Re: loud noise
Okay it stopped right after I posted, but still curious.
Posted on: 2013/6/15 2:11
loud noise
There is a huge noise West of Hamilton Park, near the White Star. Does anyone know what it is? It seems to be coming from under the turnpike extension....
Posted on: 2013/6/15 2:10
Re: String of Break-Ins : Enos Jones/Hamilton Park Area
Is there a possibility that they got in through the back?
Posted on: 2012/7/8 4:03
Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
I got the same call last week, gave the same response, had the same regret. I thought it was an interesting study in how opinion surveys are conducted. The end question was (paraphrasing here)
So, if Spectra were to bring jobs and improve the economy of Jersey City, would you be in favor of the pipeline? To which I said no, and hung up. I wish I'd argued about the jobs and economy point, since I think the pipeline will do more damage than good in those regards, but it seemed like the voice on the the other line was a telemarketer so I don't think it would've made much of a difference.
Posted on: 2011/10/28 19:11
Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
The Pipe is a fantastic film! I urge everyone to see it!
Posted on: 2011/9/29 22:07
Re: short term rental needed
Sorry I just re-read the post, they would need it until end of October I guess... do you know their budget?
Posted on: 2011/9/12 17:59
Re: short term rental needed
How long would they need an apartment? Would NYC be an option? I have a friend with a 2 bedroom near Cooper Union looking for a short term sublet. Nice apartment, furnished - the only drawback would be the 6 floor walkup.
Posted on: 2011/9/12 17:56
Re: PSE&G wants us to buy new water heaters because of flood
Oh and the neighbor who called PSEG to light his water heater DOES have the worry free program and guess what - he's having a new water heater installed tomorrow - BTW installation is not free with that program, and you need to buy a permit...
Posted on: 2011/9/1 23:53
Re: PSE&G wants us to buy new water heaters because of flood
Thanks for the input. I think it could be a scam too. I might mention that the tag has no employee name or number, no violation number, no real information. It says only "post flood damage" and the line on the bottom "issued by" is not filled in.
The date is also incorrect.
Posted on: 2011/9/1 23:47
PSE&G wants us to buy new water heaters because of flood
Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else:
We are in a condo building with a few units. PSE&G is making us all buy new water heaters because there was a foot of water in the basement and the pilots went out - the water did not reach the controls, though. My neighbor called PSE&G to re-light his pilot, which they did not do. They slapped some kind of violation on all of the water heaters, even though most of us had dried them and re-lit them and they were working fine. Then they said we have to all buy new water heaters. Has this happened to anyone else, does anyone know what this is about?
Posted on: 2011/9/1 21:08
Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
This is very disturbing - a huge amount of water is used in fracking, mixed with chemicals, then needs to be disposed of. Here is a video from the BBC revealing radioactive wastewater being transported from PA and dumped into NY water systems, with no testing. This is happening with the moratorium in place, what will happen once it is lifted?
Posted on: 2011/7/4 0:58
Neighbor trapping cats
I am posting this so that neighbors with outdoor cats keep alert about a man trapping cats in the vicinity of the White Star on Pavonia Avenue. Also, people taking care of feral cats in the area should be concerned.
We feed cats in our backyard and often commented that a couple of them could be house cats, very friendly. Every once in a while, the population seems to disappear abruptly. One day we spotted a neighbor in his backyard with a trap and started getting nervous. We discussed this with a woman who does the trap neuter return work on the block, and she told us of rumor that this neighbor of ours was trapping cats and bringing them to Newark. She was upset because she had made sure the local cats were neutered, and had also gone to great lengths to feed them over the winter through heavy snowstorms. One of the cats had a big gash on its back and she had been giving it antibiotics in its food. Today my husband heard a cat screech loudly and looked out the window to see the man we suspected holding a trap with a cat in it. My husband ran downstairs to see the animal control truck driving away from this man's house. We have been told not to confront this man, as he is really bad news. We\'d stop feeding them, but my husband says there is one cat left, which we call Bootsy because she is black with white paws. She is really skiddish with people and other cats, and has been living in our yard for a couple of years. I'm afraid to stop feeding her, because she may go after the food in this guys trap. Is there a way to relocate a feral cat? How can we find out what animal control is doing with these cats? Do they get paid by the animal, is this some kind of money making scheme or just a really depraved individual? The cats don't really hang out in his backyard, they are in ours most of the time and we don't mind. Thanks for the suggestions and keep an eye on your outdoor cat! If your cat is missing today, call animal control!
Posted on: 2011/6/17 18:38