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Sick of sidewalk bike riders, Central ave.
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Not too shy to talk

Part of the reason are the sloped corners that allow for wheelchair access. Not that these are bad - for intended purposes - but it makes bike riding on the sidewalk too easy! These idiots fly along Central ave. on their bikes... on the SIDEWALK! Bicyclists cannot obey the rules of the road when they're on the sidewalk. Enough is enough!

Anyway, as of today there's now legal precedent for prosecution. Below is a manslaughter case involving a bike rider in San Fran. And the rider was not even on the sidewalk. "First of it's kind" it's called. ... isco-cyclist-manslaughter

Lets not have a senior or anyone else killed by these fools! The city is on notice of the danger.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 13:20
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Re: Election results
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brewster wrote:

HPYC wrote:
Man, 28.13% is pretty anemic turnout, especially on a sunny day. What's turnout going to be like for any run-offs?

Worse. But will the Healy camp have the money and drive to work for it this time without the prospect of their fearless leader sitting in the big chair?

If by "big chair" you mean Healy's porch and by "fearless" you mean Healy naked - then yes, yes they will!

Posted on: 2013/5/15 14:13
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Re: Election results
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Not too shy to talk

when does new mayor take over?

Posted on: 2013/5/15 1:31
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Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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Not too shy to talk


JerseyCityFrankie wrote:
Plans for the future of this area are of little concern to people like me that have to look at the shockingly deteriorated PATH plaza area every day. Shame on every elected official that has any decision making authority for this part of town. Presumably taxes are paid here, so where is the revenue going? Certainly it isn't going into any sort of maintenance here. How is it possible the city could ignore this place for as long as they have? Couldn't they just spend a little money on trash removal? Couldn't a bit of attention be spared for the appearance of what is here right now, and not spending all their time imagining how it COULD look ten years from now? I understand there WERE plans for construction to have taken place and this construction was placed on hold. But YEARS have past since then and NOTHING has happened in this area this whole time. where is the plan for what is here RIGHT NOW?

Aren't unions great?

Wonder Bread or Twinkies anyone...?

Posted on: 2012/11/29 17:52
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Property values in the Heights (post Sandy)
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Not too shy to talk

With Hoboken and low lying parts of JC seeing such flooding, I've been wondering what will the effect be on Heights real estate? Mostly Hoboken really, kinda refreshing to see the wind taken out of their bloated $property value$ sails.

Any thoughts? Will Heights see a boom...being 100 ft above sea level and all? The global warming 'alarmists' will be trumpeting Sandy as "things to come", so who will benefit?

Please, only thought-out responses. No silliness because you're butt-hurt over my tone or content.

Posted on: 2012/11/25 8:36

Edited by brosjch on 2012/11/25 8:53:30
Edited by brosjch on 2012/11/25 8:54:07
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Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Why don't the homeless go to where the shelters ARE then? That's the most logical solution, no? Another city, another state? If they're homeless then there's not much holding them in JC.

Posted on: 2012/11/5 10:11
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Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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Not too shy to talk

Gawd I hope they lay'd off all those 99lb and/or five-foot-nothing females!!! I'm sure nothing gives a criminal a good chuckle like one of these politically correct hires.

Posted on: 2011/1/3 7:09
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Re: The Blizzard of '10 Awards
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Not too shy to talk

I love these people worrying about a guy on vacation - you do know vacations are set months in advance right?

What they're REALLY worried about is the guy is going to ruin their gravy-train. At the very least he's spotlighting the fact that - for some reason - state employees in NJ seem to have hit some sort of "lottery" at the expense of the rest of us.

Ok, let's hear the whines about the "poor children" now. And the selfless "educators"... who happen to drive $60k+ vehicles.

Don't worry about "Where's Chris Christie?" worry about where the states $$ is being flushed!!!!!!!!!

Posted on: 2011/1/2 19:18
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Re: 1970s Child Murder in Pershing Field (anyone recall?)
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Not too shy to talk

Thank you much for the link!

Desperation must be setting in at the Times, $4 to view an article online? lol Thats not going to fly, the end is near for newpapers I fear. How will people wrap potato peelings, eat crawfish, cover a wetspot or line a birdcage anymore.

Anyone have the actual story? I guess I can phone the library but you know exactly what they'll say "you'll have to come in sir" lol They'll prob want .05 cents or something trivial.

The biggest loser... The New York Times... those clowns think people are going pay for web articles? Wonder if they're chasing people down for copyright infringements yet? I guess lawyers have to eat too or they'll die or something. boohoo

"You haven't paid for that text, how dare you post our words on your webpage!!!!"

LOL thanks again!!!

Articles please?

Posted on: 2010/12/31 6:29
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Re: Movies filmed in Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

i failed

Posted on: 2010/12/31 4:42
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Re: Greenville: Man calls police to say he was high on PCP and about to rob Capital One Bank on Lembeck
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Not too shy to talk

He should have told the cops he was one of those vikings from the commercial - maybe the kid with the beard - and was going to longboat it into the bank 4teh pillage.

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Yahhhhh banking!!!

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Posted on: 2010/12/30 15:49

1970s Child Murder in Pershing Field (anyone recall?)
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Not too shy to talk

When I was a kiddie in the mid-70s, some detectives came around, showing a pic a horribly beaten boy (about 10 years old). The kid - a twin - was found beaten to death - the night before - in Pershing Field. I've not been able to find anything on the web about this killing, it has recently come back to mind.

I tried doing some lite Google for details. No luck.

Does anyone remember this? The kid wound up being identified by a girl in the neighborhood (at that point we all knew who he was). That's all I can recall. I don't remember there being much talk about it afterwards, at least not from my parents and not in my presence.

Posted on: 2010/12/30 15:28

Re: Need a live-in handy super for a building
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Not too shy to talk

Which neighborhood?

Posted on: 2010/12/30 14:53

Re: Movies filmed in Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

"Saturday Night Fever"

I have not found this listed anywhere but I'd swear the "White Castle"... is the one on Blvd and Newark ave.

Both the interior (yea, I remember it back when) and the exterior.

Posted on: 2010/12/30 14:49

Re: Jersey City's White Mana to face Hackensack's White Manna on 'Food Feuds' (tonight 11/04)
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Not too shy to talk

I think Mana in JC is a dump!

One of those places that's absolutely the last choice. They take zero pride in anything they do over there. Their griddle is always filthy and crusted with blackened cheese that they failed to remove at cook time. The onions they used are the reconstituted type that swim in water that washes away any flavor they MAY have had. The burger meat always appears grey, sweaty and unrefrigerated.

It's just a depressing, flavorless, bland experience and I can't see anyone mistaking it for the Hackensack one... or even preferring it for that matter.

Look at the line of folks waiting to get into Hackensack and the sound of crickets and drunks that define JC! Hell, JC don't even let people stay and eat during week-end overnights anymore (to-go orders only!) . That's because of the drunks, we all know how picky and refined the tastes of drunks can be and what good company they are.

Even the cops don't go in there any longer since it changed owners, they used to live in there. Keep in mind this coming from someone who lived his whole life in the Heights! so hah

Posted on: 2010/12/30 13:34




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