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Re: Dan is still Dan

Bruno sure knows a lot about me. Weird! You're right - I live in a different ward. Even though you can't conceive that anyone has a different persepctive than you, I'll forgive your incredulity. Like it or not, I live here, work here, raise my kids here and pay property taxes here. Doesn't matter if you believe that or not.

Say, Bruno - what was it like when you worked for the school privatization cartel in Newark? Were you aware of the test score manipulation at Treat, or was your job to do some "reputation management" on that?

Probably doesn't matter. I guarantee you won't live here in ten years.

Posted on: 2013/3/13 18:26

Re: Dan is still Dan

And to be clear - I am not dans friend, have never met him, am not Candace's friend, have never met her. Few if any of you can claim such lack of bias.. Some of you even go as far as to PROClaim your friendship. Sure, no bias there.

Read my previous posts. I used to support Fulop. But I never got stars in my eyes at the prospect of being friends with a sitting mayor. Pretty sure there is a bad case of starf*ckery going around.

If your guy wins, get ready for disappointment when Jersey City looks much the same two years from now. Just with more vulture capitalists and privatization.

Posted on: 2013/3/13 18:16

Re: Dan is still Dan

So sorry to mince words. If I had said "select operative" would you still be disputing the website in front of your eyes? Prestigious national recognition doesn't qualify her as a seasoned political operative?

Candace Osbourne- select political operative for ward E.

Still waiting, as JPhurst said, for those qualifications, as opposed to all of this whining.

Posted on: 2013/3/13 18:04

Re: Dan is still Dan

Please do show me a post where I accused Osbourne of lack of experience. Show it to all of us. The ONLY post I've made about her is to refute that idea. You may want to bucket all Fulop detractors as some zombie monolith, but my post actually proves you wrong. Where, again, are the inconsistencies in MY posts? Oh, that's right - there are none. Nice try.

I'm no Healy cheerleader. I'm more interested in blowing up this absurd notion that Fulop is somehow more trustworthy. Just ask Fairview, or Sterling Waterman, or the hedge fund managers who want to privatize public schools by supporting friendly candidates like Fulop.

The eleven hardcore Fulop people on this board (including his communications manager who didn't reveal his identity until outed) sure do get bent out of shape.

Posted on: 2013/3/13 17:30

Re: Dan is still Dan

Ms. Osbourne's own website begs to disagree with you. Everything written there is designed to make her look like a seasoned political operative, because she is. Are you denying this?

Formed in 2010, C&S Strategies applies innovations in technology to politicians, not for profits, and small businesses. In the last year we've run our software in 10 elections and work with several political candidates, not for profits on an ongoing basis. We've been featured in the Wall Street Journal, online marketing magazine ClickZ and are proud to have received the Rising Star award from Campaigns and Elections Magazine.

Press Releases

June 7, 2011 Jersey City, NJ.

C&S Strategies founder, Candice Osborne, was named a Rising Star by Campaigns and Elections Magazine for her innovations in mobile and cloud based campaign technology to foster grass roots accountability and improve election day GOTV efforts.

"By taking the tools and concepts that the private sector views as common place and by incorporating those practices into campaigns, we are able to help political candidates better use their resources, and better target their voters," said Candice. "This is a nice honor from a prestigious organization that has recognized many national political leaders very early in their career. To be included on this list, especially as a non-partisan, is humbling to say the least."

One of the most prestigious honors in politics, the award goes to a select group of operatives age 35 and under who have an established track record of achievement in political consulting or advocacy and the promise to achieve greatness. Rising Stars were first recognized in 1988 and have gone on to serve in the highest levels of government and political consulting. Past honorees include David Axelrod, Donna Brazile, James Carville, Alex Castellanos, Rahm Emanuel, Ben Ginsberg, Ed Goeas, Mike Murphy, Bill McInturff, and George Stephanopoulos.

"C&S has been crucial in helping our team level the playing field and is a huge part of our campaign. This is a great and deserving recognition" said Jersey City Councilman Steven Fulop.

Posted on: 2013/3/13 16:15

Re: Dan is still Dan

All this stuff about Osbourne being a neophyte is off the mark. She is a highly seasoned political operative who paid her bills with money she earned working for Fulop, Booker and others. Her team is doing a great job of perpetuating this image of her, and it should come as no surprise. One of the main services she offers through her consultancy is "reputation management."

Posted on: 2013/3/13 15:33

Re: Extreme Right Winger On Healy Ticket

I think it's pretty telling that no one on this board has questioned Connors' credibility in making such a statement. Sure, there are plenty of Fulop supporters on this board who are 1) blinded by their allegiance and 2) wildly inexperienced did unknowledgable when it comes to JC politics, but EVERYONE knows Connors has no core. He just wants a job. That alone should cast doubt on Fulop's embrace of him, but apparently love is blind. What DOES Connors stand for? Just a few months ago he called Fulop unAmerican, but the political expediency behind his and Fulop's reversal and warm embrace seems to be imaginary here. How about his abstention during the school board vote - is that what Fulop and his supporters want? Someone who only takes a stand when it's enough of a sure thing? Despicable and disheartening. The Fulop-bots will spin this all away, for sure. But they know these nagging questions are real and that they have no answers.

Walker is looking better and better.

Posted on: 2013/3/13 13:33

Re: Liberty Academy Charter To Be Shut Down by State - Heights

Ah, yes. More know-nothing chatter from "reform" cheerleaders, who boil kids down to test scores. News flash: schools are not shoe stores hoping to meet their quarterly sales targets. I'd rather my children have a substantive, interdisciplinary education and fail these narrow and biased tests than meet such foolish expectations of what it means to be educated.

Posted on: 2013/3/1 13:16

Re: BOE emails - no there there?

Also,notice that none of you has anything to say about the actual substance of my comment. That is:

- The Fulop email dump is incomplete as evidenced by both the JJ and JCI. Meanwhile, Fulop claims to have shown all the cards. The record now proves otherwise. No response to that from you guys.

- asking about the Dwek money is immaterial to my point, which is that Steve Fulop does not walk the walk he claims to. I AGREE that the Dwek stuff is an albatross for Healy. I AGREE that there may be unresolved questions surrounding it. What I don't agree with is the way Fulop's army plug their ears and sing "la la la" when their guy is revealed to be equally questionable.

I'm a "newcomer" here by Healy's standards, but I don't think he meant people like me. I think he meant folks who show up here thinking that well-heeled financiers and hedge fund managers have the magic spell that will fix America's cities. You know, because they know better than people who have been here for generations.

Posted on: 2013/2/20 16:28

Re: BOE emails - no there there?

I've voted in every municipal election here since I moved to JC in 2002. I lived downtown for 6 years,then moved to another neighborhood. I get my bread at Pecraro and my mozz at Andrea. I am a playground parent and a member of my neighborhood association. You are wrong.

Posted on: 2013/2/20 16:17

Re: BOE emails - no there there?

According to both he JJ and JCI, the Fulop emal dump is incomplete and NOT because of Epps-related emails. I mean, come on - emails not included in the dump have already been revealed by Are you Fulop-bots so blinded your allegiance than you are now engaging in selective reading of the very words before you? It's sad - you just can't conceive that your golden god is not who he claims to be; it's understandable - no one likes to admit being suckered. NO, this is no an endorsement of Healy, and NO I don't work for his campaign (
Unlike some pseudonymous posters here who only reveal their skin in the game once forced to).

Those of you who say the only improvement in JC is because of newcomers are offensive. You prove exactly right all the suspicions people have about Fulop and his supporters when you make statements like this. And I am NOT a JC old timer - I've been here about 10 years.

And I won't be voting for Steve Fulop. He is deceptive, petulant, and a hypocrite. He cannot be trusted, and if he is elected mayor, it is a certainty that most of you cheerleaders will be saddled with either 1) buyers remorse, or 2) a patronage job offered so you keep your mouth shut.

Posted on: 2013/2/20 13:18

Re: Connors called Fulop “un-American” but now they are on the same ticket.

What a Joke. Fulop was one of Connors' biggest critics and vice versa. Not to mention Fulop's downright catty disdain for McCann, who is Connors' mentor.

This should give all the hardcore Fulop people serious pause for concern. You know, the folks who like to say that Steve is somehow different than everyone he criticizes. He is NO different. Go ahead and ask him to explain to you, without any pollyanish BS, how he can justify this kind of flip-flop after having been SO critical of Connors.

He can't. He won't.

Posted on: 2012/12/26 21:17

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

Wow, this thread sure did quiet down once webmaster blew up Crock/HCDeadO/40-other-users-being-the-same-one-person's spot. Since this slimy tactic represented the majority and most bellicose of the anti-Healy posturing here, perhaps seconded only by Fulop's campaign manager himself (who never disclosed his stake), the political talk here seems to have died considerably.

I guess we're to take it that the two guys fueling all of this stuff have been exposed. Empty pinata.

Posted on: 2012/10/26 21:00

Re: B4K coming to JC?

Want to know about B4K? In the 16th district they are backing a Tea Party Republican who voted against womens' health legislation, who is in lock step with Christie and Cerf's schools privatization agenda. Her name is Donna Simon. Who is Simon's competitor? A public school teacher.

That says something about the folks in JC who take their money.

Here is more: ... n-EduScammer-David-Tepper

Posted on: 2012/10/23 13:48

Re: Fulop Violating Pay-To-Play?

See, a reply like the one from T-Bird only confirms further for me what I wrote in my post above. The fact that this individual is so quick to write me off as JCFree is exactly the type of blind worship and denial I'm now seeing among Fulop's (slowly shrinking) circle of supporters. You still haven't responded to my points in any substantive way, at all. Point fingers, accuse this or that... this thread speaks for itself, and loudly. And you're not going to win any friends with that sort of hostility.

Not only that - it shows me that at least in this case, an ardent Fulop supporter is willing to call someone they don't know a liar in order to defend their man. I mean, I know I'm not JCFree, and that's good enough for me to feel even MORE sure about what I wrote above. But you, T-Bird, are simply wrong. And the fact is that there are lots of folks who now understand Fulop as the typical JC politician he is.

Again, thanks for confirming what I wrote above.

Posted on: 2012/9/20 2:09

Re: Fulop Violating Pay-To-Play?

I've only posted here once before. I hope that doesn't preclude the content of this reply from being read objectively.

First, I'll say I don't work for either candidate, nor have I ever volunteered or donated money to either candidate. I live here, am raising a family here, and work here.

In the over 10 years I have lived here, Steve Fulop always seemed like the answer to JC politics. As someone who did not grow up here but has come to love this city, I recognize the problems with corruption that have troubled Jersey City. And it always seemed like Steve might be able to overcome that, even if just for a little while.

But now, reading this, it's clear that he is not what he claims to be in terms of transparency and doing everything on the up-and-up. All you need to know is that line from the email about the secret meeting with Cerf, BOE people and those parents - the part that said "keep in confidence as always" As always? This is the guy who is going to save Jersey City?

It's also pretty clear now that his BOE takeover and volunteer army make him exactly the kind of machine politician he quickly dismisses, but only after they deny him the endorsements he requested. Its babyish and hypocritical.

The reaction here from ardent Fulop supporters smacks of denial. You can say what you want about Healy and some of it might be true - but you can't plug your ears and say "I can't hear you" when someone is providing dates, dollar amounts, etc. You don't want to think that Fulop could be anything but the man you've imagined. And I'm sure he is a good guy who wants to do good things as he sees them. But to have based so much of his politics on assailing this or that, and then to be demonstrably hypocritical on these exact same things... well, it's like I've seen this movie before, and I know how it ends.

So go ahead - tell me I'm JCFree's mom, or a paid troll, or whatever. You've got your mind made up. But your guy is just like all those he criticizes; you'll vote for him regardless, but at least admitting that to yourself might be a worthwhile exercise in intellectual responsibility. You know, as opposed to just being a groupie.

Posted on: 2012/9/20 1:00




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