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Re: 2018 Property Tax payments: 3rd & 4th Quarter information

Yesterday a representative from the Tax Collector's office told me that they hope to mail the tax bills in two weeks - still a work in progress.

Posted on: 2018/8/22 13:31

Re: Reval - press request

Re: Reval - press request
by whonew on 2018/2/19 10:31:00

I live downtown and will be greatly and adversely affected by the tax revaluation. I would like to point out a few things: the worst part of this revaluation may be the opportunity for divisiveness and easy finger-pointing. My life here was not spent in a plot to deprive other parts of the city their due. Now it's time make the tax burden as fair as feasible. Secondly, if the revaluation had been completed a few years ago by the schlock company that got the bid, it would have been far messier. I have been impressed with the effort and communication by Appraisal Systems, Inc. Thirdly, I believe that Mayor Fulop, who inherited this very old problem, was trying to replace, if at all possible, the process that is dividing the city into "winners" and "losers", with a revaluation company or system that would be fair yet avoid or minimize division. No one, anywhere, wants to lose a home that they have worked hard for, and not everyone will become rich after forced-selling. Governor Christie stepped in to rush the revaluation process for, surprise, a political wallop. This perfect storm could have been avoided. Lastly, if the prior revaluation had been completed, it would not have included the recent increase in property value in areas of the city that are not downtown. Nicole, good luck with a complex topic. I look forward to reading your summary.

Posted on: 2018/2/19 15:39

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections

The senior freeze is worth looking into:

Posted on: 2017/12/7 14:21

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections

Here is the link for brewster from the updated 11/25 article on ... y_reval_will_continu.html

Posted on: 2017/11/28 15:17

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections

"City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said yesterday that the first round of new assessments may go out next month."

"When the state ordered the reval, it said the process must be completed by Nov. 1, 2017. Rijksen told The Jersey Journal that as long as the reval is implemented in the 2018 tax year, the city will be in compliance with the state's order."

Posted on: 2017/11/27 18:38

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections

It has occurred to me (yes, maybe I should already know this) that, given that the new assessments are supposed to be mailed out in stages until March 15, and that the first two tax bills of 2018 are based on the old assessments and tax rate, the final two tax bills of 2018 will bill not only at the new tax rate and assessment, but will also include the retroactive billing for the the first two quarters. For those with a significant tax increase, the retroactive portion added to the new bill could make for a very difficult second half of 2018, especially for long-time fixed income residents. Those who are not following closely should be made aware in order to prepare, especially if the new assessment arrives only in mid-March.

Posted on: 2017/11/3 15:21




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