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School District Map?

I'm a current resident of Harsimus Cove area, and really like my neighborhood. My son has been staying with my parents for a year now (messy divorce, was best at the time, etc.), and the goal here is to have him back with me for this upcoming school year.

I've been looking in Brooklyn, since there are some noteworth schools, but want to stay put if possible, because of all the little juicy advantages that we have (take that, hipsters!).

The problem that I've had, though, is figgering out what district an address is zoned for. So far, I've found that I'm zoned for a school that is farther away than two other schools, and I have not been able to find any kind of map to guide me (despite asking the Board of Ed, etc.).

Does anyone have a clue? I've heard that the Cordero school is good, does anyone else have experiences with elementary schools in the neighborhood?

Posted on: 2006/5/2 1:32




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