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Re: Jersey City Museum opens
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Not too shy to talk

Lack of transparency continues to plague museum...

"curated anonymously" is a worrisome turn of phrase since the collection has been reported missing or "uncatalogued".

Also, for all the financial mess at the museum the treasurer should speak to issues other than future curators.

There should be transparency about the financing, staff, program, mission...everything.

The reopening should have been a good thing, but the way it's come about shows clearly that the museum is in for a repeat of its past mistakes.

Don't open the doors unless you're ready to open up about what's going on. The way the museum was run failed. With more of the same it will fail again.

Posted on: 2012/7/6 14:08

Re: Hudson County’s most influential people - INCLUDES Jersey City List
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Not too shy to talk

This is a rambling, random list compiled with no sense of criteria. A mess of a report from the local PennySaver. Too sloppy to even make for a fun debate... and btw, congratulations hardly seem in order... it clearly wasn't exclusively a list of Positive Influencers.

Posted on: 2012/1/9 19:17

Re: Dames Coffee - Jersey Ave betw 3rd & 4th
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Not too shy to talk

What's with the directives on how to express opinions and to whom?

Posted on: 2011/12/21 16:56

Re: Dickinson area: Woman hits Chinese restaurant worker with metal post over request for salt..
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Not too shy to talk

It's possible this fat woman (based on the description) is addicted to salt and may have been experiencing withdrawal.
Salted Food is an addictive substance that stimulates opiate and dopamine receptors in the brain?s reward and pleasure center. She needed salt reallyreally badly.

Posted on: 2011/11/9 19:00

Re: should restuarants/bars/coffee shops be allowed to host live entertainment?
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Not too shy to talk

Being in favor of Live Music is as provocative as saying you like kittens. But, as pointed out, this is a city. Lots of issues, lots of opinions. The kitten question isn't so simple after all. Look at Liberty Humane.

As for the music, gee, it'd be nice. Maybe. Fact is you don't legislate for the holiday sing-a-long that happens once a year. DJs, live music, performance can spell disaster for a neighborhood, or enliven a downtown. Counting on sound level meters and enforcement is delusional. You're going to have to come up with a better plan than that.

Posted on: 2011/10/10 18:26

Re: should restuarants/bars/coffee shops be allowed to host live entertainment?
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Not too shy to talk

In business districts yes, in primarily residential areas no. Corner bars in residential neighborhoods become a nuisance quickly when entertainment is introduced.

Posted on: 2011/10/5 19:22

Re: Delenio's
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Not too shy to talk

Buttery crust on pizza? What does that even mean?


HamiltonParker wrote:
Love their thin, buttery crust pizza and the entire clan there is super friendly and accomodating. Delivery is quick too.

The Brocolli Raab appetizer is *killer* ~ sauteed brocolli raab, seasoned (homemade) bread cubes, canelini beans, sun dried tomatos and garlic, perfectly dressed with fine olive oil.

Posted on: 2011/9/19 20:49

Re: All quiet on the downtown front? As JC becomes more of a destination, some residents complain
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Not too shy to talk



chiefdahill wrote:
And this is how a thread ends

Posted on: 2011/9/15 13:35

Re: All quiet on the downtown front? As JC becomes more of a destination, some residents complain
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Not too shy to talk

I'm starting to get it. This is fun. It's kinda like playing 'Yo Mama'...

My favorite posts are along the lines of 'why do you want to make this crummy city better.' They own up to the dismal state of affairs and declare 'I like it like this!' The posts that just say 'move to the suburbs' aren't generally as clever, but they do punctuate the repartee. My least favorite are 'why don't you like our feeble efforts? we're so well meaning, and you're just mean.' Check that... my least favorite posts are my own. Not pithy enough and don't possess enough schoolyard brio. The whiny do-goers with no standards or ability to be self-critical at least embrace their point of view.... I'll try to do better.

Posted on: 2011/9/15 13:11

Re: All quiet on the downtown front? As JC becomes more of a destination, some residents complain
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I'd like to apologize for my comment about the middle-aged ladies hula-hooping. It has been pointed out to me that by describing the activity in such as manner it could have been interpreted as both ageist and sexist. I should have simply said 'hula-hoopers' or 'people hula-hooping.' However, I will not apologize for characterizing the furniture as shabby, since that is my opinion and the furniture has no feelings to hurt.

My initial question still stands. Is the issue really just noise? Or, are other factors in play with regard to the complaints about the activities in the plaza.

Personally, I'm in favor of the farmer's market and the Groove on Grove events. They seem well-organized and serve the community.

I've heard that some in favor of the weekly Friday night events have attempted to 'open a dialogue' with those that aren't so keen on the activities. But that isn't apparent in this thread. Banish me to the suburbs, call me unsympathetic to those throwing-up their creative expressions, but I really wonder: is this the best you can do? (Prizes to whomever challenges me to do better first.)

Posted on: 2011/9/14 18:54

Re: Grove Street Plaza-nonsense & noise vs community reward
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Not too shy to talk

You've won me over. Next Friday I'll spend more time with the hula-hoop ladies and lounge for a bit. (I'll be careful for those bed bugs, thanks for the heads-up.) Even though it looks like a dump, I haven't really given it a chance. It might be fun!


VA2015 wrote:

ReallyReally wrote:
Thanks, please join me in relaxing. I wasn't referring to the quarterly event. I was referring to the weekly Friday night event with the beat-up furniture and middle-aged women with hula-hoops.

So, which one of the bolded is ridiculous and which one is out of control? I vote 'out of control' for hula hoops (someone could lose an eye) and 'ridiculous' that public use furniture is not pristine (diseases! bed bugs! oh my!).

Posted on: 2011/9/13 18:13

Re: Grove Street Plaza-nonsense & noise vs community reward
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Thanks, please join me in relaxing. I wasn't referring to the quarterly event. I was referring to the weekly Friday night event with the beat-up furniture and middle-aged women with hula-hoops.


MikeyTBC wrote:
Maybe you should ReallyReally relax.

JC Fridays is a quarterly event held four times a year, on the first Friday of every season (March, June, September, December)

Posted on: 2011/9/13 16:17

Grove Street Plaza-nonsense & noise vs community reward
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Not too shy to talk

I haven't seen any discussion regarding the issues that have cropped up at Grove Street Plaza. Apparently some say noise is an issue, but is that really the only objection?

The bands had been playing for a while before this even came up. They always seemed well organized and professional. The farmers market seems like a real benefit too. However, the Friday night 'art' thing seems a bit ridiculous and out of control.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 14:17

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
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Not too shy to talk


dgarbato wrote:
I live across the street from the Ugly Grey House. I've been in this neighborhood for 16 years. I work at home and see everything that goes on night and day.

Evicting people due to violations is a common legal strategy to get an owner of a dilapidated property to sell----sans rents, the owner can't pay for repairs and can't pay the fines and must sell or go bankrupt. The same thing is happening w/the houses next to the park on Wayne. In that case, the people ARE a problem.

But the people in the Ugly Grey House were very quiet. Most of them are low income immigrants. I've heard all sorts of rumors about drugs and illegal gambling going on. But I've never seen anything--no cars pulling up at all hours or anything. The people never bothered anybody. I have no doubt the house was unsafe, but this stuff does not happen overnight--like, due to the recent storms.

I think the people being thrown out was really sad--I sat and watched as people were loaded into vans w/minimal posessions. Some of the little kids were crying. I didn't think they were given any warning. Many of them didn't speak English.

Again, I have no trouble believing the house wasn't livable. But at the same time, this is an excuse for yuppies to get rid of something that hurst their property values. In fact, the neighborhood associations have been talking about getting rid of those people for years.

To a less noticable degree, the same thing has happened with some private homes that were purchased in the 1970s. While the owners take reasonable care of them, they are not beautifully renovated show pieces. In these cases, the Historic Society gets on their case and says things like plants are too close to the fence---do people in $1.5 million homes every hear that? They, they slap on fines and even liens hoping they will sell.

I don't want drug dealers around here. But do we have to all be yuppies? I like that there is diversity and hard-working people who just may not own the latest model car and cell phone.

Thank you for talking about the people who suffered as a result of this unfortunate example of negligence! Is there any word on their health... to where they were relocated? The situation is heartbreaking.

Posted on: 2011/9/9 20:16

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Any word on the people who were relocated as a result of the dangerous conditions? Apparently they were living with the terrible conditions for years... were they given medical attention right away? Who picked up the tab on that? Hope they don't suffer long-term respiratory problems as a result of the negligence.

Posted on: 2011/9/2 17:05

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
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Not too shy to talk

The owner and management have other buildings like this?? This has the potential to be a class action if others have also been put at serious risk.

Posted on: 2011/9/2 14:22

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

If the mold and other safety issues have been ignored for all this time by both the owner and building management this also becomes a liability issue. Sounds like they were well aware of the problems, having repeatedly and insufficiently addressed them in the past. Have the residents suffered respiratory problems? This is a serious health issue.

Posted on: 2011/8/31 17:40

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Landmarking is a red herring. This is about kicking out people who've lived here 30+ years. No one thought twice about that building until fancy condos appeared.

Posted on: 2011/8/31 16:05

Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Once that 'unlivable' building is out of the way the new condos across the street should experience a boost in sales. There wouldn't be a connection between that and booting folks out of their homes who've lived there for 30+ years? Funny how the interest in building safety suddenly becomes an issue when it gets closer to pay-off time.... bet the new 'livable' building won't house the old tenants.

Posted on: 2011/8/31 13:59

Re: Tourist map of downtown?
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Not too shy to talk

best guide is NEW form JCIndependent

Posted on: 2011/2/25 19:20

Re: Victorias Restaurant on 3rd st and newark
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Not too shy to talk

Nice folks, wish them the best. Went a couple times, will go back. Only thing is the red sauce is kinda sweet... but does anyone around here make there own sauce. Jar, Jar, Jar.

Posted on: 2011/2/25 19:17

Re: From "OX" to "BOX"
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Big thumbs up. Got delivery twice, both times aces. Hope the quality stays high... some places have slipped

Posted on: 2011/2/25 19:13




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