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Re: Opportunity for Mcnair to Receive half a million dollars


alanwright wrote:

I'm glad to see McNair is producing graduates with such passion.

I read the blog when I posted, and I read it again since. I am also pleased that you noted McNair's great success there as well:

Some last statistics for you: in each graduating class, 99% of the students go to college, 100% of students pass the HSPA examination required of all juniors, and SAT scores consistently exceed the national average.

It's undeniable: McNair is a great school.

As your blog post demonstrates, you have ample skills in technology and computing, reasoning, argument, civility, etc. Your blog also shows you are going to Cornell. I wish you many congratulations on your success. I also congratulate you for posting under your own name and identity. This website is peopled by too many anonymous, sniping bozos.

However, I will say definitively that your read of my post is incorrect. I feel neither bitterness nor hostility towards McNair or any public school. I feel plenty cool and civil in saying so. I am not proposing a philosophy about how best to burn money. I am simply countering the "need" for McNair to succeed in the Kohl's contest, when it clearly succeeds without it.

Put simply, the resource/ material problems you describe at McNair are neither surprising nor special. Every school, and especially urban schools, suffer with that burden. Unfortunately, belt-tightening has resulted in proposed cuts for academic and extracurricular programs nationwide. Again, McNair does not stand out in that way. Teacher-layoffs are hitting school budgets statewide in NJ. This should not come as a surprise, because it has been in the news.

As to the contest, if you see the leaderboard ( ), McNair currently has about 5000 votes on the contest. It is the only JC school which could even come close to winning. (Oddly, it's 42nd in the nation on that list as well.) Ferris and Lincoln have 11.

The problem is obvious: the contest rewards schools which have connected, internet-savvy graduates (such as McNair, etc). It does this because Kohls has an interest in attracting and data-mining such web-savvy alumni and their connections.

If you look at the leading schools, I suspect you will find the least-deserving.

What do you define as deserving?

Posted on: 2010/8/11 3:24

Re: Montgomery Gardens in Jersey City is slated to be transformed into low-density - mixed-income


Xerxes wrote:
Not that it would be fair but I have always mused on what might happen to one of these so called "high rise warehouses" if the apartments were GIVEN to the residents as cooperators. I suspect that overnight most would be spiffied up, many would be sold, hallways would be papered, elevators would be fixed, and landscaping would become lovely overnight.

Remember, a building is usually turned into a slum because it is owned by a SLUMLORD. In the case of Montgomery Towers, the slumlords are Jersey City, HUD, and NJHMFA. It becomes dangerous becasue the police are too lazy to do their jobs.

It is institutionalized racism.

Tearing down a solidly built high-rise is just insane. The buildings are as substantial as The Beacon and could be converted into housing as valuable as Stuyvesant Town or Peter Cooper...but for the fact that the city, and the developers (same thing really) want to get rid of the people living there. Developers only get their hands on tax money by tearing down or rebuilding.

Jersey City should shake some sense into is NOT like Upper Saddle River or Bernardsville but rather much closer to Camden and Newark, both of whom are trying to get rid of their poor...probably to Jersey City. The way to get rid of the poor is to establish a rational government whose goal is something other than to divide society into a plutocracy and the rest of us.

Is anything more arrogant than somebody with chump change like $200,000 looking down on someone with $10,000 or less while there are those accumulating BILLIONS just sitting on their asses laughing at the waste of energy and misdirected ire.

Just remember, their were poor families living in Montgomery Towers LONG before some wanna-be's who cannot afford Manhattan decided to move into the Beacon and scorn "those people" living next door.

You still have not asserted where the racism took place.

Posted on: 2010/8/11 0:58

Re: the jersey journal is too PC


trambone wrote:

MetIncome wrote:

T-Bird wrote:

trambone wrote:
I'm going to take a guess. Its the damn Cincinnati Reds! I see way too many damn caps for this stupid team in this area. Its gang paraphernalia and if your wearing one you should be searched.

That is so funny you say that - just a day or two ago it dawned on me that I see a lot of Reds caps around here. Now, they are having a decent year and might make the playoffs, but it's not like they've been great for years and would have a huge bandwagon following. Is it definitely gang?

Could symbolize the Bloods?

1. Yes they will make the playoffs. Probably get the division.

2. I'm pretty sure its Bloods

3. Stores like LIDS should be looked at for supporting Gang.

4. The JJ does a disservice to the public and its staff by protecting criminals.

3. So LIDS is supposed to not sell hats to people that want to buy them?

Posted on: 2010/8/7 21:11

Re: the jersey journal is too PC


T-Bird wrote:

trambone wrote:
I'm going to take a guess. Its the damn Cincinnati Reds! I see way too many damn caps for this stupid team in this area. Its gang paraphernalia and if your wearing one you should be searched.

That is so funny you say that - just a day or two ago it dawned on me that I see a lot of Reds caps around here. Now, they are having a decent year and might make the playoffs, but it's not like they've been great for years and would have a huge bandwagon following. Is it definitely gang?

Could symbolize the Bloods?

Posted on: 2010/8/7 18:58

Re: Opportunity for Mcnair to Receive half a million dollars


jsqfunk wrote:
It does not change the fact that some kids are getting in because of their race, and some kids are not getting in because of their race.

However, given the shambles of JC public schools I will trade one bit of soft-headed do-gooder junk for a serious competitive school that cranks out kids ready to compete with the best in the world.

Right. What about the children that are tremendously talented but are denied entry because of something as arbitrary as the color of their skin? What does THAT teach children?

Instead of ignoring race, we are highlighting it.

Posted on: 2010/8/6 1:36

Re: Vilification of public safety


The free market cannot place a value on public sector pay, and obviously the public sector is too easy to manipulate with

Why not?

Posted on: 2010/8/6 0:26

Re: More Crime at MG


Hospitality1 wrote:
communities dont raise children, parents raise children. The community needs to be a safety net providing education and social services.

I guess my point is that education and social services are really insignificant in relation to how the child is raised. Correcting child abuse or neglect takes years of intentional work. It's much more efficient to focus on parenting - it's the prevention instead of the cure.

Posted on: 2010/8/5 2:43

Re: Jersey City NAACP branch has withered under its current president, Kabili Tayari:

I don't see why that's a bad thing?

Posted on: 2010/8/5 1:42

Re: More Crime at MG

What can the community do besides raising children better?

Posted on: 2010/8/5 1:22

Re: Graffiti

Graffiti artists are sad. They don't feel their work is good enough to be bought voluntarily, so they must force it on other people.

Posted on: 2010/8/4 0:03

Re: Downtown: Debit Card Fraud at Chase Bank


fat-ass-bike wrote:
Nothing new here, retrenched white collar workers resorting to white collar crime.............they too have bills to pay!

Bank tellers don't make much. Not justifying fraud and theft, but just sayin.

Posted on: 2010/8/3 23:33

Re: Graffiti


fat-ass-bike wrote:
Payback time for graffitists.

Get a balloon filled with paint then once the culprit is located, bomb their house, car, bike and any other personal items they own.............even if they live at home, the parents cop it for being crap parents and not instilling the basic values of society in their kids.
Don't have kids if you don't want to be accountable for them !

Eye for an eye? Really?

When you get sick would you like your doctor to let your blood out, too?

Posted on: 2010/8/3 23:29

Re: Vilification of public safety

Everyone needs to take a hit due to the budgetary woes. Including the police and fire dept.

Posted on: 2010/8/1 4:23

Re: Vilification of public safety


trambone wrote:
Police aren't overpaid. If you pay them less it encourages them to be corrupt and accept bribes. Hopefully the higher salary makes it not necessary to listen to offers to do illegal actions.

You don't pay people more so they don't engage in fraud. You do your best to hire ethical people who wouldn't engage in fraud in the first place.

Posted on: 2010/7/31 18:58

Re: Vilification of public safety


SICULO wrote:

brewster wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:

brewster wrote:

JerseyOfficer wrote:
No one is arguing about being underpaid.

Your post says it half a dozen times.

You've exposed the real problem. Most cops just aren't that bright.

True, if they were they couldn't take the boredom of the job. It's really not as exciting as TV.

My favorite part of his response is the "you got problem with our pay, take the test". Classic aggressive response to the citizen who is his employer questioning his complaining about what he admits is adequate compensation. By that logic only other cops can question his pay package. Note, I didn't even say they're overpaid, all I said is stop the bitching.

The nxt time you have a bunch of thugs ready to pounce on you, dont call the cops, just call a few scholars........

So those are the only two options? Accept the cops compensation or don't call the cops?

Posted on: 2010/7/30 1:31



heights wrote:

Whats_on wrote:

heights wrote:
What as a souvenir ? By the way which is "their" country here... or there ? And while we're at the subject at hand why rule out anything suspect.

Are you looking for a geography lesson? For some reason I assumed xenophobia came along with a basic knowledge of the map. Well, I have a lot to learn myself.

No I am well aware of their origin, and yes a learning curve would enhance you preception of things. It is the people themselves and their backwood culture that creates a pattern that seems to be swaying towards unsanitary health practices. Such as food handling, hand washing, lice, surroundings, communications, legal matters, the list goes on. It?s pretty obvious since 911 with the abundance and forgiveness of these ?invaders? it is becoming more difficult to gain trust of their intentions. Remember they are guests here on our American soil and the welcome wagon has to be earned.

What is a backwood culture?

What is an invader?

What soil is yours and why?

Posted on: 2010/7/30 1:29




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