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Re: End of AirBnB in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Not surprising, but the Airbnb spokesperson in this video is very misleading and alarmist. I recommend reading for yourself (starting at about page 175 [or search for "short-term"):Short-term Rental Ordinance

Posted on: 2019/5/6 14:14

Re: Unsecured Vacant Blighted Buildings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

No one seems to be able to help on this. The building has been vacant for at least 7 years, and the new owners (an LLC) have left it in the condition you see in my previous post since they bought it (or transferred to LLC) in March 2017, and in the condition below since removing the siding last week (no other work). According to the muni code, this is a fire hazard:

? 254-21. - Vacant or boarded structures.

[Added 9-8-1988 by Ord. No. C-807; amended 5-14-2014 by Ord. No. 14-045 ]

A. Any residential or commercial building or structure in the City of Jersey City remaining vacant or boarded for a period exceeding six (6) months shall be deemed a fire hazard and unsafe.

B. If any residential or commercial building or structure remains vacant or boarded for more than six (6) months, the Director of Housing Code Enforcement or his or her designee shall serve upon the owner, agent or person in control of the building or structure a written notice describing the building or structure and requiring the owner, agent or person in control of the building or the structure to abate this condition by taking one (1) of the following corrective measures within six (6) months of the date of written notification.

(1)Actual and legal occupancy of the building or structure, which occupancy shall be made only after obtaining a certificate of occupancy.

(2)Submission of a fully executed and binding contract of sale for the building, which contract shall contain a clause advising the prospective purchaser that occupancy must be achieved within six (6) months of the service of the written notice specified above.

(3)Demolition of the building or structure, upon obtaining the necessary demolition permit(s).

(4)Any other action required or necessary to render the building or structure safe and in a habitable condition.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2017/11/20 15:48

Re: Unsecured Vacant Blighted Buildings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Resized Image

Posted on: 2017/11/2 0:34

Unsecured Vacant Blighted Buildings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Problem getting vacant buildings secured in your neighborhood, too? This one's been unsecured for several weeks, and left in this condition for months with the current owner (years previously):

Posted on: 2017/11/1 16:01

Re: Replacing shut off valve on the water main line
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Gabe Ambrozia did this work for us. We had the meter and valve replaced because we rec'd a letter from United Water that we had to -- yes, he froze the pipe and then replaced the valve and meter (it was too risky to try to turn off our old valve, I think). I think he also got sign off from the city for replacing the meter so we didn't have to have United Water come out again.


ddm wrote:

BergenWood wrote:
For original poster:
We had the interior water value replaced in our old house for about $850 (6 years ago). The original cost we heard about was very, very high, and the process sounded scary (freezing the pipe as mentioned), but it ended up being pretty straightforward. Good luck!

Thanks for your response. Can you please elaborate on what exactly was done in your case? All plumbers I spoke to say we need to freeze the pipe and then replace the valve but none of them do it.

Just to clarify - the valve on the street side before the meter is not working and there is no shut off valve on the curb/street. Water company and city say there is nothing they can do but they will penalize me if I don't get the the meter changed.

Posted on: 2017/9/19 16:33

Re: Replacing shut off valve on the water main line
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

For original poster:
We had the interior water value replaced in our old house for about $850 (6 years ago). The original cost we heard about was very, very high, and the process sounded scary (freezing the pipe as mentioned), but it ended up being pretty straightforward. Good luck!

Posted on: 2017/9/14 14:36

Re: Illegal Fireworks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There were many more illegal fireworks going off in my Heights neighborhood yesterday. I know I can call the non-emergency police number or report via SeeClickFix, but could JC have an online reporting site dedicated to this issue around the 4th? (E.g., ... me-safe-around-fireworks/) Something else? I can't imagine how overwhelmed the police and fire departments are during this time of year.

It's one thing to set off ground-level fireworks, but fireworks launched into the air around a bunch of wood-framed houses (with children inside) really scares me: ... -spark-giant-bronx-blaze/

Not sure what else to do to protect my and my neighbors' property.

Posted on: 2017/7/5 14:55

Thanks, Jersey City Heights
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Glad I spent time and money to plant a tree in front of my house. Why? So I can pick up your garbage out of the tree pit every day. Extra happy that sometimes you throw your dog poop in there, too.

Today, I was really happy to come home and see that several branches were torn off of my young tree. (Maybe a large truck parked here, but still.)

Also happy -- every day -- to pull your garbage out of the front garden I maintain. Maybe it would be better for me to pull all the flowers and plants out, pave it, and put in an illegal driveway (like a neighbor a block away just did). That would solve storm runoff and parking problems, right?

(Sorry for the rant. But feels futile to try to make it a nicer block.)

Posted on: 2017/6/7 2:06

Re: Dog Shit
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I asked nicely, and the neighbor took care of it almost immediately, but didn't keep it up. I eventually got fed up and complained via They sent someone the next day, I think, and it's been better, but I think I'll have to call again. I cited a city ordinance in my complaint re: keeping yards clean.

Posted on: 2017/5/24 12:57

Re: Dear Person Stealing Tiny Flower Pots from Our Stoop...
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm sorry to hear this. Have anchored some things on my stoop (e.g., pumpkins) with Museum Gel. Doesn't make it so the item can't be removed, but attached enough to be a deterrent or at least slow someone down.

Posted on: 2017/5/15 14:33

Re: Gardeners in Jersey City, I have questions...
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


parkman wrote:

fikonj wrote:

MidwestTransplant wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestion for a grass / ground cover plant that would grow with minimal light?

We have some brown space under some of our back-yard trees that I'd like to cover up, but the minimal light makes it challenging.

Ajuga, aka bugleweed. Sweet woodruff.
In Van Vorst Park we also use Lamium, which has a beautiful leaf, purple flowers, and quickly spreads, and Liriope " John Burch, which is green/white variegated, and also has purple flowers. I would recommend Wayside Gardens, White Flower Farm, or Spring Hill as catalog sources.

I also like Hostas as a low-light ground cover (there are so many kinds!). They are also really easy and forgiving, I find, for beginners.

For something a little more evergreen, I think you could use Hellebores (Lenten rose). Not really ground cover per se, but lovely with flowers in late winter/early spring (they are also kind of expensive relative to other plants). Heuchera (coral bells) could also work - not truly evergreen, but their leaves stay (mostly) attractive throughout winter, and there are many different colors to choose from to brighten a shady spot. My Campanula (Birch Hybrid) and perennial Geraniums usually also look fairly OK for a good bit of our winters.

I have had great luck with Bluestone Perennials for mail order plants. There are also some terrific nurseries within reasonable driving distance if you want more instant gratification. Happy gardening!

Posted on: 2017/2/23 1:21

Re: Battle against the "Bayonne Box" in The Heights
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Doesn't seem to be much mention of green space (except as shown in the 3 non-BB examples from the original poster). I'm partial to planting, and am one of only about 3 houses on the block that has a planted rather than paved front yard, so imagine that I'm in the minority here, but do think it's important both aesthetically and functionally (e.g., managing run-off).

Posted on: 2016/11/29 14:09

Re: Security lines at EWR
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It depends on the terminal. Gates at terminal A usually only have one line open that is shared with premier and precheck folks. Lines at terminal C appear crowded but move pretty well in my experience, especially if they are using the dogs. (I fly out of EWR about every 2 weeks.) You can check the wait time at

Posted on: 2016/5/17 13:20

Re: Vacant Buildings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Additional info. about properties on the vacant properties list: ... StudyReport_6-18-2015.pdf

Posted on: 2015/9/15 18:58

Re: Building a Deck (hopefully : )...
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The sunroom/enclosed porch would be on the 1st floor, and a conversion of an existing mudroom I think (but probably make it a little larger - it's tiny!). Agreed that will need someone good to do the structural work properly. Any good leads very appreciated.

Posted on: 2015/9/15 12:28

Re: Building a Deck (hopefully : )...
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Looking for a contractor to do foundation (stucco) repair that's under steps to the backyard, and would like to add a small sunroom/glass enclosed porch while I'm at it. Saw that Family Landscaping (& Contractors) changed their name, but still the same contact (Alex). Any contractor work feedback for them? Any other recommendations? Thank you!!

Posted on: 2015/9/15 1:12

Re: Does Buildings delay out of town contractors more than local? 11 months - no permit.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The latest: the electrical inspector is now saying - after the latest inspection - that we are responsible to pull permits for work that was done prior to our owning the house. We know this is not the case, but I really can't believe that this has gotten even more out of hand.

How do we expect people to buy and improve homes here if all we get as responsible homeowners are hassles for trying to improve our homes?

Posted on: 2013/8/30 19:00

Re: Does Buildings delay out of town contractors more than local? 11 months - no permit.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Having a similar issue - hired an out of town (Bayonne) electrician, and the inspectors won't pass the work. The electricians have been back 3 times, corrected everything the inspector said (x3), then a new inspector was sent today re-inspecting everything, and says it's still not OK. Had an issue finding an electrician (that would pull permits) in the first place - a few said they wouldn't work in Jersey City because of the buildings department. Now I know why.

It is nearly impossible to get work done in JC. We are trying to do the right thing by pulling permits and are getting the run-around.

Posted on: 2013/8/26 19:09

Re: Jersey City Shootings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

"These are our homes and our streets and we fought for them."
From yesterday's NYT: Stalwart Citizens, Not Just Police Tactics, Deserve Credit as Crime Ebbs

Posted on: 2013/7/17 21:49

Re: white rooftops = lower cooling bills
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Just had ours done - it's life-changing (I don't call our 2nd floor "the inferno" anymore). We also added roof vents and insulation, so all together a huge difference.

Posted on: 2013/7/11 21:21

Re: installing washing machine in a pre-war apartment, feasible?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I had a portable washer/dryer combo that I loved, similar to this:
Haier All-In-One
It had a ventless dryer, and I rolled it to the kitchen sink when I needed to use it. I think it also had an option for a direct hook up.

Posted on: 2013/6/21 13:05

Replacing water main shut off valve - cost?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Has anyone had their water main valve replaced (that is, inside the house on the street side of the meter)? Who did you use to do the work? How much did it cost?

Posted on: 2013/6/4 21:54

Re: Best Part of The Heights
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I recommend walking distance from the Congress/9th St. light rail station (that also includes the southeastern-most part of Union City). There are lots of transportation options to NY (light rail to PATH, 123 & 119 buses, jitneys, etc.) and you can take the elevator to Hoboken for groceries - the Shop Rite is very close, and there's a cheese/wine store in the Monroe Arts building. There's also a farmer's market in Riverview-Fiske Park (~2 blocks south of the station) in the summer/fall, and Central Ave. has several small markets, bakeries, and delis.

If you're getting back from Manhattan late, the last bus leaves at 1:15 a.m. on weekdays and 1:45 a.m. on Saturday night. It's also an easy cab ride from the Hoboken PATH.

And if you like to walk, it's not unreasonable to walk to the waterfront/Washington St. in Hoboken from the neighborhood (I should mention that we walk a lot!).

Good luck!

Posted on: 2013/3/23 21:20

Re: Pedestrian access through Lincoln, Holland tunnels
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Jersey City: the beginning of the rest of America.

(See NYT article, 6th paragraph.)

Posted on: 2012/11/15 14:55

Re: Must eat places in the heights?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Also really miss the Lincoln Inn. Quite an experience.

Posted on: 2012/11/7 2:22

Re: Must eat places in the heights?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Los Tres Chilitos, Podewitz, Renato's, Gino's, and Rizzo's. And Goehrig's Bakery. Enjoy!

Posted on: 2012/11/7 2:20

Re: has anyone tried to get to / from JFK since Sandy?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

PM'd you.

Posted on: 2012/11/3 19:35

Re: Shades, drapes or window-tints work - any recommendation for contractors?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

We used the solar mesh roller shade from JCPenney for our very oversize windows in our last apartment. JCPenney has decorators, too, that do consultations if you have a bigger job.

Posted on: 2012/7/17 14:19

Re: Did all the guys who clean the storm grates get laid off?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You can make a service request to have the catchbasin cleaned here:

They seem to be pretty responsive - it took about 2-3 days for them to clean out our catchbasin after I made a request last fall.

Posted on: 2012/6/4 14:36

Re: 950 of 40,000 Jersey City properties are abandoned
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Couldn't find the full list, but here are a few: March 30 Abandoned Properties List

Posted on: 2012/5/9 14:17

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