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Re: Fulop and the ‘Fight for Fifteen’

K even thought this topic has nothing to do with JC per se (which is a pet peeve of mine) I thought I'd chime and and and state the obvious: HELLO NO ONE is forcing ANYONE to work at ANY minimum wage/fast food (or barely above minimum wage) job so if you aren't happy with what they pay JUST DON'T work there!!!!!!!!!!!! It's REALLY that simple because last time I checked the Gov't isn't putting a gun to ANYONES head and forcing ANYONE to get a crappy, thankless minimum wage (or barley above it) job at McDonald's!!!!

.....and for those who are gonna chime in about parents who have to provide for their child/children working at a minimum wage job and how that's next to impossible (which I don't dispute one bit) HELLO if you have a child/children to raise and can only find work at a minimum wage job all I can say is SHAME on you for making such a god awful horrific life decision and subjecting your innocent children to the terrible consequences of your god awful horrific life decision!!!

...for the record I'm not even a Republican (Libertarian)

Posted on: 2015/11/12 2:51

Re: Should tipping be eliminated at eateries?

And just what does this topic have to do with JC per se?!?!?!?!

Posted on: 2015/11/12 1:27

Re: Jersey City man robbed during first date with man he met online

Yeah Tony I'm sure he was beaming with pride having to explain to the officer that he met the perpetrator on a gay mans sex hook up site

Posted on: 2015/11/5 14:07

Re: Jersey City man robbed during first date with man he met online

I'll take the fact that the guy was using the website Grinder for $100 Alex!!!

Posted on: 2015/11/5 10:21

Re: Jersey City man robbed during first date with man he met online

Don't know which was worse for this guy, being robbed of a grand or having to explain the embarrassing details to the cops!!!

Posted on: 2015/11/5 3:02

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

Just to clarify some things:

1. I am certainly not proposing forbidding Indian women from wearing their traditional garb. This is America and obviously anyone can just about wear whatever they want!

2. Again I simply ask this: Would it NOT behoove them greatly to make an attempt to ingratiate themselves to the larger community at hand, to which they now reside in by simply just making a minimal effort to adapt to Western style? Is it NOT a fact that one the things that is a tremendous and constant source of pride in our country is that we're a self described "melting pot" where foreigners who now live here make every effort to adopt to our culture i.e. learning our language/dressing in a western manner etc

3. Sorry but their traditional Indian attire reminds me of scenes from the streets in a 3rd world country and who wants to be reminded of that on a daily basis HERE?!?! NOT me!!!

4. Imho in their donning the garb worn by 3rd world dwellers, that this unwillingness to assimilate directly contributes to the 3rd worldization of our community. (which I sincerely can't fathom how anyone would want or defend!!!)

5. I purposely omitted from my critique those who are proscribed by their religion to wear whatever it is they have to wear (devout female Muslims/Hasidic Jews/followers of Warren Jeb etc) tho I am certainly no fan of how they present themselves in public and find how their look to be highly disturbing and contributory to the 3rd worldization of America as well.

6. I do realize not all of India is 3rd world, but by and large the vast majority of that country is. (largely due to their massive population problem and caste system which condemns a sizable % of their population to virtually living in the gutters )

7. I lOVE their food and am OK with the wearing of their traditional garb in their restaurants :)

Posted on: 2015/9/27 21:19

Edited by MoloTov on 2015/9/27 21:42:18
Edited by MoloTov on 2015/9/27 21:43:38
Edited by MoloTov on 2015/9/27 21:43:38

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

Good one ianmac4!

Posted on: 2015/9/27 20:28

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

"I can't imagine the douchery that goes on inside the mind of the OP"

Well what I can't imagine is why any Indian female (or any foreigner m or f for the matter, excluding the elderly) who now permanently live here, wouldn't want to do ALL she could do to ingratiate herself into the larger American culture by adopting Western style (or at least make a minimal effort) as all other nationalities seem to do rather easily (notwithstanding religious freaks who wear what they wear for religious proposes)

HELLO one of the things that makes America great is that we're a melting pot or do you disagree with that!?!

Posted on: 2015/9/26 21:32

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

"These people tend not to assimilate well in JC either. Let's ban them"

1. Where did I say their choice of attire should be banned idiot?

2. And just why pray tell wouldn't people in Western professional attire such as that not be able to assimilate here?!?!

Posted on: 2015/9/26 21:18

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

Btw I do love their food!!!

Posted on: 2015/9/26 19:06

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

"the Indians are hardly anti intellectual"

I never said they where!!!

Posted on: 2015/9/26 18:56

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

"WTF does this nonsense have to do with JC?"

Because there's a large Indian population here, that's why idiot.

Posted on: 2015/9/26 18:54

Re: Indian females lack of assimilation

Fyi I actually think the entire Hasidic community is an abomination to humanity (just like Muslims who practice Sharia Law and Warren Jeb's Mormon followers as well...basically all anti intellectual/backwards fundamental religious sects that irresponsibly breed and instill religious dogma into their offspring from birth/destroy their ability to critically think/segregating them from the greater society which they live/eliminating the promise of the American dream for them)

The difference with Indians is that I don't believe their attire is mandated by their religion and is rather just a part of their cultural aesthetics/practical result of living in a hot climate)

Posted on: 2015/9/26 17:05

Indian females lack of assimilation

Why is it that a sizable segment of Indian females in JC refuses to assimilate and continues to dress in their traditional Indian garb as if their still living in India? Would it not behoove them tremendously to attempt to make at least a token effort to dress Western so as to ingratiate themselves to the country they ostensibly are citizens of now?!?!

I'm sorry but the way they dress reminds me of the 3rd world and in my view contributes to the 3rd worldification of America. HELLO you're no longer living in freakin downtown Calcutta (which you should thank god for!!!) so unless you're just visiting here for goodness sake could you please just make some kind of effort to incorporate elements of Western style into your everyday wardrobe? Is that asking to much?! HELLO we're a melting pot after all now get with the program already!!!!

....and don't even get me started on Muslim females in ninja gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I'm NOT a Republican/Trump supporter/Xenophobe/Uber patriotic America take it or leave it type

Posted on: 2015/9/26 16:01

Re: How will YOU help end homelessness in Hudson County?

As cold and controversial as I'm sure it will seem at first blush, after much serious contemplation I wholeheartedly believe that for both society and their own sake, that the most TRULY hopeless cases would better off being put out of their misery i.e. euthenized. Yes they should be given EVERY opportunity (access to mental health/job training etc) to improve their lives prior to doing that, but if they refuse or are wholly incapable of improving their lives then I see this as a humane/rational/logical alternative to simply turning a blind eye to their profound misery and letting them languish away in their miserable existence while at the same time burdening society (costs associated with their medical care due to no insurance, degradation of our community due to their public elimination, drunkenness, reduced quality of life by their disturbing presence in our community etc)

To reiterate this would be the LAST resort after giving them EVERY opportunity to improve their lives (thru governmental intervention) but it's a sad reality that their simply are HOPELESS cases that due to advanced age and/or irreversible diminished mental capacity and/or chronic addiction will NEVER EVER EVER be able to be saved and/or be able to in any form or fashion contribute anything positive to society (the old man who wears the dark trench coat comes to mind..once saw him masturbating on an apt stoop) and who would I TRULY believe would be better off being put out of such a wholly sad and miserable, hopeless existence, one that you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy, as in Imh (albeit admittedly extremely controversial) o, prolonged permanent misery such as that which is experienced by the MOST profoundly hopeless of hopeless cases, again for both their and society's sake would be better off being humanely euthanized (As cold as it sounds I do see this as a win win proposition) Sad but 100% TRUE so go ahead and refer to me as Hitler ALL you wan as I am simply trying to being logical/rational/REAL about such s profoundly sad/vexing/frustrating situation, and again this would be for only the most truly wholly HOPELESS cases that either refuse or are incapable of improving their lives circumstances thru gov't intervention (which would in fact be a small minority of all homeless people) because no one can dispute the fact that VAST majority of society turn a blind eye to their miserable existence/suffering ANYWAY and in their heart of hearts surely COULDN'T care less if/when they die in the streets anyway!!!!!!! (most in their heart of hears would probably be glad not to have to see/smell them again, though obviously SOME do NOT such as the person who started this thread and other like minded and or religious types)

Lastly the purpose of this post wasn't to be controversial for controversy's sake but rather to offer a (admittedly) radical solution to such a vexing problem as chronic homeless and the burden it places on society, as I'm a free thinker and an atheist so my thoughts are unburdened by religious dogma. I hope once you get past the shock of my proposition you see that my proposition is the result of logic/reason/practicality/ and in my view indeed HUMANNESS, and that I'm not a would be Stalin/Hitler who thinks that ALL homeless people should be killed!!!!!!!!!!

Posted on: 2015/9/19 21:57

Re: JC's signature projects that are stalled seemingly forever

Tommy figuratively can it with the "literallys" as what you stated would have been 100% perfectly unambiguously clear and understood without the employment of those wholly unnecessary "literallys"! Thanks.

Posted on: 2015/9/19 17:52

Re: Wayne Street Issues

There was no need to preface 50 yards with "literally" as who in their right mind would have thought you where speaking figuratively after all!

Posted on: 2012/8/21 17:09




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