

Have you considered Journal Square?

Posted on: 2013/4/17 13:53

Re: Orale Mexican Kitchen

I ate there over the weekend and it was fantastic! Such a great addition to Downtown.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 20:33




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